Delia's Classic Christmas: Special occasion suppers (2024)

In the final part of our brilliant series, Delia shares some of her most popular recipes for foolproof Christmas entertaining.

With classics such as her fillet of beef in pastry and salmon with champagne sauce, they'll turn any meal into a special occasion your guests will always remember...

Delia shares some of her most popular recipes for foolproof Christmas entertaining


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This is an update of an old personal favourite of mine. It's easy to prepare and is equally good served cold on a buffet table — I've even taken it on a picnic!

Its other virtue is that it can be prepared well in advance and just popped in the oven when you're ready.

I've also included a horseradish sauce recipe, if you want to serve it cold.

This is an update of an old personal favourite of mine. It's easy to prepare and is equally good served cold on a buffet table

Serves 6

  • 800g (1lb 12oz) middle cut or thick end fillet steak in one piece
  • 300g (10½oz) ready-made all-butter puff pastry
  • 15g (½oz) dried porcini mushrooms
  • 1 large onion
  • 325g (11½oz) dark-gilled open-cap mushrooms
  • 40g (1½oz) butter
  • Whole nutmeg
  • 1 tsp of beef dripping or groundnut oil
  • A little brandy
  • A little flour, for rolling
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Seasoning

For the red wine sauce

  • 275ml (9½fl oz) full-bodied red wine horseradish, creme fraiche & mustard sauce (optional)
  • 4 rounded tbsp hot horseradish sauce
  • 2 heaped tbsp creme fraiche
  • 2 dsp grain mustard (To make the sauce, simply mix these ingredients together and put them into a serving bowl)

You will also need a heavy baking sheet, lightly greased, a saucepan and a frying pan Begin by making the filling well ahead — it needs to be chilled before you use it.

Soak the porcini in boiling water for 20 minutes and while that's happening chop up the onion and open-cap mushrooms as finely as possible (if you have a food processor you can do this in moments; if not use a very sharp knife and chop them minutely small).

When the porcini have had their 20 minutes, squeeze out all the excess liquid (and reserve it for later), then chop them small as well.

Now, in a medium saucepan, melt the butter and stir in the onions and mushrooms to get a good buttery coating, then season and add a few gratings of fresh nutmeg. What you need to do now is turn the heat to its lowest setting and cook, uncovered, allowing the juices to evaporate slowly. This will take about 35 minutes altogether — stir from time to time and what you should end up with is a lovely concentrated mixture with no liquid left.

Spoon the mixture into a bowl, cool and chill in the fridge. Now season the beef well, then heat the dripping in a frying pan over a high heat. When it is smoking hot, add the beef and brown it on all sides (using a cloth to protect your hands as you turn it).

The browning will take about five minutes or so, then remove it to a plate and brush it all over with brandy, then leave it on one side to cool.

Now, with the frying pan still on the heat, add the reserved mushroom soaking liquid and let it bubble and reduce a bit, then add the red wine, a heaped tablespoon of the mushroom mixture and some seasoning.

Reduce the heat and let it all simmer and reduce by about a third, then take it off the heat and reserve till you need it.

When both the mushrooms and beef have cooled, roll the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle approximately 35cm x 25cm (14in x 10in). Trim the edges (keep the trimmings for decoration), then spread one-third of the mushroom mixture over the centre, just large enough for the beef to sit on, then place the fillet on top and cover with the remaining mushroom mixture and pat it down round the beef into a good shape.

Now brush the edges of the pastry with beaten egg and wrap the pastry like a parcel around the meat. I f necessary brush the edges at each end with a little more egg before folding them in.

Now turn it over so the seal is underneath and use any trimmings to make pastry leaves for decoration. Place it on a plate and cover and chill in the fridge till needed.

When you're ready to cook the beef, preheat the oven to 230c/gas 8. Place the beef parcel on a greased baking sheet and brush the pastry all over with beaten egg.

Bake for 35 minutes for medium rare beef, or 5 minutes less for rare, and 5 minutes more for well done.

When it comes out of the oven, warm the sauce while you rest the beef for 10 minutes before serving it cut into six thick slices. Alternatively, cool it completely, chill and serve cold as part of a buffet with the horseradish, creme fraiche and mustard sauce.


Well, it doesn't have to be the real thing - a sparkling Saumur would be good - but either way it has a celebratory edge.

