WWE Clash at the Castle results; CM Punk shows up and causes chaos (2024)

For the second time in three years, WWE is bringing fans Clash at the Castle, a Premium Live Event live from Scotland.

The stars of the WWE are there to put on a huge show that features five championship matches. Follow along for updates as we find out who leaves Scotland with the winners' purse and championship gold.

HHH closes out the presser

HHH is up next and he's talking about how great Scotland has been for the stars. Shouldn't be surprised, for such a small country, pretty amazing how many people with Scottish ties were there. I wish Becky Lynch's contract ran a month longer because she deserved to star over there. Finn Balor too. It's tough when you have so many stars from that area. HHH said Scotland lived up to its reputation for being loud and exciting.

HHH said they had a live gate record. Good for them, not great for fans who paid for those tickets! But they got what they paid for, the show rocked. HHH talks about moving to Netflix. He said 80 percent of the globe will get WWE programing. That will mean even more PLE's out of the United States, and that's fine by me. I've yet to be let down by this. HHH praises Cody Rhodes and AJ Styles for their dynamic opener. He also gives a shoutout to Cody's mom.

HHH talks about the new tag team champions and calls them incredibly talented women. He's right. I was shocked they were the home team that won. HHH talks about creative and how it sometimes takes time to become stars. He said tonight, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn proved that. He said the same about birthday girl Bayley and Piper Niven. He said Piper showed up, had her moment and while she didn't win, she proved she belongs with the top names. This was well earned and she's going to kill it. Very happy for her.

Same for Sami Zayn and Chad Gable. he calls Gable the best athlete and incredible performer. That's an understatement. Gable is a star and he's signed long term, it sounds.

And Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest was a banger and HHH is singing both guys' praises. It's fun to hear HHH talk about Priest and how much he has grown since coming to WWE. He was great in Ring of Honor, too, this isn't a shocker to longtime fans. HHH blamed Punk's anger on his sugar. He has a point, he eats donuts and muffins at every presser! But HHH then talks about how there's a new era at WWE.

Gable is here to stay

A reporter said Chad Gable said he stayed in WWE because HHH kept his promises to him. You can tell HHH was emotional after that. He said he would have been sad if he went elsewhere. He said he would have been happy for him and wished him success wherever he want. He said he's thrilled he's home where he should be. Chad Gable is going to be a star for a long time, it sounds like.

HHH praises Priest

A reporter asked about Priest's potential injury when he got his leg caught up in the rope. Priest continued the match, it looked like it could have been much worse. HHH said he hopes he's OK, but Priest still has to be checked out. HHH talks about taking risks and wanting to limit them. He hopes Priest is OK. He said "don't try this at home."

HHH sings CM Punk's praises

And HHH says the changes are things Punk asked for. HHH said he saw things differently than Punk. They didn't see eye to eye. He said "I can't tell you how happy I am to have him back. I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to see the Phil Brooks that I wanted to see then." He said Punk has changed, just as WWE has changed, and HHH is excited to be around him in the locker room and he's a pleasure to be around. He said he helps other guys grow and change and impart what he's learned as a person and performer. "I'm trilled and excited to have him here and thrilled and excited to not only work with him in a talent role, but to create a week that both he and I always wanted it to be." Wow, that was fun to hear. Never thought I'd hear HHH sing CM Punk's praises quite like that, but it was great.

