Top Posts Tagged with #moistcr1tikal x reader | Tumlook (2024)


Feb 24

Moist Critikal Masterlist

* - Fluff

⨀ - Angst


How he treats you when you're sick *

Dating headcanons *

Age gap relationship headcanons ⨀

Coming out as bisexual to Charlie *

Nasty rumors ⨀

Charlie x Jacksepticeye's sibling *

Opposites attract *

Frenemies to lovers *

Being a huge fan of Charlie *

Age gap relationship headcanons pt.2 *

Full-length Fics:

Your Chaos is Mine *

#moist critikal#penguinz0 fanfiction#penguinz0 imagine#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0#moist critikal x reader#moistcr1tikal#moistcr1tikal x reader#moist critikal headcanons#penguinz0 headcanons#fic#fanfic#fanfiction#headcannons#reader#x reader#requests open


Dec 13, 2020


Request:I was wondering if you would be up to write a pregnancy one with him? Or just like him having a kid and people finding out once the reader walks into frame with the baby and idk, just cute stuff? (I don't know if you have rules or anything, I tried to look for it, you might have and I was just too blind to see it. So if this is not possible, that's fine. I'm sorry if in any way I made you uncomfortable!) Thanks in advance 💜

A/N: Can you tell I love hugs from behind lmao

You paced back and forth in the bedroom you shared with your boyfriend Charlie, staring at a positive pregnancy test. This was not in the plan at all, you guys had been together for about 2 years but you wanted to at least be out of your apartment before you even thought about having kids, maybe even be married. You sat down on your bed and rubbed your face. Charlie was gonna be streaming for at least another hour so you had time to think about what you were gonna say.

“f*ck f*ck f*ck” You groan putting the test on your bedside table before getting up and walking into the kitchen, the only thing you could do right now is to act normal, you had to save the panicking for after you tell charlie.

You cooked up spaghetti and by the time it was done charlie was signing off of stream. As you’re plating up the food Charlie comes up behind you and hugs you tight.

“How was the stream?” You hum.

“Huge, they went crazy for the tier list.” You can’t help but chuckle and your heart melts at the way his eyes light up when he talks about streaming or youtube. Charlie kisses your shoulder before grabbing two glasses and a bottle of wine. “Might as well since we’re having Italian.” Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach and you grab the garlic bread out of the oven.

“Char I need to tell you something” You try to keep your voice steady but it shakes a little. He looks at you confused,

“Did you burn the garlic bread again?” You laugh and throw a piece at him, which he catches and happily eats.”You did not” He says with his mouth full. You hold up a finger and walk to the bedroom grabbing the pregnancy test from out of the drawer and walk back out.

“Charlie, I can’t drink any wine.” You hold out the test and he stares blankly for a moment.

“Y-you’re pregnant?” You nod slowly and swallowing the lump in your throat. He continues to stare for a moment before a large smile spreads across his lips and a small laugh escapes. “Holy f*ck...You’re pregnant!” He stands and wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up. You smile hugely and laugh, holding on to him.

“You’re happy?” He stands still, looking up at you.

“Of course I am, I’m having a baby with my favorite person. Are you happy?” His tone is caring and sincere. You nod and sniffle, trying to blink away tears.

“Yes, my love I’m very very happy.”

21 weeks pregnant

Today was a big day in the pregnancy, today’s the gender reveal party, You and Charlie had a $20 and a food massage riding on this, you thought it was gonna be a boy and he thought a girl. You sat down talking with Charlies mom when your best friend eagerly walks up with you with a very large balloon.

“Its time!!” They yell and you tell his mom goodbye before meeting up with Charlie in the middle of the yard. “Okay, you are gonna pop it on the count of three!!” They yelled and everyone starts counting down.

“!!” Pop! Blue confetti flies everywhere and everyone goes wild including you and charlie.

“Its a boy!” You laugh at Charlie who playfully pouts at you.