Serves 6

  • 6 middle-cut skinless salmon fillets, each weighing approx 150g (5½oz)
  • 275ml (9½fl oz) champagne
  • 20g (¾oz) butter, plus a little extra for greasing
  • 2 medium shallots, finely chopped
  • 20g (¾oz) plain flour
  • 200ml (7fl oz) double cream
  • 1 x 50g jar salmon caviar, to garnish
  • A few sprigs of fresh dill, to garnish
  • Seasoning

You'll also need a large, lidded deep frying pan with a diameter of 25cm (10in) to hold the salmon fillets in one layer.

First of all, smear a little butter over the base of the frying pan, then arrange the fillets in it. Now slowly pour the champagne over the salmon (it will foam quite a lot, but not to worry), then bring it to a simmer over a medium heat.

Next spoon the champagne over the top of the fillets before putting the lid on. Then gently poach the salmon for about 8-10 minutes. The tip of a knife inserted into the thickest part will show if it is cooked when you just ease the flesh back.

While the salmon is poaching, melt the butter in a medium saucepan and cook the shallots over a gentle heat for five to six minutes, until softened and golden but not browned. When the salmon is cooked, carefully lift the fillets on to a warmed dish (reserve the poaching liquid), cover them with foil and keep warm.

Next, add the flour to the buttery shallot juices, stir it in and cook for one or two minutes more. Now gradually add the salmon poaching liquid to the pan, a little at a time, then blend in the double cream, whisking until the sauce is smooth.

Let it come to a simmer and cook for one to two minutes, then taste and add some seasoning. Serve the salmon fillets on warmed plates with a little of the sauce spooned over, a teaspoon of salmon caviar and a sprig of dill on top, and hand the rest of the sauce around in a warmed jug.

I think steamed Anya potatoes tossed in butter and chives are a nice accompaniment, and perhaps a green salad with plenty of cucumber and a lemony dressing.


This is such a lovely soup. The sweetness of the parsnips is sharpened by the presence of the apple, and the subtle flavour of the spices comes through beautifully.

If you're entertaining, the soup can be enhanced by some crunchy parsnip crisps sprinkled over as a garnish (see below).

The sweetness of the parsnips is sharpened by the presence of the apple, and the subtle flavour of the spices comes through beautifully

Serves 6

  • 700g (1lb 8oz) young parsnips
  • 40g (1½oz) butter
  • 1 tbsp groundnut oil
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1.2 litres (2 pints) good flavoured stock (see below)
  • 1 medium Bramley apple (175g/6oz)
  • 1 heaped tsp coriander seeds
  • 1 heaped tsp cumin seeds
  • 6 whole cardamom pods, seeds only
  • 1 heaped tsp turmeric
  • 1 heaped tsp ground ginger
  • Salt and freshly milled black pepper

You will also need a large saucepan of about 3.5 litre (6 pint) capacity.

Begin by heating a small frying pan and dry-roasting the coriander, cumin and cardamom seeds — this is to toast them and draw out their flavour.

After two to three minutes they will change colour and start to jump in the pan. Remove them from the pan and crush them finely with a pestle and mortar.

Next heat the butter and oil in a saucepan until the butter begins to foam, then add the onions and gently soften for about five minutes before adding the garlic. Let that cook along with the onions for another two minutes, then add all the crushed spices along with the turmeric and ginger, stir and let it all continue to cook gently for a few more minutes while you peel and chop the parsnips into 2.5cm (l in) dice.

Add the parsnips to the saucepan, stirring well, then pour in the stock, add some seasoning and let the soup simmer as gently as possible for one hour without putting on a lid.

After that remove it from the heat, then liquidise it if possible; if not, use a food processor and then a sieve — or even just a sieve, squashing the ingredients through using the bowl of a ladle. After the soup has been pureed, return it to the saucepan, taste to check the seasoning, then when you're ready to serve re-heat very gently.

While that's happening, peel the apple, and as the soup just reaches simmering point grate the apple into it. Be careful to let the soup barely simmer for only 3-4 minutes. Serve in hot soup bowls garnished with parsnip crisps (see below).


  • 1 medium to large parsnip 275-350g (10-12oz)
  • 6 tbsp groundnut oil
  • Salt

You will also need a 10in (25cm) frying pan.