CM Punk speaks

CM Punk is on stage and he brought donuts. This sets a terrible precedence WWE. You can't let a guy interfere and then hold a presser. You're asking for others to do the same! Punk said the people of Scotland were happy to see him and love him. And he's happy to be there. CM Punk said he's been cleared for referee duty, so I guess he's not ready to get back in the ring. He said his arm feels amazing, he got permission to skip Raw to see his doctors in Chicago, where he expects to be cleared. Smackdown is in Chicago and he said he'll be there to announce the good news. When asked if he wanted McIntyre to keep the belt, he said "No, why would I want him to have anything good." That's a great pro wrestling injury. Punk said he hopes both McIntyre and Priest are OK after the match. He said he wasn't mad McIntyre hurt him, but was annoyed that he celebrated Punk's injury. Punk promised that McIntyre will never win a championship while he's in the company. Punk wishes McIntyre's wife well. A reporter said he wanted Punk's first match against McIntyre should be a hell in a cell. Punk said he's glad the guy doesn't run a wrestling company. Hey now, some sicko's like me love those kinds of matches! Punk was told his time was up, but he asked for another question. One good question. It's funny watching Punk eat during these. Punk is in great shape, how does he stay in shape and eat jelly donuts and muffins? Punk said he doesn't do media because he doesn't like "a lot of you." Wait a minute? Punk said he was told a lot of the culture changes at WWE are ones he asked for. It's nice to see him happy. Punk comes off as a jerk, but it always seems like he holds people to the same standards he holds himself to. It's tough to do that because most people aren't like that. Punk might be demanding, but you can't argue he's not a decent human being. He's a good guy who expects the same from others. If that's a flaw, then he's flawed.

Press conference

The presser starts with the new tag team champions. They are basking in the glory of winning in their home country. This is adorable. Imagine how cool that is? You go to another country to become a star in something, you reach the highest point in your profession and you return home to be crowned the best in the sport. That's amazing. I love wrestling.

Next up is Damian Priest. He asked everyone to rise. And they do. This is a lot like Roman Reigns did at Wrestlemania. Priest said he has yet to get checked out, but his leg feels like trash. Priest said he didn't know Punk was there until he saw him with the ref shot. Priest said he would love to share a ring with Punk if he earns it. Priest said he loved wrestling there even though he heard nothing but booos! "They wanted me to lose so bad and I won." Yeah that's fun, Priest. He said this was his favorite place. He's asked how it feels to quiet the naysayers. Who were the naysayers? Most people I know think he's terrific. And stop with the transitional champion stuff. He's been the champ for three months. Priest said McIntyre became a talker and stopped holding himself accountable. I love this. "Grow up, shut your mouth and get back to work," is his advice to McIntyre. Forgot about that, this sets up Priest against Gunther at Summer Slam. Unless something happens at Money in the Bank. Priest wraps up.

Final thoughts

I wanted McIntyre to win because he was home. But he lost and this just makes his feud with CM Punk that much more important. And it lets Priest keep the title. Also cool that they actually kept their word about Judgement Day not interfering. That match was a good one. Big guys shouldn't move like that. The three-hour PLE flew by. That's usually means it was a great show. And this was a great show. We had great matches, new tag champions, and a lot of questions heading into Monday Night Raw, and in a few weeks, Money in the Bank. Piper Niven proved she belongs with the greats in WWE and today's performance should bump her up. Bayley was great as always. Not sure how they'll follow up Chad Gable-Sami Zayn, but there's a lot they can do there. Nice to see the tag champs win in their hometown, the only hometown winners. I think Jade Cargill is ready to wrestle as a singles star, and make no mistake, she's a star. Bianca Belair is the best, she'll be fine. Let's hope they do something with Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler. They earned it.

Clash at the Castle ratings

Here's a quick look at how we rate the matches on a scale of 1 to 10. Remember, we're not experts, just a fan, so it's fine to disagree with these!

Cody Rhodes-AJ Styles gets an 8

Alba Fyre-Isla Dawn vs. Bianca Belair-Jade Cargill vs. Shayna Baszler-Zoey Stark gets a 6

Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable gets an 9

Bayley vs. Piper Niven gets an 8

Damian Priest-Drew McIntyre gets a 9

Clash at the Castle results

  • Cody Rhodes beat AJ Styles in an "I Quit" match for the Undisputed WWE Championship
  • Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn defeated Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill, and Shayna Baszler and Zoey Starkto win the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
  • Sami Zayn defeated Chad Gablefor the Intercontinental Championship
  • Bayley defeated Piper Niven to retain the WWE Women's Championship
  • Damian Priest defeated Drew McIntyrefor the World Heavyweight Championship