“Looks like I owe you $20”

“And a foot rub” You playfully toss back your hair to which he laughs loudly.

Two months after the baby is born

You stand behind the door to Charlies Stream listening to him talk. It was crazy that just a couple months back you were panicking in your bedroom becuase you were pregnant and today you were about to show your beautiful baby boy to the world.

“Y/N come on in! Its time to show the surprise!” You walk into frame.

“Everyone meet Bean. Weve decided to keep their name hidden because of weirdos but meet Baby Cr1tikal!”

#moistcr1tikal#moistcritical#moistcr1tikal x reader#youtubers fanfic#youtubers x reader#youtuber imagine#x reader


Nov 22, 2022

*crawls in *

Please more of any moist cr1tikal content *coughs up lint *

I'm starved

(Seriously tho he isn't appreciated in the fics section here on tumblr but you do that statement justice)

Luv ur fics too but I need more *leaves 2 pennies and a marshmallow and crawls away*

Oh no hun, I can't have you starving like that! Here, let me cook something up for you 👩‍🍳 Hope you enjoy 💕

Pairing: Moist Cr1tikal (Charlie) x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)

A frenemies-to-lovers arc with Charlie would include:

Playful jabs....a lot of them

Whether directed at each other's content or the other as a person

Middle school level insults flying between the two in a friendly fire when they are playing a game together

Savage roasts on the regular

On stream, in each other's comment sections all over social media etc.

Light-hearted satirical claims of copying and plagiarism

Holding back laughter at jokes he drops you actually want to burst out laughing at

Biting his lip to not compliment you when you show up for a stream in cosplay

"Careful, Charlie. Lame dad jokes are becoming your brand."

"Your cloak is the wrong shade of green."

And then the obligatory:

"f*ck you, Y/N."

"f*ck off, Charlie!"

So we're just gonna ignore the googly eyes?

And all this ✨tension✨?

Alright fine, I guess we will

#moist critikal#moist cr1tikal#moist critikal x reader#charlie x reader#charlie fanfic#penguinz0 imagine#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0 fanfiction#penguinz0#moistcr1tikal x reader#fic#fanfic#headcanons#reader#x reader#request#fanfiction


May 22, 2022

omg hi!! i luv ur work and i was wondering if u could do something similar to ur corpse husband story ‘rumours’ like the same bimbo!reader but with moist cr1tikal?🥺i have charlie brainrot atm lol💕💞

Oh for sure! Although because of the long wait you'd have to endure till a full-length fic is posted, I hope you don't mind the headcanons format. Enjoy 💕

Pairing: Moist Cr1tikal x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Mentions of slu*t shaming and other hateful comments, Insecurity, Swearing

Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)

You and Charlie had been dating for close to a year at the point when he finally thought to ask why you didn't want your relationship to be public

Yes, you were the one adamant to keep this relationship hidden from the public as long as you could and were genuinely surprised when your boyfriend was so enthusiastic about it as opposed to what you expected

As a content creator himself, you were certain he was no stranger to the way people viewed you and all the horrible things they said about you

That is mainly why his enthusiasm to tell the whole world you were his significant other was so jarring to you

However, up until this point, he never asked for the reason behind your apprehensiveness towards the idea of going public with your relationship

In the beginning, he had a vague idea of why you were so strongly against it

Of course, it was still a new and fresh relationship that neither of you was 100% sure would last even if you did put your 100% into it

But with the one year mark nearing, that theory no longer held authenticity, he couldn't help but ask

You tried dodging the question or using the 'no reason' excuse but eventually you were bound to crack

And when you did and told Charlie you were afraid that he'd be embarrassed to be with you after all the sh*t people would probably say in response to your relationship going public that he'd break up with you

To say his jaw was on the floor would be an understatement

“Let them say what they wanna say, ok? Let them run their mouths and watch as they clamp them shut when they have to deal with me afterwards. Just trust me, alright? Just trust me and my love for you and sit back to enjoy the show.“