First peel the parsnip and then slice it into rounds as thinly as you possibly can, using a sharp knife.

Now heat the oil in the pan until it is very hot, almost smoking, then fry the parsnip slices in batches until they are golden brown, about 2-3 minutes (they will not stay flat or colour evenly but will twist into lovely shapes).

As they're cooked remove them with a slotted spoon and spread them out on kitchen paper to drain. Sprinkle lightly with salt. I f you like you can make these in advance, as they will stay crisp for a couple of hours.


  • 1 stick of celery, cut in half and split lengthways
  • 2 small carrots, split in half lengthways
  • 2 small onions, sliced 2 bay leaves
  • 12 black peppercorns
  • 1 small bunch of parsley stalks and celery leaves
  • Salt
  • 570-850ml (1-1½ pints) cold water

Simply place all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover it with a lid, bring everything to the boil, and boil briskly for 30 minutes. After that strain, discarding the vegetables, and the stock is ready for use.

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In the original recipe for this dish a brace of pheasants were cut up into portions, but that is quite a bit of work.

So we've found it easier to cook the pheasants whole and carve them before serving.

It is easier to cook the pheasants whole and carve them before serving

Serves 4

  • 1 brace of pheasants weighing about 700g (1lb 8oz) each
  • 25g (1oz) butter
  • 1 tbsp groundnut oil
  • 200g (7oz) dry-cured lardons
  • 450g (1lb) shallots, peeled
  • 1 medium whole carrot, trimmed and peeled
  • 1 stick of celery (with leaves), cut into 3
  • 250g (9oz) small open-cap mushrooms (or portabellini)
  • 2 large cloves garlic, peeled
  • 425ml (15fl oz) dry white wine
  • 570ml (1pt) Madeira
  • 3 sprigs thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp plain flour mixed with
  • 1 tbsp soft butter
  • Seasoning

You will also need a 4.5ltr (8pt) heavy-based casserole.

Season the pheasants all over, then melt the butter and oil in the casserole and when it starts to sizzle, add the pheasants and brown them all over, turning them around in the hot fat with a cloth to protect your hands.

This will take about 15 minutes. After that remove them to a dish and leave on one side. Now, keeping the heat high, brown the lardons, and remove them. Follow with the shallots and, after they've browned, return the pheasants and lardons to the casserole and add the carrot, celery, mushrooms, garlic, wine, Madeira, thyme, bay leaves and some seasoning then bring it all up to simmering point, turn the heat down to the very gentlest simmer, put the lid on and cook for 1¼ hours.

After that transfer the pheasants to a warmed dish and, using a draining spoon, remove the rest of the ingredients to join them, discarding the carrot, celery, garlic, bay leaves and thyme.

Then add the butter and flour mixture in half teaspoon-sized lumps to the sauce, and whisk until it comes back to simmering point and thickens slightly. Now return the shallots, lardons and mushrooms to the hot sauce while you prepare the pheasant.

To carve the pheasant put one of the birds on its back on a board, take a sharp knife and run the blade down the breastbone and along the wishbone, keeping it as close to the bone as you can. Using the knife as a lever, gently pull the breast away from the frame.

Now insert your fingers along the ribcage and you'll find you can ease the leg and thigh away from the bone. Trim the bits of skin off and repeat with the other side.

Do the same with the second pheasant, and finally cut each half in half again and return to the casserole to warm the joints in the sauce before serving.


A wonderful combination here, which would also make a light lunch for four people, served with a green leaf salad and some crusty bread.

This would make a light lunch for four people, served with a green leaf salad and some bread

Serves 8 as a first course

  • 110g (4oz) Stilton, crumbled
  • 110g (4oz) Lancashire cheese, crumbled
  • 275g (9¾oz) cottage cheese
  • 7g (1/8 oz) leaf gelatine (or sufficient vegetarian gelling agent to set 570ml (1pt) of liquid)
  • 75g (2¾oz) mayonnaise
  • 1 dsp lemon juice
  • 150ml (¼pt) double cream
  • 3 tbsp snipped fresh chives
  • Seasoning
  • Watercress, to serve

For the spiced pear confit

  • 5-6 small, hard pears with stalks
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 500ml (18fl oz) dry cider
  • 100ml (3½fl oz) cider vinegar
  • 1½ tbsp soft dark brown sugar
  • 1 tsp allspice berries
  • ½ tsp cloves
  • ½ tsp black peppercorns
  • 1 cinnamon stick

You will also need a 450g (1lb) loaf tin, measuring 15cm x 9.5cm x 7cm (6in x 3¾in x 2¾in), lightly oiled with groundnut oil, and a medium-sized pan.