DamianPriest vs. Drew McIntyre

The only match left is the main event. This should be interesting. On paper it's bad guy vs. bad guy. But Drew McIntyre will be the good guy in this match because he's from Scotland. It'll be interesting to see how this match plays out. Will the Judgement Day make an appearance? Or will CM Punk find a way to get to the arena. He is in Scotland, but we haven't seen him tweet any pictures of him on the train like he did last time he was in the area. McIntyre is coming out first and he's played to the ring in style by the Inveraray and District Pipe Band. It's like a live action Braveheart. Probably. I don't know, I never saw it, but I know it's Scottish. McIntyre is in the ring and the crowd is going nuts. I'm guessing he's going to be the good guy! McIntyre is egging the crowd on and they are loving every second of it. He calls for Priest to make his way to the ring, and he's on his way. I can't see McIntyre losing here after losing two years ago, but I hate to see Priest lose the belt. He had a great match with Jey Uso after beating McIntyre at Wrestlemania. He's also had some great matches on Raw, including a good one against Rey Mysterio. Why does McIntyre call Priest a transitional champion? If that's what he is, he's not going to lose it to the guy he beat, right? They lock up and neither man will back down until McIntyre throws Priest to the ground. These are two big dudes who can move. After some pushing and shoving, they hit the outside where Priest takes advantage. He throws McIntyre back in and hits him with a punch off the ropes. The pair square off in the center of the ring and hit a few punches back and forth. McIntyre goes for the cover and only gets a two count. He's in control and is Flair chopping Priest to death until Priest hits a face buster. Now he's in control. Both guys are taking turns being in control, nobody has been able to get the edge. Priest went for a dive but his foot got caught in the ropes. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it looked very cool. He's still stuck in the ropes and after some pounding, McIntyre untangles him and brings him back in the ring the hard way. Cover, but Priest kicks out. Priest recovers and takes over. He's stalking McIntyre, but he turns the tables and nails a DDT. Priest kicks out at two. Priest is back in control, but he gets caught climbing the ropes. McIntyre joins him on the second rope and they engage in a fight. McIntyre tried for White Noise, but Priest reverses it and hits a Razor's Edge. McIntyre kicks out at two. The two men are back to their feet and are exchanging blows. Priest gets the edge, doing a little kicking. But McIntyre hits a headbutt. Priest goes for a kick, but Drew ducks and nails a neck breaker. McIntyre does a kip up and is ready to roll. Looks like he's calling for the Claymore kick, but Priest bails out. Now both men are on the floor and McIntyre hits another head butt. He think hits a Claymore kick on the outside, sending Priest through the barricade. McIntyre drags him in the ring and now he's setting him up for another one. McIntyre is intercepted and drilled with a choke slam, but kicks out before Priest can retain. The fans are loving this. It's fun to hear "This is awesome!" in a Scottish accent. McIntyre is on the turnbuckle and Priest tries to chokeslam him, but no luck. Priest hits a kick, but his knee is still banged up from the ropes. Priest just hit a Frankensteiner, but McIntyre recovers to hit a Claymore and gets a two count. Both men are down, exhausted and are putting on a great match. Never saw that before, the ref jumped out of the way, but he hurt his leg. Now he's thrown into the barricade. Priest hits a powerbomb and a chokeslam, but McIntyre hits a Claymore and goes for the cover. No ref. CM Punk comes out dressed like a ref, counts to two and stops counting. What a jerk. He's not an official, how is this allowed? McIntyre goes to choke Punk, but he's kicked in the, well, low. Punk leaves the ring, both wrestlers are down. The ref is making his way back in. Priest hits the chokeslam and retains. Darn, Drew loses again at home. But this just adds fuel to the fire on the feud between McIntyre and Punk. And Priest keeps the title. Surprised the fans are happy to see Punk, he just cost your guy the belt, Scotland.

