The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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PAGE TWENTY' 18 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SATURDAY JULY 1 1922 OICES OIL HEAT Ap PROSPECT COURTS 812 DR A a parts Main 1634 INANC! II Inquire 1390 LOANS ON STOCKS BRIX or for priv family 501 THE GUYAHOGA HOUSE Tn Inq 111 El) LAT 8 modem 3th rt 33 1 I AUCTIONS Cherry 2f8(i rins and bath comb GOItRIXGE ASKS nusiXEos oitoii rim ties WASTED TO HUNT HOI $300 AVANT ED TO LEASE rruonnble GA KA GES OR Il ENT a bath wre St con curb near 6 recep National vn lbs Upper TH REE Room furnished suite st Phone Garfield 9144 5 fum or WANTED BUSINESS PLACES WANT place must be 22x90 ft fur fl table billiard room preferably un ctcm town line Box 8029 Plain Dealer WRECKING CO Union Depot Job ield Office 2092 Ontario SVMJIEK 13 J90 1 1 4 krimAb also bachelor tsuife hotel yerviee (k dred 4311 rrohpect ACTORY DISTRIBUTORS Opportunity is offered to be come established in permanent profitable business oil small capital product well established nijikitig county selling rights very valuable Responsible busi ness men invited to write in con fidence Give full details in letter to Box lufipO Plain Dealer SHARE I I RMSIIED IATS DESK KOOM oil HEXT PKOSPU'T 3S1 inest uh'no iri apt In city eDg furn elevator rates EXTAILM APARTN EXT Very dusirttble cd near Euclid beauti fully and furnished fur housekeeping 'tit reasonable laq janitor lyjS b2d at TDD BEST LOCATION RAYMOND CO or several years 10 Or 12 rm modern home must have 4 sleeping rooms 2 bat hs rage Heights preferred reference eriven Address Box 1IG82 Plain Dealer Hl SINEiS fl ACES OIt HEIST CORNER STOREV'25th and Seymour av will lease all or part to reliable party also 16 000 sq ft for manufacturing and storage purposes The Mahoning oundry Co 2901 25th st Lincoln 4254 ACTORY SI'ACi: roil REXT fi i ii i houses hunt 2HY) Rental Dept tile shower bath rletiner jan serv IUD luxated torea Hand 7146 LAKE AQUILLA All mnrnvlons for rent in park Call Eddy RANKLIN AV 7723 5 rnw atid bath in tine access to 3 earn all mod conv reas Horn EAST CLEVELAND APTS COOL AM' COM EORTA BI room suites now ready with all Venmnces and services store andmarkets handy 13206 ritperior Euclid Eddy 9574 MAIL ORDER rilMIVM rVSIXKSS right fntur tr mentions possibilities for right party good reason for selling: quick action necessary about cah retjuired Box Apartments 40 hotels 50 Rooming houses lx: stores iooo Sc us before buying or selling upper suite hjcatmn 1 25thU jd conv I i a i i largo and small offices overlook inq Boom iU4 BLVD rm apt overlooking park open ponh Rand 2074 WANTED for summer ff room single mar St 6n shady street: furnished nr'mfiirniahetL Dean Mathews 1335 Williamson B1Ll Main 1R5 AV 7720 Suite 3 5 tins bath jan serv available Julv 1st $6 Inq janitor on premises A lil I lU'ITV 1IIW UNION TGI STEARNS RD 6 rms nurt hot water heat 'ftf ice lacing park anylltf car: $S5 Gar RTl'fflVD f'Cr rm" Mute" now tr occupancy st tn hr ev conv inq Suite 7 SUPERIOR Desirable 3 rm suite with bath modern $35 per month Apply 1332 Cth st Cherry 1 630 $4 PER USED BRICK AND LUMBER DOORS WINDOWS PLUMBING SUPPLIES STEEL BEAMS IRE ESCAPES ETC 123D ST SUPERIOR THROUGH car Cur TUSCORA Will build for tenant parage slz 60x19) long time leaae Inq 210 and 212 Ulmer Bldg LARGE garage In rear of 2217 inth'Jtfrum Central av $6 monthly Garf 5H21 IIAXNA BUILDING private office 325 square fr beautifully fur nished walnut flat top deck and table six chairs taupe Wilton rug outside ntrauc? light and airy this office is suitable for law or any rrofeasiunal business can be routed tor one year or two years 970 Hanna Bldg Cherry 235 ABOUT So JM' pj SPACE HIGH 'LAS 4 ONLY: residence or apartment See Mr Selhn rental dept S349 Taylor A Son Cent 5910 5th floor Wil hum Cider Eauhhhed 1S72 YOUNG couple wants 1 rooms and bath carage not over per month Hemlock 1277 2313 rr 23 GREYTON RD 1G312 5 rm aintea and bah new 2 fam all com paved street 5Q down 15 up Main 7762 GRI ING AV off at upper auite 5 nns newly dec all imp 40 Main 1179 re per mo brick freight depot Uall WILL loan on Hydro United Tire Body and Mason Tire nt per cent Standard Securities CQJW0 Schofield Bldg RulU mgr tor auto co asfwrj aro mre1 3V nn dollar ro debts good hacking fine chance right man invest SIDOOn become director and receive liberal block srtock Box 24272 Plain Dealer LATS AXD TEKRACJ'S OB NEWTON AV cor lOHt nn area all hdwd fin mod tile bthrm IMeas refrigera tion jeaa inc Htrn hr Janitor or air bS2 OVERLOOK RD1 25 rU I gf Eleg i nt 7 Igo airymiB 2 baths: atm lit Pair 3009 PAGE'A 1 Beauti ful tl large luoniH sun room in a dur bid tile shower hath everything modern: steam heat garage If deaireu reasonable Inq janitor PA LAIS 2fllO et durable 1 aid 2 rocro BultM near iusp to thruuih Supr car rnvae 3 bath 3d fir of fatn adults $35 Main 5379 doing Hi iri light gas heat and water rut AVAILABLE July 1st desirable desk space wit Ii show window suitable for real estate or sales office stenographer and phone service if required also 1G00(J sip ft for manufacturing and storage purposes The Mahoning oundry Uo 2901 AV 25th st Lincoln 4254 Euclid iticl iiduig refng ration in a dor i i i i i'iiHi inriti etc In quire jatdtur Cedar 985 Become seey nr tmas and take act be pirt in old well business Plain Dcab I A1 )ANMUnTLE3LX AVith Mme capital to bundle management of fani neir city Eddy 4557 COMBINED road house restaurant counter laurate dining rooms 2 flats double garage Lmg lease low rent owner retiring Box 102M Dealer BRICK BLDGS av I'nnai COTTAGES roll ULMER BLDG Public Sana re CI VELA sirs BEST Vorv i ing sqtian Ing Room 704jJherry DELIT A1ORTG AGE'BLDG 1910 KE tdh bH Aeen Euclid and Very desirable cilice spce finest locaHou in ci Main 2990 Bldg office 11th floor HARDWARE and auto accessories bargain cash or trade tor real estate JO37 79th ICE CREAM soft drinks candy and cigar stand' hue tourist trade Call at 13S8 Sloan Lakewood JEWELRY store and loan office in env near Gb veKnd $2590 in loans on hand very good paring bnriness no rnnineti tion good reason for selling Box 132S2 Plain Dealer AV Jkntl Mod 5 rms bath built