Start by putting all the ingredients for the pears (except the pears and lemon juice) in a medium-sized pan and bring it slowly up to simmering point. Meanwhile, peel the pears and brush them with lemon juice, then take each pear and lay it on a chopping board with the stalk against the board and, with a small, sharp knife, cut through the stalk first, then stand the pear up and split it in half.

Now lay the halves cut-side down on the board and again cut through the stalk first, then split the pear into quarters. Cut out the cores and put the pears into the simmering liquid, turn the heat down very low and cook for an hour without a lid, turning them every now and then.

After an hour, test the pears to make sure they are tender, then transfer them (with a draining spoon) to a dish. Then boil the liquid for about five minutes to reduce it to a sticky syrup and pour this over the pears.

When they are cool, cover and refrigerate till needed. To make the terrine, start off by dealing with the gelatine. Put the leaves into plenty of cold water and soak for five minutes (longer wouldn't hurt).

Then, in a processor, blend the cottage cheese, mayonnaise and lemon juice together until absolutely smooth. Next whip up the double cream until it has thickened to the floppy stage, but be careful as it should not be too thick. Now remove the gelatine leaves from the water, squeeze them out and put them in a small saucepan.

Melt over a gentle heat — it will only take about 30 seconds to become liquid. O nce it has melted, remove from the heat and pour into the cottage cheese mixture with the machine running.

Then tip this mixture into a large bowl and add the crumbled cheeses, chives and seasoning.

Finally, fold in the cream and turn the whole lot into the prepared tin. This should be done quite speedily, before it begins to set.

Cover with clingfilm and chill in the fridge for several hours till firmly set.

To turn out the terrine, carefully slide a palette knife around the edge of the tin, invert on to a serving plate and give the base a sharp tap.

Serve in slices with the pears and some watercress.


If you are a coffee fan, this is the coffee dessert - the best ever!

If you are a coffee fan, this is the coffee dessert — the best ever!

It is based on an old-fashioned recipe for honeycomb mould, which sometimes separates into layers but sadly, often doesn't.

Therefore, I have now given up on layers because, anyway, it tastes absolutely divine.

You can make this and serve it in Irish coffee glasses or plain glasses. The contrast of the unsweetened coffee cream mingling with the sweetened sauce and a generous amount of pouring or whipping cream is just gorgeous.

Serves 6

For the creams

  • 6 heaped tsp instant espresso coffee powder
  • 1 x 11.7g (½oz) sachet powdered gelatine
  • 275ml (9½ fl oz) whole milk
  • 3 large eggs, separated
  • 1 rounded tsp cornflour
  • 200ml (7fl oz) creme fraiche
  • 150ml (5fl oz) double cream, to serve

For the sauce

  • 3 heaped tsp instant espresso coffee powder
  • 175g (6oz) golden granulated sugar

You will also need six 200ml (7fl oz) serving glasses.

Begin by soaking the gelatine: pour 150ml (5fl oz) of water into a small bowl, sprinkle in the gelatine and let it soak for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, pour the milk into a medium saucepan and place it over a gentle heat.

Then, in a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and cornflour together and, when the milk is very hot and just about to simmer, pour it over the egg yolk mixture, whisking as you do. Now return the whole lot to the same saucepan, adding the soaked gelatine and coffee powder, then return the pan to the heat and continue to whisk until the custard is thickened and the gelatine and coffee are completely dissolved.

Remove the pan from the heat and pour the custard into a large mixing bowl, leave it to cool, then whisk in the crème fraîche. In another bowl, and using a clean whisk, whisk the egg whites to the soft-peak stage.

Now fold two tablespoons of the egg whites into the coffee custard to loosen the mixture, then gently fold in the rest. Pour the mixture into the glasses and leave, covered with clingfilm, in a cool place for about two hours, then chill in the fridge until needed.