This poured a whole new sense of confidence in you, enough for you to agree to the reveal which, at your request, was done in a tweet rather than on-stream like Charlie had wanted

The man had to pluck your phone out of your hands every minute to keep you off Twitter and other social media where you wanted to survey the damage and sum up the responses

When you finally managed to get a good look without your boyfriend’s intrusion, you were surprised, to say the least

Pleasantly, but confusedly too

Both due to the same reason of the absence of hateful responses to the Tweet

Scrolling far enough found you a few and also revealed why there weren’t more

Because your man had gone off on each and every asshole that dared to even hint at something bad or disrespectful about you

In typical Charlie fashion, he did it with roasts that got you bursting out laughing and served as a great reminder to how much you love this man

And how much he loves you

Basically how off your predictions were and how you, from now on, will work harder on getting past the infamy brought upon you by judgmental people

With the strong support system, cheerleader and no.1 fan you have, success is

#moistcr1tikal#moistcritical#moistcr1tikal fanfic#moistcr1tikal x reader#moist critikal#moist cr1tikal x you#moist cr1tikal imagine#moist cr1tikal headcanons#penguinz0#penguinz0 x reader#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0 fanfiction#penguinz0 imagine#penguinz0 headcanons#charlie#penguinz0 x you#fic#fanfic#fanfiction#reader#x reader#headcanons#request


Mar 19, 2022

Hey, I'm back ☺️ can I request a Charlie (penguinz0) headcanons where the reader just simps for him and just donates a lot of money (reader is also a big streamer)

Of course dear! Enjoy 💕

Pairing: Penguinz0 (Charlie) x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing (?)

Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)

- You had been watching Charlie's content for a while at that point

- However, you rarely had the confidence to interact with him or his streams

- And when you did get ballsy, it would be usually with that latter

- Donating to his stream, at that

- Lately, you've been able to afford to give out bigger donos than usual to small streamers you come across on Twitch or YouTube and are always melted by the reactions of the often newbies on the platform that downright drop their jaw on the floor when they see your donation

- You'd argue that it isn't a big deal but come on

- Many of those smaller content creators probably see you as their idol, considering your stardom and popularity due to your gaming skills, incredible personality and humor

- But, you also wanted to flip the tables too

- Instead of only donating to people who looked up to you, you wanted to also donate to people you yourself looked up to

- People who motivated you to take on this career path

- That includes Tina, Corpse, Sykkuno, Rae, Fuslie

- And, of course, Charlie

- In all fairness, you were the most motivated by him, seeing as how his and your personalities clicked so well

- You'd always been worried you wouldn't be an appealing person for a social media career

- But to see him succeed meant you had a pretty good shot as well

- Apart from his achievements and content, you also admire him for never being someone he's not

- He's never shied away from being yourself and helped you realize that playing a part to appeal to someone is most definitely not the way you want to live your life

- You'd love to one day reach out to him personally and express how much he's influenced the person and content creator you are today

- But you're yet to find the guts to do that, popular or not, you're a shy blob for this man

- And a major simp, let's not forget

- So, until you find those guts, you decided that you'd just be donating to his streams

- Little did you know, it'd soon be his turn to flip the tables

- He does so when, mid-stream, catching you completely off guard, he calls out your donation with a decent dose of appreciation and admiration

- "I just wanna point out that this person - Y/N's Gaming Corner - they're f*cking amazing. I've been watching their content for the past few months. The specialize in the horror genre. I know you're watching this, Y/N, so good job on the Dead by Daylight stream last night. I would've sh*t my pants if I were you. Oh and thanks for the donos, you sure got the money to spend on me. You think you can find some time to spend too? I'd love to chat for a bit."