in leal liropl aw'i a new fit rear lurches gar 'a ke 3433 2 Lkwd 5 mis up Jkwd 49n2 ORTIETH APA RTM ENTS 40th and Prospect 2 3 and 1 nn suites See janitor or Prospect 1434 Eddy 3jG3 OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LAKE RONT EAST I 4 5 inmis conn nne stf 137 1 2 Miorv Line Mill loan money for month') to a year al (I per ni on active listed and tin bsted stocks and Iwuins Write fully what yon have and how much von want to borrow Box 25573 Plain Dealer WIL share my home with married eoujle or single man room and board 11th WILL share hnm? with married 3505 st Lorain 117th st car lt AV Mo 5 nns modern heat and janitor service $35 Main 300 eff 105th Atirac five mod suite 5 mu and bitli: runt rt as Brdy 1692 SUPERIOR U3i 1 4 rooms in a dor bed steam heat Crest fAYLUR RD ISlC Groom suite fine condi open porch Cedar 14u9 e7'C Beaut light 6 rm apt bath and shower awnings ideal lo cation near Eiwlffi av $70 Eddy 20 AMSTER pecializ 's in wine beer soda gbs chmajind restaurant supplies 1038 St Clair EABY carriage for sale cheap air 32S5 I RXIMIEO IATS OR HEXT LAKE SHORE BLVD Stop Beaut fum 3 rm apt on the lake all ennv month of illy can Uko possssiun at once Bros 1 LIO 7 109 2d 71 nor 5 rooms ami bath $75 adults only Jnqmm first llonr or Gall A Ha minor Cherry 2100 THE UNO TRUST CO Rental Dept LE ROY URNISHED' APT 173 1 dll EVCIin CAR Modem 2 id 3 room suite furnished for hskpg ntiVRV baths hi a dor imds trout porches de lightfully clean and comfortable $10 to $1175per week LOCKWOOD AV 1672 Suite 2 5 rms bath including baby gruid piano Victrcla elec washiig machine amt vacuum cleaner 1 KI XS 1 1 GT 8015 Eiwlid av Trm lomhinat ion newly deco ruled furnished or unfurnished 13600 comer Bryn M7wr5 fumishntl iwnts and bath: rent rentiahle ERN 18x20 ninhog fum re ception rm light hnt service mb: $1 10 mo to parties with satisfactory ref Euclid fmut new bldg 4282 DEATH frees wiuow to sacrifice equippl dntn office cboip ase optional ini eluding practice Rm 2 517 Woodland bilAIJ (RARG'e Ol $156ou UUYs Tidg plant fulv equipped worth double cMibluffied 3 yr product staple in metal line used in every home no specialty unlimited field a like opportunity seldom available best reasons: invent igite quick Box 24182 Plain Dealer 14dMS7LXWG5lLfrE 9th nr Euclid: rent $70 electric lights In come $ipn oycbLsjve (f 2 rms all hskpg Call 1 1013 UVMLfcMN RD 1820 lonial His? 7 rms garage all imp Eddy 7n71 LAIU'IIMONT 1612 Buife5 j'lmns all modem conveniences rent reason able Main Central 1726 LEI SUPERIOR 1 2 rnw any biHiness Call A Dcttmcr Pres 2y7 or Central 8150 CVR Enohd and iiperinr atore good loc for dry cleaning Ipq Del mont OXTUUO 1316 cor Clair i tjnrgo store suitable any Lusihcrs '13 Central 16 1THTtir room 1 LaJrui i Ainnitea Rtm ht Randolph 1138 18757 There is no better 5 rm ifAMPSlTIRE RD near Blvd Upper suite 5 rms gar $70 a i r23S3 IIIU LARD RD Upstairs new 24'amily extra iine brirU garage Lakewood 2065 KINSMAN RD 1 1(f04i1hrrn house all conv wly decorated suitable for 3 families or ring Vmicvivn KINSMAN Rl (26 3 arid 5 rnnrnv all mud eLi: furnii $18 and $25 (7aKE 1EW RD 5 rms garage Call Eddy 5678 loon Wil lianiscn Bldg 12K) SQ nffg bldg 1 blndc Proihct 4E 3000 SQ Ur mry brick bld? nr 224 It maeh shop npiipt if ties Rand 1H2 c'righ maix 5s3L OR factory space anv location Tom Knight 'fhe actory Man 270 The Arcade RAYMOND 19 ABLE To sr your business or place you In btuiceea and place ou right call Cherry 620 15 RAYAIOND C' ipSTCLAIR RESTAURANT connected with first class hotel in nr rn tuim bnsirmsa nevlv equinried and decorated nanii nish Ing Mun 7096 Central 1544 KMG HOUSE 25 ROOMS $500 CASH DOWN (Tears $150 ino See ow AIRCHILD 10820 5 rm steam heated apts Princeton 1923 O1TGE space for rent 30x30 Cobnial arcade balcony Gamble Lun Ihfn Ct louial houT PRIVATE offices both phones stonegmpher high grade tenant 1001 Hipped re me Bldg PRIV VIE ottice fnrn or uniurn in luxurious 712 Clrrelard Dwcmmt Bldg t'RTVATE office: furnished or umurnished Room' GH Jjth st Main 4 10 1 631 II I PPDl'R1 Private office scry ble tert PRIVATE office 9x14 rent only "1044 En gineers Bldg EUCLID corner ICKKh room auite Cedar 2808 MURRAY HILI 2320 Murray Hill rd 5 rm evry conr jau serv gr NOBLE I 1 for $75 see it today 5 Proc N'GBLE APT 1724 HCth rl near 6 xxes bednua st ht all conv See jan 75TH 1620 nr 2 ladies will share Irre apt with bus girl Rand 1 TIl 1247 off bhd Sup 2 hdit will sharp ke airy lower of 2 fam ail com piano uo ebket to children ref Garf 33041 ElVLlIr 1 15007t244hiiar 6 sui re ry reaa ava Hable 1 uly 1 LA I A' will share nr rent 5 rm apt with 3 or 4 bus girls or young couple Eddy 65 1 2 STILLMAN RD 2121 TLeghU off Cedar rd lAwr suPe rwms nd tile bath 1 room and Lab hn 3d fl(K'r steam heat air 963 ST RATHMdRE 11226 ci Ou corner 5 rm npi' Ap ly wrstairs SUPERIOR 14170 nr His car Cbssy 6 rm suite hi rent row air 1337 all conr priv beach Wood 732 OP room rot tag furnihM? excellent bearii sewon $27 Eddy 4724 LAKE STIORE Private IwAch Inq The Arcade URNITURE of 5 rm flat complete leaving city 56r2Liuwoodv Ste Randal WJAT GAS range New ProceM ride oven $18: small $7 to cocd cnnl 4910 ayne up URNTsilED cottages Rt Cucu on the Lae to Id by the during luly gt? run ning Wktr elect HO gbfa largu screened Dorrhai: rarrtaler on promh centrally Iqca'M ut kdce Mh er Edgar Allen Gem va nn the Lake ST CLAIR 12M4 3 large rms ami bath comp farm rent retfs Eddy 4172 see jan STOG KRR 1 ilGLAPAK TAlEVfS turn 2 rm ste pros 2159 SUPR RD 14365 IDs Nicely funi 4 rm de Ahjcoui roas air 1343 VAN BUREN RD 1921 in Windermere 4 nice ly turn ronins ntv iy dec can rent for 1 yr WA RRiN HI 1296 3 rm furnished apart men adults Lkwd 475 WATER IH RD um upper 4 rims bath fine location Lkwd 4717 'W1IITR APTS SG1 21TH NO IUUI1D Elegent tarnished 1 and 3 rm ats new nothing like them in city planned for convenience and business people very cozy and honmlike: high grade tenants downtown call ami see suites 1 1 OT 1 A 1 MlXTH 0MB Excellent nerchborhxhi nr Eicllil 1ft5th dis trict beautifully tnrnvffied fine porch 3 rms and bath special proposition to permanent tenants: ref Call 2077 9th "BET ECLI DAX I 'ilOlJGII 1 and 2 