To make the coffee sauce, gently heat the sugar and 225ml (8fl oz) of water together and whisk till all the sugar granules have completely dissolved, then simmer gently for 15 minutes without a lid, until it becomes syrupy.

Next, dissolve the coffee in one dessertspoon of warm water, stir this into the syrup and transfer it to a serving jug to cool.

Meanwhile, whip up the double cream to the floppy stage and, when you're ready, serve the coffee creams topped with whipped cream and the coffee syrup poured over.

Note: This recipe contains raw eggs.

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The fragrance and spiciness of preserved ginger takes the edge off the sweetness beautifully

For quite a long time now I've been trying to come up with an idea that matches the charm and popularity of the Sticky Toffee Pudding in my first Christmas Book.

This quite definitely has it — it has the same degree of lightness and, this time, the fragrance and spiciness of preserved ginger, which takes the edge off the sweetness beautifully.

Serves 8

  • 110g (4oz g) preserved ginger in syrup (8 pieces)
  • 175g (6 oz) self-raising flour
  • 1/3 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ½ level tsp baking powder
  • ¾ level tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 large eggs
  • 75g (2-3oz) soft butter
  • 110g (4 oz) molasses sugar
  • 1 tbsp black treacle
  • 1 heaped tsp freshly grated ginger
  • 175g (6oz) Bramley apple, peeled, cored and chopped small
  • 175ml (6fl oz) warm water

For the ginger wine and brandy sauce

  • 175g (6oz) soft dark brown sugar
  • 110g (4oz) unsalted butter
  • 4 tbsp ginger wine
  • 2 tbsp brandy
  • 2 pieces preserved ginger, chopped small

To serve

  • Chilled pouring cream

You will also need 8 x 175ml (6fl oz) pudding basins, well buttered, and a solid baking sheet.

Pre-heat the oven to 180c/gas 4. First of all place the pieces of preserved ginger in a food processor and turn the motor on for about seven to ten seconds. Be careful not to process for too long — the ginger should be chopped small, but not pureed!

After that sift the flour, spices, baking powder and bicarbonate into a mixing bowl. Then add the eggs, butter and sugar. The way to deal with the treacle is to grease the spoon first and, using a spatula or another spoon, push it into the bowl to join the rest of the ingredients.

Now add the freshly grated ginger, then using an electric hand whisk, whisk everything together gradually, adding the water until you have a smooth mixture. Finally fold in the apple and preserved ginger.

Now divide the mixture between the buttered pudding basins, stand them on a baking sheet and bake in the centre of the oven for 35 minutes or until they feel firm and springy to the touch.

After that remove them from the oven and let them stand for about five minutes, then run a small palette knife around the edges of the tins and turn them out. Allow the puddings to get completely cold and keep them wrapped in clingfilm until you need them.

To make the sauce, all you do is gently melt together the sugar and butter until all the granules of sugar have completely dissolved, then whisk in the ginger wine and brandy, add the chopped ginger and the sauce is then ready to serve.

To serve: pre-heat the grill to its highest setting and arrange the puddings on a heatproof dish or tray.

Spoon the sauce over, making sure that no little bits of ginger are actually on the top of the puddings, then place the whole thing under the grill so that the tops of the puddings are about 13cm (5in) from the source of heat.

Now allow them to heat through — this will take about eight minutes, by which time the tops will be slightly crunchy and the sauce will be hot and bubbly.

Serve with chilled pouring cream.

NOTE: If you want to make these puddings in advance, they freeze beautifully, and after defrosting should be re-heated as above.

Delia's Happy Christmas by Delia Smith published by Ebury Press, price £15. © Delia Smith. To order a copy for £17.50 (30% discount) visit or call 0844 571 0640. P&P is free on orders over £15. Offer valid until 24 December 2016

Delia’s Winter Collection © Delia Smith. For more Delia Christmas recipes, cookery school videos, bakeware & equipment information and stockists visit

The Delia Collection: Puddings. © Delia Smith. For more Delia Christmas recipes, cookery school videos, bakeware & equipment information and stockists visit

Additional food photography by Dan Jones

Delia’s total fee for allher Christmas recipes hasbeen donated to CAFOD’sSyria Refugee Crisis Appeal

Delia's Classic Christmas: Special occasion suppers (2024)
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