- To say your arm was red after all the pinching you did to make sure you were awake would be an understatement

- It took you a good few minutes to gather your thoughts and determine your next actions but alas you eventually did get back control over your body

- Little did you know, in that time it took you, Charlie was sweating bullets, eyes constantly darting to the chat every two seconds, waiting for your response, nervous as all hell

- And let me remind you, this man doesn't get nervous

- It was mere seconds before he gave up on it completely when he saw another 50$ dono from you and it read:

- 'Never cleared out my schedule so fast'

#moist critikal#moistcr1tikal x reader#moistcr1tikal fanfic#moistcritical#moistcr1tikal#penguinz0 fanfiction#penguinz0 imagine#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0 x reader#penguinz0#charlie white#charlie fanfic#charlie x reader#headcanons#reader#x reader#request


Feb 24, 2022

Hello ^_^ can I request a penguinz0 headcanons where he has a soft kawaii gf/s/o who's like the exact opposite of him, they don't swear, soft spoken, family friendly dhejje and when they both announce that they are dating their fans won't believe them they are nothing alike 😭😭 thanks in advance <33


Thank you so much for the request darling! I absolutely love your idea and I really hope my headcanons do it justice and I hope you enjoy reading them 💕

Pairing: Penguinz0 x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing (?)

Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)

- If sunshine was a person, that'd be you

- The optimist, the starry-eyed dreamer

- The one who focuses on the silver lining and the endless possibilities of how life can wind in a positive direction

- You also used to be the one to never believe in the whole idea of opposites attract

- Man has that smacked you square in the face now

- How, you might be wondering?

- Well, allow me to tell you

- If a gloomy rainy afternoon with frequent shimmers of sunlight in-between the clouds was a person, it'd be Charlie

- The realist, leaning more into pessimist

- The one who's known to say: "Can this sh*t get any f*cking worse?!"

- You see, Charlie never believed in such a thing as rules of attraction and romance

- As much as he lacks romance himself, he understands the concept

- Understands that there are no rules to it

- People aren't two sides of a magnet that can either push each other away or pull one another in

- No, people are complex, at least more complex than a magnet

- People understand the consequences to the pull and the reasons behind the push

- People aren't always the best at staying away when they need to

- Nor do the always stick around when they should

- People are hardwired to love and want to be loved

- Yes, even Charlie, even if he refused o admit it up until he met you

- "Love is cool and all, but have you ever had a perfectly made grilled cheese sandwich? That sh*t just hits different, don't come at me."

- Yeah...he was that type of a guy before he met you

- After the two started seeing each other, the change in him started becoming more and more evident

- Bad habits are often more contagious, but between you two, it seems to be the other way around

- You've helped Charlie become a better version of himself, take better care of himself as well as work on better expressing his beliefs which is something he's always secretly been worried about

- You’ve also started converting him more into optimism but he’d never admit it

- And this whole time he has just been trying to get you to swear at least once in your streams

- He’s failed, I'll tell you that

- Truth be told, you don't need to swear, not when he does it for you

- You'd be in the middle of playing a song on your guitar or doing your makeup on stream and he'd just walk in, striking up some small talk

- The only catch is, every other word would be a cuss word

- So you’ve gotten in the habit of muting yourself automatically when you hear the door starting to open

- Well one time you weren’t quick enough

- Or rather not attentive enough since you had your noise cancelling headphones on

- That way Charlie managed to make his way into the room undetected, come up behind your chair and kiss the top of your head

- Although the gesture was endearing, it still startled you to find out you were no longer alone in the room

- It was only then that the fact that Charlie was in frame with you set in

- While your eyes widened in momentary shock, he just waved at the camera

-“What the f*ck is up everyone. I hope Y/N’s told you about me cause if not....this would kinda awkward.”

- You’d agree, but your face was buried in your hands, the blush on your cheeks increasing by the second

-“Babe look! Your chat’s literally flying, damn!”

-“Yeah and who’s fault is that, Charlie?”

-“You’re cure when you’re flustered” :)

-“I swear to God...”