rootn smites nnr idea kitchen and dining room privileges refined busine a woman or couple rent $35 tojp'u cai IS22 93d st LOW REXT AL Near Wake Park and oth st 4 rooms lower floor light and heat furnished couple or two IniKiners' women Garfield 9323 "NlUToiTll AXirsWTTOlT 3 nicely furnished nns nr park fine for couple rr two buiiess women call afternoons 1391 WILL rent until timber our fmn 5 room apartment: V'n high class and co'l: onlv 10 min from toth su Inquire of Knapp 2304 BeBlL ld av ulev Ills OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED DENTAL OICE OR SALE Has been in continuous opera tion for twelve years Two operating rooms reception room lavatory complete Present owner engaged in other business and will sell for less than inventory cost Satisfactory arrangements will be made for introduction etc or further particulars and interview ad fl ress Box 9882 Plain Dealer 1 BIIH'K ElioM SQUAltE C(iol JV NICE OK BKOKEItAGE Ii'E SIMI' Ali JfttSlNES RENT SoXABIE OR INORM T1ON CALL eilEIIKr 123 BET THE novas 11 VN1 AihNEE2L S1'yi 1 A vs Biilkley Bldg 1501 Euclid Some mtv office ipace available in this ppkndid new building the Bulkh Garage ad joining has special features interesting to build ing tenant The ord McCa lift Co Maii agi8 413 Bulkh Bldg Main JL SMALL machine shop sale or rent SbflO nq ft ground finer rpacc nr 2 2d st Ran dofnh inn? SECOND hand furniture itar exceptionally good dwp good location 2662 55tb st irinee tun 2440 ENTIRE millinery stock very cheap 4926 Broadway EUCLID AVt 15937 Now available nt $hn month hue store room always occupied by barber Call Cherry 1630 A e1'7EN'u'eLJ OR DRUG OREIG'L AMIR 2D ULR PROS KU 16115 ST CHA JR A v7 NRlONDDXRD New toro in new bus rmr very Dw rent 1 i mum to icr "iv phcns hl ULID A 12 51 Durable IGMT with ment heated lease Aso janitor tr Morgan Cn Ruth phones ily 5 raw bath am! garage 2193 Tavlor rd corner airfui Grfnll 4920 II rper suite 5 rms and mn rm A Mdher airmoimt 1 CLVE HTS Rexwood rd 2291 Urp 2 fam niut gar rasgc r4rigt rpen VLIl rON B1AD 167il comer Ethri Attrao tivo high class duplet upper suite never bccuplI: Private entrance and lurches 7 large rms aJl ide bath at hk garage Lkwd 443O ULiHoN BLVD opposi 6 rms $65 adults: fiu garage Lkwd 1365 3 UN BLVD 3pn 4 deurable firn yard tree Lkwd 276s cl*tON BIAD 10514 doubh 6 rnu and bath and garage Hern 345 ULIDIN BLVD Half of doubin 5 rooms and hath 2 ga ag Lakewood 4 19 CVlT AV 1302 and hah enclosed jower suite Eddy 2720 REINIAWN 10014 off 105th 5 roornfl OWLING ALLEYS billiard tables auppiiee: new and second hand: terms Ohln Billiard I owling Supply Co 1250 St Clair Main 7801 MILLIARD tables new and used suppliesV' pairing Cb reland Billiard Supply Co 126(1 9th su Mam Cent 2147 CHERRIES are nje come 'and pick them price will be right 8 Cathun 1 mile of Perry ClIllB'S high ci sir oa ad jiTst ahi to three airmount 1911 CONCESSION trunk paddle wheel Hul Trans fer 1904 Prospect 4456 HOSE Any size snrden hoe at fie per foT Onfaro Supply Co 1 rgi St ''lair Main 8211 125T1I ST 5 nv nts and bath all con veniences upstairs WESTCHESTER 10102 12 ot double rms 2 on 'id Inquire 10101 Westchester YA1E AV 9217 ii nns and sun rm all cum PAftKWOOi'f 'IVL0 GARAGE Ml)l JHtUSrEfT 214 PERKINS 42fNl Ue 5 rnisTst ltt frrnt and bac porch rent rt aa Jan serv Eddy W2 (XSAVy IS Tt ww and bath steam lnii rent teasonabje See janitor I 4ri0iiis and bath cl Its turn ice box store hot water and jan serv just refln lire lici mis 2 in a dor lied laundry Eddy 705) on I fir 2 cur HAVE YOU ANY VACANCIES? apartment homes or If 0 liat with THE REALTY SERVICE CD Prospect 4'64 Central 5360 2 to 4 rm flat porch: Eat End not beyond IDUth Box 4252 Dealer LET rent your vacancies Arnold A OICE ROOM A pmall mute cnn Dting cf 3 rm 450 nq ft to auhlffi located on floor Iaeader vra Bldg Gall Main or ut 294 DSK TbhiM and office apace vvithrhnne and Monographer services 340 Lfuub ws bldg ROLL TO DESK BO1 pUy 5 rooms and hath oisr STt 5 roorn suite all Tomtit jrnce: with nr without garar? P51H rn and bith all rent up taira Inq 3tWX3 1 ar 105TH ST 1310 nr Clifton mod rms dowmatalra ihSTlI ive rooms iij allcon RENT UX 439 fi3I) WOODLANT) sij ft ground floor 'space in corner brick bldg with store in front fine garage manuiactur'ng or rcrvil biujiness Cint al 4625 Garfield 1970 STORE for rent corner nice 1 Gge room beauti ful di'T'Uv window in one of the best business soutions in the city 7866 Broadway Inq ot Steriilii'ht 7812 Broadway Telephone road ay 2912 EUCLID cor 105th now being remodeled si for dry goods jewelry groceries meat market and delicatessen: special induce ments to liable tenant 1iq Mr Gilson bldg office 2 to 4 tlaiiv BUNDER A cor Superior near Rtenm in new bunding janitor service Cent 1899 ves and Sundays or Eddy 8202 pen until HOI OR KlnNT EST BLVD girage hot water ht in a tlor lied block so Cbfton Hem 3609 i BLVD 2235 High clas 7 brosk7iind sun rm ide bath 2 fam gir Hem 2249 5V MAIIsN 741 Large 10 rm hrotse uit for ronmera Inq next door Line 360' 753'11 3d house from Detroit ear 4 rms Iwlh up $25 Inq 1 53 1 Cl ftnn blvd YORKSHIRE RD Half brick duplex rooms 2 baths garage 1315 NTW ro in single home rent 1hr may bras for I yea? nr longer exclusive and restricted location shaker His near Rapid Transit awl ether car line $75 Call from 4 to 6 in at 1372 125th st yuth of Superior A iv prw immediate $95 per mo Randolph 4)5 Central 930 2 MILY rm twnte for rout: 2 up and down Call owner Eddr orPrinceton 1995 Rt NR Glenville fl twlrmTHm mHiaterx Ini97S 123ffi Eddy 9533 7 Room house near 3 car bm 7113 Made Park Randolph 6125 5 RM suites in 2 family'off Brandriew un 3963 LLANDAI AV Beau Inc plea rhous July and August CaII IMdy 3872 Nioelv fur in nw 2 fsnulv Kakeword 6759 I or 5 rms dn 3 jsu wch fARTY wanted to invest $30fM) to $500 In going burina and take active iuterrst book keeper or collection luanagw Bex 10582 Plain Dealer I sold this wvk groe and conf doing 0n and better pc wri: rt $45 with 3 rms bread and milk sales iay all exp 7901 Harvard at A P'XRTN ER Charge cftlce growing con cern $250 nlf interest invito thorough in srvctftin McCONNKLL Ibpi HA A to invest in some profitable buel no grocery