Great pacing of the show

The show is nearly two and a half hours old, and it seems like it just started. I like the five match card. It's not what I'm used to, and I thought it would be mostly filler and such, but this show has had nothing but action. I wonder how they'll handle Summer Slam and PLEs like that. Will they keep the cards tight? I feel bad for talents not getting on big shows, but I do like the bouts spread out.

Is Maxine Dupree OK?

We've yet to get an injury report on Maxine Dupree, who was carried out after suffering an injury during Chad Gable's loss to Sami Zayn. She was last seen being carried out of the arena by Otis. Hopefully we'll get an injury update, but she was already in a walking boot, so this could be a multiple week injury. Where is Stephania Bell when you need her?

Bayley vs. Piper Niven

The women's championship is up next. This is fun, I'm really happy for Piper Niven, she's earned this. She has been controlling most of the match. Bayley hasn't really had much offense, but after getting beat up for the first few minutes, she nails a dive to the outside and is taking over. Both women are fighting to get back inside. Bayley is there first and she nailed a Bayley cutter off the rope. Then followed that up with a massive elbow on Niven, who was still stuck in the ropes. She hits her third straight move, a rolling senton. Now she's back up and hits another elbow. Bayley just did four moves off the top rope. It looks like she's playing Mat Mania! But no, Niven kicks out! And she hits a Rock Bottom like move and then a flying senton. Gets a two count. These women are bringing it. Bayley just hit a belly to belly suplex off the middle rope and tried to get the pin, but Chelsea Green, who was already ejected, came back and distracted the ref. Bayley takes care of Green, but is greeted with a Piper Driver for a two count, bug Bayley escapes. Niven goes for a splash, but Bayley got her knees up. They both roll outside and Niven hits a boss man slam. Both these women are working their butts of. Niven misses another seton, Bayley goes for her finisher, but is greeted with a headbutt. But Bayley turns it around and hits a crucifix for a three count. What a hard hitting match. These ladies both should be applauded. I was hoping Niven would win, but Bayley deserves to keep the title. Let's hope this puts Niven up there with the other top tier women because she very much held up her end of that match.

Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable

Up next is the Intercontinental championship match between Gable and Zayn. Truly don't care who wins this match because both guys are great and whoever has the belt will be a star and fun to watch. You have to think Otis will have a hand in deciding who wins this. Gable is a great bad guy and Otis is the perfect confused, big dummy with a huge heart. The challenger is out first and he's joined by Otis and Maxxine Dupri. Sami is out next and the fans are behind him. I love the fans singing these guys to the ring. Makes it feel more like a festival, a huge event, than a rasslin' show. Before the match, we got a message from someone. Looks evil. I BOlieve that's a tease of some sort. Wonder what it is? Back to the match, the bell has rung and we're off. How do the fans know the words to all these songs they made up for today? They're singing about wrestlers, how did they write these things? Remarkable! The two battle for position and Gable tries an ankle lock, but Zayn gets to the ropes. Gable hits the outside, Sami fakes a dive, but flips back into the ring and calls Gable to get back in the ring. He confers with his posse before heading back in the ring. Now Sami hits the floor and starts talking to Gable's teammates. The fans are entertaining themselves in song. Now, both wrestlers are back in the ring and after exchanging slaps, Gable is taking over and working on Sami's hand. Gable hits a nice suplex with a bridge (Tazplex!) and gets a two count. Now he slaps on an arm bar. I love the singing, but I'm glad I live in America where we just yell and scream and don't have to write songs. It just seems like it'd be a lot of work. Gable is slapping Sami and working him over. He's really going to work on the arm and wrist, then he hits a powerbomb on Sami and nails a flying headbutt for a two count. Zayn turns it around and hits a series of German suplexes. Finally he hits an exploder suplex and gets a two count. Both guys are down. They brawl as they get to their feet and Gable slaps on a crossface. That move hurts. But Zayn turns the tables and gets Gable in the crossface. This has been a great match. Now Gable reverses it and slaps on an ankle lock. Sami looks to tap, but instead turns it into a roll up and gets a two count. Gable hits the outside and picks up the title. That's not a good sport. You didn't earn it, Chad! Maxine had a free shot at hitting Sami with the title, but she declined at the last minute. Now Gable is reading her the riot act. I don't blame him, why come out there with him? Sami goes for his kick, Gable moves and he nearly clipped Maxine. Instead, Gable hits a suplex and gets a two count. Maxine isn't sorry, she chose not to do it. She's apologizing, but don't buy it, Chad. Now Otis steps in and confronts Gable. Zyan hits a suicide dive but misses Gable and gets Otis. Now Sami is setting Gable up for the kick, but Gable escaped and rolls outside. Sami follows him and goes to work. Sami tries a flip off the guardrail, but Gable locks on the ankle lock. Sami kicks out and he flies right into Maxine. Gable is telling Otis it's Zyan's fault, and a case could be made for it being his fault. Gable is distracting the ref, Maxine is down and Otis is confused. He scoops up Maxine and heads to the back. Gable is irate. Maxine is in pain. Gable is down after a kick and Sami gets the win. He celebrates as they go to the replay. Gable should have gone in alone. Instead, he tried to cheat and it backfired. Poor Maxine. Poor Otis. Good match!