- To make a short story shorter, the your respective fandoms took the news surprisingly well

- Yes, they were quite shocked at the unlikely pairing you and Charlie make, but they were all so supportive and happy for you both

- And so were Charlie’s friends who he introduced you to directly soon thereafter

- To say you were nervous about it would be an understatement but they too were so kind and lovely, it was hard not to warm up to them immediately

- Who knew that your boyfriend’s shenanigans would take you this far

- I mean, it should come as no surprise: if you’ve had an impact on his life in the aspect of his view of it and the world itself, he’s had an impact on yours with helping you get out of your comfort zone and be more spontaneous

- Without him you probably wouldn’t have been able to check off all the things you’ve crossed off your bucket list up until this point

- Oh yeah, and as I said he’s tried to get you to swear at least half as much as he does but to no avail

-“No, Y/N, ‘crap’ and ‘screw’ don’t count as swear words.”

- You’ll get‘em next time Charlie

- Or probably not

#moistcr1tikal#moistcr1tikal fanfic#moistcritical#moistcr1tikal x reader#moist critikal#charlie#penguinz0#penguinz0 x reader#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0 fanfiction#moistcr1tikal x y/n#moistcr1tikal fanfiction#moistcr1tikal imagine#charles white#charlie white#charlie x reader#charlie fanfic#fic#fanfic#reader#x reader#requests


Mar 1, 2022

ommg sorry for the late response, but yeah, I'm okay with a 10/11 year gap!!

Ok perfect, thank you for confirming and enjoy the headcanons 💕

Pairing: Penguinz0 x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Age gap LEGAL (30/19), Foul Accusations, Internet Drama, Swearing

Genre: Romance, Minor Hurt/Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)

- You and Charlie were the ones fate chose at VidCon 2019

- By that I mean that you two had by chance sat down next to one another while attending your mutual friends' gaming panel

- Your best friend Mark shouted you out while he was talking about the development of the gaming genre on YouTube and you yelled out your gratitude to him which obviously caught Charlie's attention

- "You're new in the industry?" He asked you in a whisper as Mark continued talking about some other topic

- You were taken aback by the fact that Charlie, Moist Critical/Penguinz0 of all people was talking to you

- Hell, you broke out in a nervous sweat even as you sat down and realized he was your seat neighbor

- To say you were flustered would be an understatement

- "Yeah, um, just doing it on the side while working and figuring out if I wanna go to college." You cringed inwardly at the sorta unnecessary information dump you gave him but he seemed unbothered by it

- His smile charmed you instantly, making you forget all about your embarrassment

- "Welcome to this interesting community." He said, his tone making you giggle, "Stick around after the panel, I could drop some knowledge if you'd like. For this YouTube thing and for college."

- "Yeah, I'm really amazed at how you could balance the two at the same time." You blurted out, not noticing what your words really meant

- Charlie, however, did notice, "Oh, so you're familiar with my dumbassery on the internet, I see."

- Your eyes instantly widened, a blush creeping up your neck and to your cheeks, one he unfortunately also caught sight of and laughed

- "Don't be embarrassed, I find it charming." He told you with a wink that practically melted you in your seat

- And if, at the time, you didn't know where the story would go past that interaction or even if it would go anywhere, you still would've never guessed that you and him would start dating

- He was the bold one to ask for your number on the last day of VidCon before he had to fly back to Florida and you had to take a roadtrip back home to San Jose

- Of course, you gave it to him

- And yet you still were surprised when he texted you six and a half hours later

-“Hope you had a safe drive and I hope you’re ignoring this if you’re still driving XD”

- That opened the gates for practically non-stop texting and calling/facetiming from that point onward

- You chose to make it official two months after that despite wanting to do so IRL but being prevented by the pandemic that took over

- And you made it internet official a year and a half later

- The long wait was a result of several reasons

- For starters, you wanted to accumulate your own following and not piggyback off of Charlie’s

- Secondly, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, both of you were

- Mainly because of the internet’s love for gossip, drama and cancel culture which you knew would be triggered by the age gap of eleven years between you and Charlie