or restaurant wanted: what have you? 1 1 42 Piaui Dealer 1MK Gmcer and delict essen on Detroit ar Lakewood fine locations reasons personal 1 owner Lakcwnod 4814 £PK'fALTV manufacturing wonderful oppor tunity: requires $1M)O rash Box 115S2 Plain MOTOR trucking and storage business for sale: rwtu compelled to devote full time to other interest: jtyr lease transferable: 2 Acme trucks for price and terms call at 1061 63 1 1th st Alain 2380 1 MEAT market next door to isher Pres 34 of refrigerated counter spare ire machine and full equipment: selling on acct cwiw's illhcalth Inq 13923 Mayfair av A I (T( Hl ST fl i 'KM G'Tc VetTve official" oct 1 need $7500 KRAUSE 556 bed tile bath Inq at office Garf UGLID and 2 3a7idTin7r7Slb to $60 Apply 311 Alhambra Theater Bldg EUCLID 14211 5 rm jmitr mwfem st ht $5 ier inr Apply janitor on premises cer Giasmero 3 roonw jn a dr bed dr room tile bath rent reasonable UCIIT 15937 5 rm suit modern" htT $50 per mon Apply janitor on premiftea CI ID AV 13s59 cor Lage ront 3 5 rm finltesst ht $30 and $50 Eddy SC27 EUCLID LAKEVIEW 12428 3 4 nna in ador beds st lit $49 $50 Jan or Eddy 8627 EUCLID AV 11619 1 and 2 rm a dor bed kitchenet and hath See janitor EUCLID HGTS BL I) rms in a very attract i rr EICLID A5 room and bath electric 1 ts Cedar 808 ATRCHILD 10720 3 rms and bath $60 5 rms and hath 85 Inquire janitor tor leash 2 000 sq ft it Cook Bldg 4Cth and Prospect will 13n dispose cf complete nfllm ftuxUhings if 9sirnl lephone Randolph 1 95 NATIONAL BLDG 404K 9 TH 3 minutes to EuriM and 9ih et: desirable office at reasonable rental Inquire ord lin S17 WtHiarnsorinids MainJIT OICE SPACE 15 bn sq ft wR lighted office space Apply Euclid 46th market office NIC URNISHED OLGCE SPACE 'TO RENT One room of two room sniro services of stenographer 317 of Bldg Majn PLAZA 32" Prospect 3 rms hath rent reas Inq janitor of lsiu or Cent 3147 PROSPECT AV 2 3 and 4 rm Iiskpg suites Sv janitor or call Ehiy 3oi3 Prospect 143L ST EA1R 11518 new 3 and 4 nn suites: steam heat in dnr janitor service S4? ITinc 1577 ST GLAIR 7 IOS 5 rooms bath md Tn ish'd 437 Socy for Sav Main 921 Ucn tral 1480 ST GLQ1R 12325 5 large ring $40 inquire candy store Ml conv SAGAMORE heat fum per month Gall ON 3 non so i 4 non so IT ofnwi ibooo 13 no THESE BUILDING AKE SUITABLE DR MANUACTURING WAltrHorsE uR GA RAGES VERY LOW RENI'S 1 BASSICH1S SON 1110 srC I'OK SAV MAIN 1 NTRAL IfTI ACTORY AND WAREHOUSE SPACE Anilalle all tarts cf the city to feet Rentals 25c per foot and up THE JOSEPH LARONGE UO 139uo Euclid cor Vassar firm arts mod si i jdjan serv: $55 Eddy 540 1 EAST LDVE HOLYOKE 1709 1 rms bath comb turimcn garage Etkly 855 OVERLOOK roof 2 baths See janitor or vanP Catalano 8J6 WiXHihmdjlv 59 2512 5 rms and barn in brick apart rent S3o Inq GK9 Quincy 66TH 1523 5 room? and lath steam heat fou euar mi CONECTIONER GixhI cat bus inc $l5o0 mo: rt $15: large Moro clean stock line cig ire cement base long be terms Hem 2018 and grocery rent $50 lease 5 bvirg nwun price cn stuck SOJVJttd GfWul ineitmn school quick sale 2414 Tremont av CREAMERY up to date fixtures good lor must11 Ko weekly income will sac Ed 3419 CONECTIONERY notion an! bathing gooda: will )eae or "ell building Eddy 7357 6 1 A Kt rr LON hiisinewt mahlhhn 1 will aril cheap to quit buyer Box Nis2 Plain Dealer CON not iuns sTirTf oldnst stand tr cor 4 yr lease larg3O7 Cedar CONECTIONERY Busv location: gnod" buri ney large living rooms terms Ibra 3079 DELICATESSEN etih rtand: snod roer location averager $50 p' day and up stock and fixture rent $fl3 Inrl heat 3 yr kaaa price $2300 11200 cah EUCLID INVESTMENT CO 938 HANNA BLDG 4El14'ni 1107 Ste io 4 rim convenience 1 1 xrirr Euclid 6 nip all modem Inq janitor Gar o74 51 or oe mngs ir lul ST 3 Very moi fl rm fiat To" Ing on promise Pros 4755 or Cent 457(L 152D ST One block south Lake" Shore bhd 5 niinutc walk troni lake aee Jan itor or Eddy 79GS 125TH 1272 5 pleasant rooms and bath downstairs north of Superior Eddy 6042 14LST ST 936 5 rms in a dor bed hot isl wr Body Co $35 ELSINORE AV 1733 7 nn bath A cond etm ht: $75 uc car Eddy 9136 ENGLEWDDDlOri'off IL 4 rm7stvs st ht Ste 2 or ere Cedar 101 EUCLID A 12555 The A UBURNDA LE Tesirable 4 rooms steam heiwed closet bed janitor aerrice $45 See janitor EUUTl ip 1 3 4 5 6 7 nm suites: dv and night vlev service Inq of flee of bldg El (J ID AV 14139 Nice 5 room hiine 8 15 all conveniences Inquiry janitor Suite 4 or Main J0S1 EUCLID 10310 Larg'1 7 rm suiTe suitable for rooming purposes 5813 Central 461 iidf fl nnarch hot water heat Lil airy roorrv 1 fin on 3d garage comb furnac Eddy 92 GOWN I ALlm 'Near fl rn and sun rm up rent $5o 1671 3 Hillsboro Eddy 430 COX ENTRY RD 1697 fl nns trout mn rm rear ahvp porch gar: Wr loc nr Heights mr bions and school $'0 air D25 DARWIN A 1 Mud fl rm singD gar chicken hme $50 5813 central if i DE OTA AV Euc IPs KHUflt 6 rms ba gar every conv ideal locIUnd 7763 7 mu ami garden: 3d house from Emlid $75 per month Eddy fl1 AS I CL A ELA dnver pnn suite and gi rtge Inq 13fl0b ourth av MEAT inark good incation: nnxt tn isher Bros grorery' reas for cash if sold at once 1 'ex 2757'2 'Iain Dealer MEAT MARKET 5 ljU! oram av doing $400 wk will sac: owner going into other business MEAT KRKET and grocery' store at 2335 1 1th reasonable PHONOGRAPH store will) agency for one of the beat plenty of space to handle ether merchandise also box 559 44iVh Pddv 7357 10 1 1 I hya muRwT oocupsur pt 1 Benun Ed 2L5S DENISON ami 25th Elegant location' ac quick before Deuwon Line 4J74 LAKESIDE 3:07 lshi tt tor rage or fight mfg rcaa Main 24 Erie 21 UNION av fc ami 4 rn rofiV rot si any bnw xMv 179: Prine 1672 SU1 ERIOR INI' Birat lr Moro vn month Apply 1352 Gth st Si 11311 Lg store good for grocT next firabchi imnit mkt Crw STORE ROOM at 11723 Kininwn Inquire Max Irndman A Co Rand 620 BOLIVAR Rl 922 Store near 9th st' rent Cherry R23O usinesa experience ann $35 non tn $50 QOO cash to invebt in submharVark and a lo ment prop Ron 50 ninut a from un Counts ark dr this cash Will be Dut into improvement on land worth $150 (Jk? rar must give entire time to this proposiiton with fkLtnn2 futurj aasurwl for 5 mcan and have the ia11 as dial an wer and