New era of WWE

Seeing Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn have that kind of ending makes me really like the new way of doing things. If this was five years ago, both Frye and Dawn would have been pinned and have their heads shaved. Now, people go to their hometown and people are allowed to be celebrated. I don't need to see anyone Jim Rossed anymore. I like the happy ending better than the alternative.

Belair and Cargill vs. Fyre and Dawn vs. Baszler and Stark

The triple threat match is next, and the Scottish challengers are out first with Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn making their way to the ring. It's hard to tell how big the ovation was for the hometown girls. Next up are Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler. I would love to see these two get the gold. I don't think it'll happen, at least not here, but they are legit. Especially Baszler. She's due. Finally, the champs are out. They are letting Jade Cargill improve while elevating the tag team championship. And she's learning from one of the best going in Bianca Belair. Those rules are different, all three teams will be in the ring at the same time and you can only tag your partner. I'll allow it. Action starts out hot with Belair and Baszler brawling after sending Dawn to the floor. All three tag out and Cargill is taking over. She just hit a double fall away slam, Samoan drop and then did a kip up. Cargill and Belair hit a pair of suplexes on Baszler and Stark. And now the champs stand tall in the ring as both challengers look to regroup. Everyone is back in the ring, and all three teams are getting their time to shine. Frye hit a suicide dive and now the former NXT champions are taking over. Down looks like she hurt her elbow, I hope that's just her being great at faking it and not truly hurt. Cargill is now in the ring, she just hit a powerbomb and gave a big boot while doing it. Wow, Baszler has Gargill in a choke. It looks like she was tapping, the match should be over. Now she's on the mat. Oh my god, Baszler just broke the hold when Belair did a 360 knee drop across her back. Wow. Tag champs in control and they hit a pretty neat move. But we have new champions! After Cargill and Belair hit a double team move, Dawn jumped back in and made the cover. Happy for them, and happy for Scotland. Good match.

The Bloodline appears, jumps Cody

After Cody Rhodes won his match, he was greeted by Solo Sikoa and the rest of the Bloodline. They jump Rhodes, but Randy Orton and Kevin Owens make the save. We have a massive brawl in Scotland. The good guys beat the Bloodline to the back, then come out to celebrate. I'm not sure how the Bloodline is going to play out, but I've really enjoyed this. Even without Roman Reigns and the Usos, the Bloodline has been outstanding.

Cody Rhodes makes AJ Styles say 'I quit'

Both men beat the heck out of each other, but in the end, Cody Rhodes emerged victorious. He did land a cheap shot after the match. That was uncalled for. But your winner and still champion, Cody Rhodes. This is probably the end of the feud, which is a shame because both matches were a lot of fun. Good work by both stars.