- Neither of you ever noticed the difference in your relationship, but you knew the people on the internet most definitely will and would also make a fuss about

- And oh boy they did

- Many harsh words were thrown around all over social media

- Accusations of you using Charlie for your personal growth and fame

- Accusations of him using you for popularity

- Suspicions of your relationship being a publicity stunt

- Assumptions that the relationship started before you were a legal adult

- It was enough to make you and Charlie turn off the router in your apartment and go off the grid up north for two weeks where you’d never felt more secure

- The toll that haters had taken on your relationship was mended in those two weeks

- During those 14 days no one had a say in you relationship nor your feelings other than the two of you and it felt like none of those sh*tty things even happened

- But you could live in bliss only for so long

- Eventually, you had to return to the less-than-pleasant reality of what you two had stirred up by revealing your romance to the world

- This time around, however, it seemed like a lot of the hate had been turned into acceptance

- Hell, there was more support than hate now

- There were the statements your friends and fellow streamers made in yours and Charlie’s defense

- Not that you needed defending, you hadn’t done anything wrong but it was nice regardless

- Soon thereafter you both sat down and addressed everything: the start of your relationship, making sure to point out when and how it had started, clarifying it was all legal

- You pointed out the controversy and addressed how disappointed and hurt you both were by the assumptions but made it crystal clear that none of the accusations were true

- Deep down, you and Charlie both knew that no matter what you said or did, people would judge one way or another

- So, instead of looking at it from the downside angle, you turned to the silver lining, living your best life, out of earshot of all the negativity

- What matters is your love for one another - something neither of you have ever had to question

- That’s what made you the power couple you are today and will forever be

#moistcr1tikal#moistcritical#moistcr1tikal fanfic#moistcr1tikal x reader#moist critikal#moist cr1tikal x you#moist cr1tikal imagine#penguinz0#penguinz0 x reader#penguinz0 fanfic#penguinz0 fanfiction#penguinz0 imagine#penguinz0 x you#fic#fanfic#fanfiction#headcanons#reader#x reader#request


Apr 25, 2022

Hey can you make a moist cr1tikal x reader where they're sibling of a famous YouTuber and makes YouTube videos of their own and he's a big fan of

Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you don't mind the headcanons format, a full fic requires a long wait and I don't wanna put you through that so here it is! If you still want a full fic, don't be hesitant to ask! Enjoy 💕

Pairing: Moist Cr1tikal x Jacksepticeye's Sibling!Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)

- As the younger sibling of none other than Jacksepticeye, you’ve had your fair share of second-hand fame over the years you’ve spent helping him grow his channel and attend conventions

- Over these years, you’ve garnered a certain love for content creating you never before thought you’d develop but you were more than happy to announce it to Jack who shared your enthusiasm and was your biggest supporter right from the get-go

- He still is the leader of your fan club much like you are of his

- Only difference is that now, that club actually has members other than him

- Albeit with his help, you managed to attract a decent amount of viewers to your streams every day until you hit a million subscribers within a time period of less than a year

- He was happier than you were, and that was not an easy task to achieve

- No, seriously, Evelien was worried you two would break the sound barrier with your shouting and cheering

- The way you officially celebrated that milestone, however, was not a classic party

- First of all, because of the raging Covid issue that was still at large play in the world at the time

- And second: Because you had made a promise to your brother

- Since you were dead-set on doing all you possibly could to get your own following and not piggyback off of his, you never collaborated on anything together

- There was not a single stream or video where you featured him and you had allowed only very few of his to feature you as a background lurker taking care of the technical stuff

- That being said, when Jack would complain on your avoidance of him like two siblings in high school (with a role reversal), you made him the promise

-“When, or if I reach 1 mil, we’ll collaborate, ok? Not only that, but we’ll play Among Us!”

- Ah, thinking back to that, do you feel the nostalgia?