appointment will ba arranKotl Box 2ui72 I'hin Dealer WILL BU nt taenfloo 20 aliare preferred at or 01 the ''trele Co to stockholders of that com pany or hiiclid airmonnt Co attraclice price learin city IiM APARTMENT leae flue loc for rsondvg houseHirt turn ron Box 26382 Iliin Dealer BEAUTY 10 yrs established business in Lakewood 5 living nns in connection low rent exceptional opportunity with terms to suit purchaser 1 45 1 fi Ict roit BARBER SHOP 3 chairs cigar case $700 $300 down Mr Edgington Sim 'Realty Co 1113 I Chlr Samy Bldg Let 9 1 1 HTli 1 A i room 12 tibivs 3 chairs cigars candy and oft drinks: idsl location no jAmutitiom Mil a nr Gorbut BARBER shop 2 chnir cheap no conipctitiun7 rd 25th Superior through can BARBER shop 3 chairs sntt drink stand rea sonable good location 2973 Woodbill rd BARBER shop well cheap it5 jr Ise line trade $5i handles 1U 7017 I xington BARBER shop good locaHnu ami business owner leaving city: reas flflOj Clark a OlXEG nl(i cmc: fine cor store: inc per wk rt $65 nw 3 liv rms in cnn: American neigh cash trade deal with owrer terms to suit own hav fir west 11511 Miles CIGAR 8TAND in downtown nffifp 15 people doing excellent business good b' we reason fnr selling leaving country good opportunity: quick Call Main 2222 CON IGTIGN ERY ke cream parlor best section of Wait Sn1e CLr brick 3 rma np 3 yr Two rt $90 mo inc $350 wk will stand trial acct other bus will aac Hem 4569 CONGESTIONS with summer cottage completely stocked ready for btisinw reasonable munt M1 account disagreement of partnera Addict 403 Standard Theater Bldg 811 Prospect av OICE "SPAC nn RENT" In GnrflrM Bank 322 Euclid nr' light airy ard adaptable floor iin 801 DESIRABLE private office completely fumirinil with atencgrapldc serriro mable for district office 864 Swetland dg CONV fiuall office nicely irn rmt teL steno sent available City 1 Idg Cherry 1 526 office anti Rvmg rooms tine lo cation rms and nam Gulick Lincoln 2259 ITYMOU'nrBIDC 23d and Light offices $33 $3fl and $48 p'r month Main lLdral 1254 PRIVATE Ol both phones amD rTira25 desk and furniture $20 KO SYCAMORE RD Heights fl rooms and sun rouu 3 bedrooms aide brick house Main 7215 airmount flksl 4EMB1ETT 1166g Sup rior through 3 rms and hath Inq on pn mbes Main 220 TMKIETT AV 11506 'Superior through car 3 rtn and Rath all conv Garf 3363 VIC'luRlA AV 149L3 LkwdlZlNew rnih robes HD rth stovs rofrigeraton $55 dn open fur ita all dav MADE PARK rent 2 large rots and bath eloe fights aod manttpJ25 Cedar2162 PaTK BLVD? New rms and bath facing jvirk htest deorations and Improvemente Broadwty 1772 ERB RD Lkivl' 5rms bath and sunroon CMl Higjt 446 'V WEBB RD 1265 akewd 5 rooms bath up all rinv Lkwd 2513 med Jan sen Edh 179 t'rinc I fl 2 WADE PARK AV 9232: Suite 4 rms bath nil conven cxd cond Garf 6569 It MTU 2303 elton Apt 4 and 5 mis bath mod Inq janitor Line 1225 23TH 3751 3 rooms unfurnished or fur nished modern Lincoln 3M fi Wj 41 ST ST 5 rms bath elec hot water screen on car line with ar with out varage no objection to one clil 1 AV 65TH S'l 1925 5 pleas and elec Its and very reas no childHem 836 S3D 2918 near Madison 5 rooms modem brick adults Inmiirv 1591 Rosewood ar Phone Lakewood 352 WOODWORTH rms all conv mod Euclid 1 lbth or St Clair car rent $45 2742 bed steam heat all mod improv Ing jan ce 1 No i irl 1 1 1 0 rli nod 6 rms beautiful polished floors vacuum sys tem: wonderful laundry: special proposition to permanent tenants ref required Call 1S3S Ruth between Euclid and Hough INGTON? 77tb Rem from citv gives rare chanv' for vac suite now: high class fireproof 8 rms 2 2 porches rent reas Randolph 482 3 ROOMS in a dor bed tile shower bath near Euclid Beach on 156th ht rent reduced ro $35 mo: large suite at $15: st 'am heat rent same all year Call Main 3672 3 ROOM Mine jrood location on rar line all mod conv Call Gar 7769 lViniOfM'nd hath $35 inquire 1439 7Dt RD J2IlHY nns 2 baths: gar $175 mo: attractive house in lo cation Jor appointment call Gan 21 13 CEDAR RD robins gar largegroumls complete in every detail $150 CHESTERLAND 284 New 2 families fir rent 5 rms each suite and bath mod all conv PHn 3P22 A Li ihindy 1 1 1 1 I A lu 5 rms down all conv hdwd floor: nr 105th and bupirior $5 RMG HOUSE Euclid and 11 rms 2 bn lease waiting fist rrinc only Gar 30: iC ROOMING APTS 'AND RoilMINg'' HOCv HANNAN A 272 55 5636 liMG HOUbE 1th and Euclid rtnsT l''autjur all hskpg reas Owner Gar 7577 RESTAURANT Real bargain daily receipts $10'rert $60 $600 rash 1335 SHOE STORE stock and fixtures for balebKir: ter rent 2429 St Ckur a 8OT D1UNG iMirlnr fine location good buv3ti79 1 95th TAILORING and dry cleaning $200? actquic ill Mdy 3496 wall VAPER and PAINT oppor MUST BE S'HD before July 1 make an offer Call Garfield 9364 WHOLESALE poultry business inal I plant do ing a capacity in fretdi dressed pui trT Box 47i' 5 Plain Dealer SS I IlT I IN IT I ES LNE4 'TION ER ROOMS8227 QUINCY GARIELD fl 158 CONECTION ER Smail with soda fountain tnibsfpr (inner 3909 Woodkind av DRY Goods More ror sale good location must sell at once Inquire 2968 25th st ESTA RLlsilEI bnsinww showing 2(K)prnfit in Cleveland require 5(ijkK) for advertising in other cities will consider any amount Box 28372 Dealer RUIT and veg table stmds7 Euclid must sacrifice for quirk sale Apply Box 25273 Plain Dealer URNISHINGS of attrac 7 rm apt 4 led rmajrd loc fir rent $759 Rand 1814 OARAGE Brick budding good location East Sid 80x(4 with lot adjoining 46x160 through to street: storage space 57 cars every thing complete showing 20'7 net income owrt er leaving ritv Box 28782 Plain Dealer GROCERY ine location in Lakewood di al direct with owner Pall lutkewood 5109 GIlJfKRY' and meat market in good location Quick buyer gets a bargain Inquire Tenp ken 2(H 22d st across A GARAGE business and equipment storage pavs all overhead cheap 2117 Superior Prvh 2''9 GEN I S' furn shop transfer cor no competition" must sell 1efore July 10 acct other bus79x Hough av GRuUERY and meat market doing good bus consider real ewtato in trade Eddy 780H GRo and ineat mkt on Woodkill rd 50 with Jiving nns Gar 1998 GARAGE stock and uxih good loc nr down town 1 try ia price $400 Eddy 1280 and meat market corner store