Tables have turned

No, Cody Rhodes is still winning, but he's not setting up furniture. Rhodes set up a table at ringside and is now beating AJ Styles around the ring. They spill into the audience and Rhodes is in complete control early on. But now the tables have actually turned and Styles is in control as they fight backstage. Amazing how skinny the halls are in Scotland. Now they're in the control room slugging it out. The brawl continues as they filter back into the crowd's view and they head back to the ring. As soon as they get there, Rhodes slaps on a figure-four leglock. Styles is hanging in. Styles makes it to the ropes, but it's no disqualification. Styles scurries under the bottom rope, breaking the hold. Rhodes tries to suplex Styles back into the ring. He got him over the top rope, but Styles reversed it, sending them both crashing to the floor. Styles hits a nasty brainbuster on the announce table. These two are safe, but I didn't like that one. Rhodes' mom is now talking trash to Styles. Oh, Rhodes is bleeding pretty badly. That's different. They get back in the ring, the ref asked Cody if he's like to quit. He declines. The crowd doesn't enjoy Styles' brand of wrestling, and they're letting him know. Styles setting up a Styles Clash on the steel steps, but Rhodes hits a back body drop and rolls back in the ring. Rhodes sets up for a Cross Rhodes, but Styles powers out with a knee to the head, then hits a Pele kick. Styles heads outside and grabs a chair. I don't think he's going to sit on it. Just as I feared, he's putting it over Rhodes head and is dropping a knee on it. That could easily snap a neck! Not only does Rhodes not quit, he's able to talk 10 seconds after someone squashed his throat with a chair! Now Styles has a kendo stick, or as ECW fans know it, a Singapore cane. Styles said he's going to hurt Rhodes, then he proceeds to whack him with the stick. But does he quit? "Hell no," Rhodes said! Styles is wearing Cody out with the stick, now he's using a belt. Can't fake that, my friends. That has to hurt. Styles locks in the STF and that looks so painful. Rhodes is so good as the good guy in distress. And Styles is great at anything he does. It appears Rhodes passed out from the pain. That's a shame for Styles, can't quit when you're asleep. Unless you talk in your sleep, which it doesn't appear Rhodes does. Imagine losing that way? Styles is dousing Rhodes with water to wake him up. Now he grabs a bag that has handcuffs in them. This spells trouble. He has Rhodes handcuffed behind his back and now he's beating him with the cane. Styles has turned his attention back to Rhodes' mom, which is a huge mistake. You have a chance to win the title, you know its one of your last chances, and you're arguing with your opponents' mom? Cody's mom slapped Styles, who heads back to the ring and is beating Rhodes with a chair. Rhodes is cuffed, but the hands are now in front of him, which allowed him to throw a chair at Styles as he was attempting a phenomenal forearm with a chain around his arm. Rhodes was able to free himself from the cuffs, and he's using them as a weapon. Styles missed a "Stinger" splash and Rhodes is taking over. He hit a Cody cutter and the fans are going insane. Rhodes nails a Cross Rhodes. Most of the blood is gone from Cody's face, he looks like Rocky in the locker room after he lost to Clubber Lang. Rhodes hits another Cross Rhodes, this time on a steel chair. I'm sick of the "Cody, Cody Rhodes" chant. Sing something else, Scotland! Styles is getting cuffed and tied to the bottom rope. This always happens, it's why you should never bring a weapon in unless you know it will lead to victory. Rhodes is beating Styles with a chair. I mean he's just teeing off. Styles refuses to quit. I can't help but put the blame on Styles, he brought the cuffs to the ring. Rhodes brings the steps into the ring and was about to drill Styles, but he quit. Game over.

I Quit match history

According to the announcers, the first I Quit match in WWE history was Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund. And the last time the championship changed hands in an I Quit match was John Cena beating Randy Orton. It'll be interesting to see how they end this.