- Time flies so quickly you’ve come to measure it in anniversaries rather than days and months

- Why anniversaries?

- Let’s get to that story, shall we?

- You were the last one to enter the lobby, having purposely been given a time later than intended so everyone could gather before your arrival

- You were nervous as all hell, palms sweaty, bouncing leg, restless fingers, the whole nine yards

- But the atmosphere that you were engulfed by, the warm wave of welcoming you felt wash over you when the people present greeted you, it was too overwhelmingly calming to no suppress that other dreadful feeling of anxiety within you

- Jack’s friends proved to be as nice as you had expected - even more so!

- Of course, you’d previously met Felix, Joel and Dave countless times you considered them your friends too at this point

- But there were also five people you adored there that you were yet to meet

- Rae, Corpse, Sykkuno, Toast and Charlie

- They were your idols from the very start of this career path of yours

- They were also the main reason behind your nervousness whereas, if it had only been the other three, Jack and you, you wouldn’t have bat an eye

- Each one of them congratulated you with so much genuineness, it made you feel like getting wrapped up in the most comforting, safe and warm hug in the world, further stifling your fears and worries

- It was impossible to stay nervous around people as wholesome, kind and sweet as them

- Truth is, you aren’t such an angel either, but you played the part nicely

- You couldn’t let your horns poke through during your first official time meeting some of these people, after all

- But, as any person with siblings can confirm, all it took was one snide remark from Jack to get you to roll your eyes and sass him right back

- Now that was the real you

- And, to your surprise, someone noticed the change right away

-“That’s why I find you so entertaining, that’s why I became a fan - you’ve got a quick wit and a knack for perfect timing whether that be a joke or sarcasm. I strongly respect people like that.”

- What surprised you even more was that this came from Charlie

- He was, at the time, the one you had the least amount of admiration for out of everyone in the group

- No specific reason, you had just never been too caught up with his content

- But to hear that he was a fan of yours, it put your entire world out of balance

- And you being you, you had to even the field as to not feel like you had come off as rude later on

- “Oh, what a coincidence, I’m a fan of yours too!“

- Yeah, he still, till this day, pokes fun at you for that line and the high octave with which you said it

- It’s a golden moment, the perfect start to something even better

- At his offer/question, the two of you exchanged contact info and other social media after the stream ended and promised to talk about a collab soon

- Bad thing is, you couldn’t even focus on the excitement of the idea when you knew you were a con artist in the current scenario

- So, you did what any reasonable person would do: pulled an all-nighter watching his videos to get a clue as to what kind of content he put out and what his personality was like on camera

- Turns out, the camera probably makes no difference whatsoever, judging by his energy, he’s a crackhead 24/7

- And you were well aware you had enough of that energy for three lifetimes, but you were still willing to see it through and see where it would take you

- Well, since I’m from the future, I can tell you that it’s led you to an engagement

- Yup, almost two years following your meeting and a hundred collabs (the last of which was the proposal itself) later, you and Charlie live in a shared apartment, engaged to be married

- See what I meant when I said you count time in anniversaries now?

- There’s now two eras of your life you can clearly distinguish: medium chaos era and maximum chaos era

- The latter you’re still living out with your fiancée by your side

- If things go as planned, you’ll be living in this era till the obligatory‘death do you part’

- Many things will change by then

- Hell, many things have already changed

- But one factor has remained a constant

- Charlie continues to watch each and every single one of your videos, giving Jack a run for his money for the position of leader of your fan club

- Speaking of Jack...

- He couldn’t be happier for the two of you, his body wouldn’t be able to contain a single ounce more of joy without combusting

- But he is quite salty about the idea of being taken down from his pedestal as your biggest fan

- Let’s be honest though, he stands no chance when compared to the man that’s head over heels in love with you and randomly tells you so in your stream chat just to make you giggle like a dummy mid-stream

- A love story of the times witnessed by thousands of people, what more can I say other than

- Beautiful

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.