rent 0 Inquire Garfield 2 145 GlbKERY Good location and business reasun able price leaving citv 7122 Cedar av JiOTEI rms running watr call bells and telephones in each room LEASE rt inc $900 now ran be handled at $700 down bal easv Ilannan 55th Rand 5636 HARDWARE STORE irst class best East Side location: reas reasonox 73s Plain Dealer HAIIDWARE STORE tt quick saD for cash Wil a bargain Inq S12u Wade 4 tA 1 1 1 3xvx CEDAR cer 30th cn Mown line store building grow! for anr bnduesi Call Owner Cherrv 1591 ddv 790 El LIP AV frontage fnr inus store nuUuwry art ahep or beauty parlor 106 14 Euclm 115 RONTAGE GN 9TH Modern well nac for at'V kind of hnrineM Catalano 36 Woodland SI XUE fur salcKroutu tork and nffic' ue 4(x4A gnc! luffit and elevator sei vice her Egberts 4th nm! Prospect Main 10 215 illiamaon Rl lg Pent 90 TflB PROPERTIES 70 17500 eqtiare feet of fine inanufiuhiring or (stor age spar In new concMe buffihng rrft 1 ghf sprinkler system swiu 1) SIIPRMER REALTOR Mil tlLSHAU BLDG MA 15 ls3 'AKTI RAT bldcC 111 or any pan of new modem 7 story fireproof buildir 370Q0 sj It to rocb t'or: covers blrok on Superior ar between 25th and 2'tth Sts: an ideal location for light manufacturing Randolph 2827 thejcstate A INVESTMENT cd STU YVES ANT ELDO Euclid at 49th 36UO feet fight mfg spa 2'X) iw ht 1 ft light un 3 also office sp4Co Rand 7300 19TH ST 2YW4 step off Iht mfg space 20xU2t4 in modern daylight bldg offices driveway in rear Simon Sign Co ProsfHrot 2171 Ventral 8392 afo EAST SIDE ON It 7KWD fdGHT mfg space 50xSy vrrr light rrt be fireprf good sere EllaPonc Annex Bldg R' bcrts Vroepei and 4th st oRAGTr'STTES ANi SPACE SCHAELER GRANGER REALTY Co 307 Sw for Sav Main 2840 Cetu 1 iO HE tor facrorv sites and space P00L RoOM and cigar stand Call Garf 8690 weninga iToom NCTiiOUSE 8 1ST sD 2D IIOVSE ROM Modem iip to uaie home with beat improvement NEW urniture rugs bedding etc from 10 rims fiuue price rod need from $3000 to $2000 TODAY $1200 cash required EDpS RD Jzww auitp electric store conveniPBcee $uo Eddy 7658 I7DMUNDION AV 12717 5 Igp mis tilebth comb furn Superior through rar HTS BLVD 3240 oproaite Lee school Bea itiful new high rlara double 7 mw all tile hatha 2 rms and bath 3d fir vapor heat garages air 4331 Cent 1536 EUCLID ine 14 rm hnnic splendid fnr ring Jipuse or businpss rent $225 air 2191 EUCLID nr UpjHr auite 2 family 5 rmsbah Eddy 3868 Lt CI 13736 10 rooms 2 nw dec: yard fskru care nf by owner Eddy 3073 fi A TR ILD near Umrprsjty circle and Euclid off 8 rooms nearly rew I AV 47'iog room: hot water heat all modern conv Inq 4715 I Sanklm rms 6 rm suite priv porches garage if desired Ing janitor 73D ST 1643 nr Payne car Apt of 5 rooms and bath electric light hardwood floor? shouer bath tile floor jniiitor service hot water rent $50 call from 9 to 12 Gar 5795 75TH 1648 rr Hough 5 rms tile bath witfl rospect 26g7 or Eddy 7615 75TH 1 fl rin suite lit: all improve jnvnts Inq janitor or call Prine 2 8 75TH ST 1S34 bet Euclid and Hough 6af rms and bath ht porches janitor 75'1'H 1647 Upper 6 rms bath in a dor bedoc 1 reas Inq jan or Eddy 7561 Al 77TIT 2037 near Euclid fi ronnw sun parlnr in a dcr bed newly decorated steam heat Ran dolph 5594 77TH fl rm apt: Ie oath 1g porches fireplace jug at The Moise TSE 79TH 1926 Suite irgc rooms 2 baths hardwood Hours: lent furnished and janitormice $1(m inq of janitor on premises or Call A Hammond Cherry 29'0 THEUNToN TllUYr Rental Dept 79TH 1692 6 rms 3 bedrnis bath rt ht porches janitor smicr $70 UetUr 2597 79TH ST 1832 i large "rooms tile hath porch st heat jsf floor reas Prine 1885 81ST 1s28 Mod 7 rm suite 3 bed chani bers rile bath extia lavatory jan S2D 1624 bet Hough and Wade 5 nne st ht Cent 2551 Prine 795 )V 4 rm bath: $35 mo oien fur inspec i tion arkham '0 I a 4 1 4 Mr Scot 83l or Euelm Elegjjr 7 ig sir 2 oaths open ixih stm ht var 3oo SaTIfi cor Cedar fl rms oath stin htdf if $70 Inq 429 National City Bldg Main ELECTRIC RANKE 4 burner oven closed type element protect condition rcd 8 mo harg for quick aide Mam 725 evenings air 2273 ELECTRIC vacuum sweeper 1922 Premier used twice $10 cash Eddy 7198 JL 14615 Dovro av EXCHANGE your usd furniture for new Penn irniture 6W2 Euclid Ra de I ph 2998 ELECTRIC washing machine bargier gas range Mra Walhairmount 3760 and rug: greatest sacrifice sale Cleveland has ever witnessed 32 rms of high grade furniture a cgc' ptinnal bargains 1 EUCLID RUG URNITURE UO I Euclid 1 UMED oa)a dining set good condition 16 pieces $1AO library table fireplace bench rugs bed linoleum cheap 8823 Yale av Eddy 8 1ST IS 13 3 nx apartrmmt and bath new Garfield 353 SbST fl rms open porch mun fnr oriental rugs 1 qq Cedar 762 81 AT 1695 Sfe 1 Newly furn rm suite 1st flow porch reasonable rof 82D 7 rm apt 2 bedrs maul's phone piano porch: owner a Mason will Main rm with congenial people 1 herry 410 days 83b 2245 4 rms bath eomf fum ht wat jan serv porch reas Garf 5 1 68 I bflTjr 1421 5 rooms and bath: furn? porch rent reduced Ing Suite 5 lU 87TH ST 2311 4 nicelv turn front rms all conv priv entrance iorch hath laun dry roas Garf 5123 9'th 3 rms Ima dor bed tihath poron jan serv Olaf 520 Garf 3367 9 1ST 1304 ctJfne Superior near blvd Cozv 4 rm suite and bath fum 810 nil modern nv Inq Suite 4 nr io2 IfXH ST 2128 4 rms larotc liv rm with in a dor bed: large din nn kitchen bednn tile bath priv porch rnuuic jan nrv ideal fic Garf 9493 Inn Suite 2 EUCLID AND J05TH 1 on? In ad rlr kdchenet and bath $60 and $65 Annlv 3MAUiambra theater bldg fi UCLID Newly furn 1 2 3 5 rm iwiiu day and night elevator ln office of bldg 1UC BIS 7 2 high class bk 2 mm or 2 mtha: gar ffiadulu air 2877 fiff 1 LH ANP 8 1 1 1 1 3 rms front wwelP con necting bath $60 per tno af 1 530 EUCLID 7600 "The Morse Eleg apt?" hotel service: also uniurn apt fi JA 1 0406 3 and 4 room suites Biahraky Cedar 2808 ORESTDALE 5 rm suite In? bath piano 2 bedrms $3750 month adults lIOKOir AV Nl 2 rms kRchenet and bath fine for 2 business women cr couple Cail 94 17 Hough Suite fl HUUGH 79TH Newly furn 4 suite new bldg auit fnr 3 girls Rand 3834 HOUGH AV 3 rm mod well fum suite: adult only fiimloK a1 1 2 bhoro Line COTTAGE on th lsm TC si r7J nf IaK front j0 Inif Jiarker 