Scotland is in a singing mood

After being quieter than I expected for AJ Styles entrance, the crowd came alive, singing Cody Rhodes' theme song as he made his way to the ring. I know Chris Jericho said he brought that to wrestling, but I'll always think of the Sandman when I see fans singing wrestlers on the way to the ring. This is new, the ref is talking on the mic, explaining the rules. Do they think this is Rocky?

Cole joins Smackdown announce team

The announce team for today's show will be Michael Cole sitting alongside Corey Graves and Wade Barrett. I think the team of Graves and Barrett have been great, and Cole is an all-time great. I miss Joey Styles. OH MY GOD!

Clash at the Castle predictions

After watching the first 100 minutes of the preshow, here's how I see today's card playing out.

Drew McIntyre defeats Damien Priest

Cody Rhodes defeats AJ Styles

Bayley retains over Piper Niven

Sami Zayn retains over Chad Gable

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill retain over Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn and Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark. Although I could see Fyre and Dawn winning the titles, but they will pin Baszler or Stark if they do.

We're starting with AJ Styles-Cody Rhodes

As the preshow ended, they showed AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes warming up for their match. They will kick off the main show, which starts now. Enjoy the show and follow along!

ECW One Night Stand

Forget what I said about the show being too long, they're reviewing ECW One Night Stand, the ECW revival pay per view. That card was put on by WWE, but it was an ECW show. I'm still sad Rob Van Dam didn't get a chance to wrestle, but his promo was the highlight of the night. I still think it should have been in Philly.

Cool notes, Kevin Owens was at the second One Night Stand, and Big E has had big matches with the Dudley Boyz when he was in New Day, and a one on one match with Rob Van Dam. It's always fun to hear stories about wrestlers being fans.

Will Punk rock Scotland?

Though he's not scheduled to appear, CM Punk has been spotted by fans in Scotland. He's not hiding, he is taking pictures with fans. Is he on vacation? Maybe he wanted to check out Scotland before he returns to work following his triceps injury? Or is he there, up to no good? Punk is in a heated feud with Drew McIntyre, who is wrestling for the championship today against Damien Priest. Let's hope Punk isn't there to cause chaos. As much as I love Priest, we need McIntyre to win. I can't hear "Don't Look Back in Anger" after today's show.

His Lordship talks international superstars

It's always fun to see William Regal on TV. He's talking about the Scottish superstars on today's card. As someone from Great Britain, he's more than qualified to speak on this. He truly had a great career, and has been even more successful since hanging up the boots and working backstage. Good for him.

McIntyre has strong words for Priest

They're back to the sit down with Drew McIntyre, and he says that Damien Priest is focused on the wrong things. But he did say the showdown would be epic. Though he did say it would be epic because one of their own would be winning the title. I think McIntyre wins, but I think Priest has been a fine champion. I want to see a feud between McIntyre and Finn Balor. Balor shouldn't factor in tonight's match because the Judgement Day is banned from ringside, and we know they would never break that rule!

Maybe two hours is too long for a preshow?

We are now 65 minutes into the preshow and while it's been entertaining, I'm not sure there's a need for a two-hour pregame show. Especially if there are no matches scheduled, they should cap these shows at an hour. Maybe do two hours for the big PLEs. It's just hard to preview five matches in two hours without being repetitive.

ECW on A&E tomorrow

I enjoy all of the A&E specials, but as a Philly kid who grew up in the 90s, ECW was my favorite. That's why I'm really looking forward to this week's special, as well as next week's, which features Rob Van Dam. Both of these shows should be good, but if you're an ECW fan, they're must see. Van Dam has had some amazing experience, it's what makes his "One of a Kind" podcast one of my favorites.

Hot Rod feature

You can't have a huge wrestling event in Scotland without mentioning Rowdy Roddy Piper. He wore a kilt and his entrance music was bagpipes. He might be from Canada, but he's Scotland's greatest treasure.

Piper was the best bad guy ever in my opinion. They're showing him beat up Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka on Piper's Pit. I was actually scared watching that. Piper always took it a level further than I was prepared to go. Of course I was 5 or 6 when that happened. I'm not afraid anymore!