2034 Clf VIRlX 1 larixr fimrh fiiniuhed: nr! 8nj i) privib gir 6 aso" Kenmoro ls9 or hc IL on rvunls '2'n2 11 Inrrst Club Broin8 5 nrw all Iwrli priv: 2m) from iHmh reax rt for 23 1 WP nn: fnrnwlvd unimi cAUr nri''ib mailable after Main 3 87 Kenmore 1 LAKE sljbkE Meal tantin batlnng beach club how 3 min to rare ci nice 30 Box 2Ms 1 lrin iTaiJ" K'Y 'nmishex! summer Stop jii latke bhrre east phone cl liahu elide garrutc f'iniwlierl rrtut Tel Krnnxirt 4 58 COTTAflK furnblK Clewline! Ilpnh Ston S3 Mmric Line ideal location: m2 i ft sen porch: Very recutonable Main M3 Stop iStlVshrv'J Une: also tent '1P? Mrs Anna Verteky 5EW summer cvcttaRi' at Stop 2t Sb Him uest for ima of dttlv )lg Rllll cpt lfc 13'11 '51C1 1 id Last enttape 4 room screened prch $230 furnished J200 unfnr uiehco foi season Kenmore 122 LAItGE ItMS al! fum ottage Tt Stop SI went priv beach: elec lights suit for 2 fatnilv Call Lot dn SO! 1 rNhl A O5 T1 1 A i nt furnished cot leu prnate bench Call Lincoln 32MI 31 S3 14t st I lAlS and ba all conrT irtr reas Mon1 Ute Shorn bird ifi LkeShoreJr summer future at Elberta KrachVerm lull bathini prhilc i Hemlock 70S SCNSET I'cciut cottage for 4: sc'por S15 nk In 103 Arpul LAKE Xicely firm coin Jo lncp3clls dcithlM Cottrill Broad i Mo' VI Id0 It TH A tnT to Icaeh: rent lywk or mo Cart 1'371 v' 133 Jltss lTlNT3r7nr lake: rent by tec ok or month Eddy 1478 MIATOIt Bench Ideal tent 771 ImUTbch: nr Unceh $hmo $3h sens DEI IGUTCL roftam ych accom Hl so' wk Tnq S30S Enel'lcL 4 ItMS screened porch Stop 23 wfs7o lor season I II Cherry WEST Shore Line SropnTmT rottaxUS fccrnj inrloaed orch: all conv M3 jAlsh Hl'cV i'ti rnishcr! 7 room house for theea'onor b) Ulw 'jjpntln Eddy fi3Otl 5 i I 1 ni immw rot tag car al 1 271 Ancht Itib dr Lkwd 53 1 8 COTTAGE near cav witirVrcha reasonable nrtea air J392 3 RM appt well fum 18152 Lnko Shor? blvd LAkBIEW RD 1425 ot Large double s'rorp funtabD for anv bulncra: 35 Inquire Rhh National 8i5 LORAIN AV 13027 More ami unite suitable fnr ary low rent ufll Dac I 1 Is 1 5 i i ss 1 ii tu ji i i'vj Tityi tiui nuu i nrk av suledble mod conr OR 988 6 beautiful rms mol rcn through car rorn Eddy LINN DR 9SS off Tnscorn Sup tiircugh fl brant mod conv du gar Eddy 1036 LORAIN 5321 7 ruw upstairs: front and iHircli luonable vnnuiM a li ills rang 1 new liuobnini t'Otnb fnr ND IB Al SON AV nani porotvui mod garage NUR I I ELD l'mnj 5 rms bath down in i 0A I A I nr snfle of new 2 fam house OAKLAND AV tofiQi off 8np and 5 nvs up nuxL comb furn Main S27 ORINOCO AV Upper 5 rcoin suite in 2 tamfly iurii nice pjrvl a iiuo iddv ORVILLE fl room hmice IPPth rt (larfitld 7o2 A PAKKMoop DR rooms And bath on second fioor 2 bedrooms on Kl floor: large 1 rout porch comb iurnace gentiles preferred PARKWOOD I'lTT 985 Suite of 6 rooms and bath upstairs Eddy 58flp TAR KU ODD cor ranklin fi rms in new duplex omm ever day Cedar 258 1 BREYER AVZ7l TLort floor of twroiamily jnrage Heights car Inquire 1797 Brover av RO TDALE AV 373 1 off fam cntnB Isanti new $65 7151 QUINCY 57 u5 up El its 7 rms attic 3 car Eddy 60 RlXERSlDL KD i raw and bath comb tunu hvquir? downstairs SEA RSDA 1 5 oins bath sIL'W AV 17436 Lkwit nr Moffiun 5 riv and sun mi niro mi 3d floor srocsmM in porch awning gar $73: adnlu Lakewood URNISHED room in high grrnB oflnro phon rtwi serv ltu libra 00fl National City EMg Cherry 8iV TRIVATE offi'e furrkhed rr mifumished steno graphic service both ihoims unt reasonable 51s Ulmer Bide prtv offices wi'h raeeptir room good loc Uall at 15CS eucLid avenTii A Mg afore 18x169 in urot of new near iih and the theatrical district mod erate rnital lease EOT AVENUE A store 15x(K) light and modern fine for office fix bn re or similar business: vrrv low rental THE JOSEPH IM K0N0 CO BKL ESTATE LEADERS CLEVELANDMain 10 215 ILLI AMSON BLDG HO GOOD BUSINESS CENTER 2546 55TH ST CROSE TRANSER CORNERS 55TII WOODLAND AND DESK RooM with dric telephone and afen graphic service 1625 5ViRiamnn bldg iViNVENIENT attractive location mil trpdk phone: reasonable 142 the Arcade DESK RooM and office nece with phone iUhj 3365 202 Columbia Bldg DESK ROOM with good senice available Call at 060 Leader Newa CHARLES TODD Expert Commercial Auctioneer 42 Engineers Bldr Main 29 7 5 SIDNEY CO' Auctioneers Si 1 nmpect Cherry 20 archdalk nirtil 5 rm adult excdlent mn scr Line 3166 BERWICK RD 7010 off 71rt And Beaut ifully furnished 5rom ccttrgp $10 riken KLkS 1354 turn Iowro euite good hwj rent reas: ref adults ei Soo Call Garfield 2 1 46 CIATON BLVD 10312 furn homepinno Hem 2767 C01T Rl 5 rm sclo Dr aj conv: Victn 2 or 3 mns $55 St Clair nr Euclid loth car adults CRANORD AV iienutlfnl Grin bung all furn In Lkwd bet Detroit and Clifton 2D I id rm houe will rnt during July and Arg $75 rof required Cedar Nicely furn 7 3 I'ght and air' 1 ednii bath Ige cl space 4 rms down rery Ige liv no plenty nf nck all cl cf equipt basem*nt in fine condition rvat refit' single garage 1149 5 1 2 dupDi lively lurnlahed giwx! Im: nenr car 30 ail rmtv rear 4217 1 13D 1136 Upper ate 2rf am 5 rory at nirn jrmsrt 3 incs reas Ed 5558 llfl 8T 5 rms bath furn all conen $45 4 fiE AV 13417 5 rms piano phone' I4tli st car luq Eddy UJ8() double house furnished 5 rooms ha'h dl cmro Eddy 5011 laAKE SH'RE BLVD flfi'j'jT acre of ground garden planted July and August luldv 3773 i 1 furn 5 rm suite nc Iniroit rar line jubtlts only ref Lkwd 3249 L1NCiLN' AV 1500 Lkwd 5 rms upper suite rnmf turn garage adults permanent NANORD 10138 nr Ldgwatro furn" 5 rms ptauo garag Hem 4033 IB iRfNW AV 1 flfls 8 bung nicely furn grand piano: garage Julv and Aug mo: fert Jamaid SAANN AV 1 I30G 5 furn rniti on 2d floor rent roaronable SAYWELL AV 5 rm suite ntc iyfiirn planer Eddy 7505 Crest 437 HIST ST or 5 com pl rn is hed rooma for couple for summer months GOOD location on Windermere st 3 rin house completely furnishetR includii piano and Victrola to responsible persmra $SU mo Box 23181 Blain Dealer furnished apt neartE DVith rt7T'for 4 months Bus 31979 Plain I UKNlbHED noin suite off I ake Shore bird reas Eddy 4314 ADDISON RD 1332 Liv nn with in a dor bed: din rm kit and ba D'h yard priv of laundry 1 ht and ht furnished ref ALAMEDA A 7 100 Linwood 4 turn rms $0 Inq Suite 3 BELViDlHlE AV 6213 vff nr Euclid Wade Pk Pj4V Vjj $63 CARNTHE zHoe janitor or call Garf '8 95 A CARNEGIE' 5 rms shower 2 or 3mos adults refs required Garfield 7215 1 KCH I LL A 770527? 