Piper Niven is home too

While Drew McIntyre is getting a lot of the hype, and rightfully so. But Piper Niven is also at home today as she takes on Bayley for the title. I'm not sure there will be a title change, but Niven would be a fine champion. It's great to see how she went from being one of the top women wrestlers to being a sideshow for a little while when she first arrived on the main roster. Think about that, the best they could come up with was her being a sidekick to Eva Marie. Now, she's a crusher, and wrestling for the championship in her home country. Very cool.

On a side note, Chelsea Green steals every segment she's in. When I heard about this character, I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. But she does it perfectly. Really enjoy her schtick.

Sign of the times

This was a neat feature, WWE superstars discussed how they feel about fans holding signs. They all love it. This was one of the highlights of the Attitude Era, every show would open, scanning the crowd. And some of the signs were quite funny and entertaining. Some of the ones are as good as any sign you'd see at College Gameday!

Will AJ Styles make Cody Rhodes say 'I Quit?'

The countdown show talks the rematch for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship between AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes. I think this might be the first time since he won the championship that Rhodes won't main event a show. I have to think Drew McIntyre will headline the show. Nothing announced so far.

Alpha Academy doesn't look happy to be with Chad Gable

Chad Gable was interviewed backstage with Otis and Maxine, who was sporting a walking boot. Gable said she's fine. He's not too concerned about her, he's worried about Sami Zayn. They then recap Zayn's victory over Gable and Bronson Reed at King and Queen of the Ring.

Drew McIntyre tells his story

Drew McIntyre, the hometown hero, is certainly the star of today's show. He joins Jackie Redmond for a sit-down interview where he talks about losing at the last Clash at the Castle. He also talks about the importance of winning today in his home country.

Clash at the Castle, we're live, pal!

Countdown to the Clash at the Castle has begun streaming on Peaco*ck. It's also available on Youtube. When the main show begins at 2 p.m., it will only be available on Peaco*ck in the United States. The show includes a panel of Michael Cole, Big E and Kevin Owens. That's as good a panel as you could get. I love how Big E stays involved. He's missed in the ring, but he does a great job on these types of things. So does Owens. He looks sharp in the T-shirt and tie look.

Five matches becoming the norm for WWE PLEs

For the second time in three weeks, WWE will hold a Premium Live Event overseas. And both of those cards featured five matches. The King and Queen of The Ring had three title matches and both the men's and women's tournament finals. And today's card has five championship matches. Do you like the new format that gives every match a chance to shine or would you rather the card be stacked with stars in shorter matches?

WWE Clash at the Castle start time

The main show begins at 2 p.m.

WWE Clash at the Castle results; CM Punk shows up and causes chaos (1)

How to watch WWE Clash at the Castle

The show will stream live on Peaco*ck at 2 p.m. after the preshow, which begins at noon. The main show will also air live on traditional pay per view services.

How much does Clash at the Castle cost?

To watch it on traditional pay per view, Clash of the Castle costs $44.99.

WWE Clash at the Castle card

  • Damian Priest vs. Drew McIntyrefor the World Heavyweight Championship
  • Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles in an "I Quit" match for the Undisputed WWE Championship
  • Bayley vs. Piper Niven for the WWE Women's Championship
  • Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
  • Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gablefor the Intercontinental Championship

Clash at the Castle history

The first time WWE held Clash at the Castle PLE was in 2022. That event had the following results:

  • Madcap Moss and the Street Profits defeated Austin Theory and Alpha Academy
  • Damage CTRL defeated Bianca Belair, Alexa Bliss and Auska
  • Gunther defeated Sheamus in an Intercontinental Championship match.
  • Liv Morgan beat Shayna Baszler in a Smackdown Women's Championship match.
  • Edge and Rey Mysterio defeated Fin Balor and Damian Priest
  • Seth Rollins defeated Matt Riddle
  • Roman Reigns defeated Drew McIntyre in an Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match.
WWE Clash at the Castle results; CM Punk shows up and causes chaos (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.