195th Suite 7 EUgantly furn apt 4 rms tile bath with shower in a dur bed $73: Julv Aug ref Garf 7217 CORNELL RL2n nr" and Euclid 3 rm suite nicely furnished open 1 to in or call Garfu 37'7 CRA WORir I 3m hskp smite prir ba'h singlts rm andjrpnt run witfi pri porch 3922 roapee CRAW ORD RD 1826 nrw 2 baths S8q to oct 1 Inq 1 822 Crawfi nl rd or Gar 1720 DENISUN' AV 2205 5 rooms and bath nicely urn $1250 a wwk Line 1 72 DIN CT 7717 noith of Euclid off 7inh 3 rooms and bath furnished fixldy 7 Xu or call st 77)7 Dlx rt town street imnvujnte posarsslun: suitable for manufacturing or enrage or lease Mr Busch 30 1 Erie Bldg 1 UK RY I 0 HA TION Noble ru 4or N1 a view rd no com Eddv 7750 Prince 1874 CENTRAL AV steres and of rws modern improvement Inmiire Miller Berker Co Rand 2190 Cent 669 STUDIO pis ine Arts Beautifully fur rob ffied: sleeping BcrornmiKhtious if desired or rus 315 1 KINSMAN JtD Good ismes d'rtrict fine Kture 2 Urge windows mi nble for any RESTAURANT Soft drinls rooming houro all in orc reason able ovvnfr 2859 61 3 Drtrnit av 1 ft) 0 mi i 1 mis Van teiY Will trade 2 improved lets tor rooming house or auto act quick 1S43 E23th st Rooming house Emir furnishings of 13 nna with all It bskpg suites piano le base ment and yard stone jxiroh off dining rm giraqe: rent very roa 711 1 Euclid rooming "house 12 rooms 1971 7 9 th modern 2 baths newly fum straight learo $ltD()term: owner RMG llOUE luclid and 101 It rms com pletely fur: nealv deerrated always filled lease rent $15 Gar 1330 nTalAI RANT high elass nrighborimod good loc up to date 5 jr Do B01 22872 Plain Deal fiMG hmuro of 9 rim and bath line location'I 1 furnace jqp 96TII ST 2024 Half of doublo hrmsr rsar Knrlicl 7 rooms bath: lanre front yard private porch Tele phone MUr 1 HMD SI nr 5 rms aun nn bath nil corn eniencHI HI 2 family up 5 rooms bath all conr ponln lesirable location 121sT npp Continental 5rnw ln iohh at once rent real Broadway tom sr tl ntw and bath modem all conr: at Morland eircle Rapid Transit 11 1 c' Ittlh New nuxh rn 1 rm single month Garfield 3ssQ I12D 3211 mis and hath new gas porch furnace tr os elec lights Kandolph 33Hi 133D 3i32 New modern il all oonieniencen goixl location take Union or Kinsman car i Main 11(11 P'lRr 1204 41 nua and carage fin tshe 3d floor Eddy8'j 11 iitTH 5 ran and bin all eunv4 downstairs Inq nt 432 after ST 37ri beautiful rnnnis down stair must be fvn tn appreciat'd garage optional Eddy 4198 fil J915T ST 3313 Newsrooms nud hath up" uear Rapid Transit EDDA' RD Brick' bungalow and dble brick gaT on lot a ixionth vn yr lease to re msible tenant properly worth $18 wm butnut for sale: owner leaving city hmm ts ft 5 Ige moms 1st fl 3 largo rms bath 2d fl ery mod Shaffer H54i St Ula I ly 9032 EDDY RD 943 fl rms and ba'h alfrumlpm improrenu'Dts brick garage Eddy 2274 CRAWORD RD cor 83d Painswitk Apt T' rin suite bey janitor nr John Smythe 1S16 Crawford rd Garf 339 CUMMLirN RD 2217 nr Western Reserve fl aii bath mud gar $G5 Lake 2017 a DLlD 8HIRE RTi 2 5 rooms and bath rtRii heat janitor smico Call Garf 6913 DhlROlI corner r4tn Courtland Apt i mu bath newly decoratvn reduced to $35: 6 row bath reduced to $50: janitor service steam heat Ing 1 110 54th st orji1ahi7256 DLrilOII AV 15707 Inturn apartments 2 rooms and bath modern at cam heated in a dor box good gag range adults only lei Lake wood 5'I2O Highland 268 DETROIT rms and bath mwtairs: lent $45 EAST BLVD 5 rooms and baih faring beautiful Gordon park within 2 minutra walk me itKe month Apply I A hohr 722 National Citv Bldg EAST iLVD 2 rooms kitchenet and Lath $85 a month ply janitor on premises fiT RNITURE and rug brand nra must be vid st once rogardlera of rort Home urniture A Storage Co 2V9 Huron rd GaS RaNGT lOu lb ice enrst $10: office 'gk $12 Quincy I Mra tore Cedar 166 GAS ranges ice boxes imhoc buffet dareuo campen dishes barg IL Bond 404 Payne LARGE variety of brand new dining living bedrm fum ranges rags etc bought from bankrupt concern: sacrifice for 1 3 of market price Square Deal fiMrn store 172 22E 55th LIVING rm act 3 re nn'ratuffed laupe nalnut dining rot reas 1763 634 at HAVING city: rawd roll lamp 'tables chain brass etc Call tnomings 196G 75th MOVING into smaller quarters will sell cur tain drapes chairs bookcases etc igno st Suite fl MAHOGANY' library UMe and 2 leather rockers very a wk! conL Slid Hough av NEW Revni rtg blue renter and ifnixeiborder $60 Burrows fl foot pool and billiard table good condition $2 a irmount 3936 6 I A TO Brand new Home urni ture A Storage Co 269 Huron rd nr D0ANBR00KE HOTEL Most modem laimly lintel rUrdind: located in beautiful iark district lfxps suites from 1 to 4 comp turn maid aerrice optional ass rates a coil place for the summer lin ing room in connection alxi bachelor mna l'i '4 iprth 'larfidd it'll 4 HiTH 2107 ro of 1 4 rm ete nriri bath gas ejeerric lights st au heat janitor sendee: rates Ml to $14 per week 1PTH 1751 Nicely furn 4 and fi rm $13 and per wk: elec Its ini! gas free GOTH Elt comf furn 5 rms corge st ht accom Wado rar JiUi c'JD 176G SUITE 2 3 rm suite shower Lath priv porch all conv rent rea references (21 Ige frt rms priv bath kitch suit for cple or 2 ur 3 bus women 6Gth ST 907 SUiflTT" Cbran cozy 3 rm suite: nicely fum complete all ennr rent reas rei req CflTH 1907 Dunham Apartment 3 rm suite dean and homelike reasonable mt Inquire side entrance Suite 5 tiflTH ST 1635 2 rooms and bath? beauti fully turn overstuiM velour stm ht 3750 mn ref C6TI ST nr film lid urn apt complete hmm silver etc $75 Eddy 838 66TH ST 1944 Apt Nicely tur rnshed 3mj suite Inquire janitor 73D 1964 first build mg north cf High grade completely furnished sifltw: rew bldg to accommodate 2 people st ht lijrht alry room? tile fiaih: $6o to janitor 75TII 1648 nr Hough 5 rms furn tile bath with diMwer' Tros 2687 or Eddy 7615 IT 75TH iflptj 3 rooms uD hath kitchen extra davei) $50 Randolph VYQ 77 HI ST 267s Newlv decorated 3 room sime with bath End id pr 79Tir 1fl8p cor Lexington ront suite 3 rms nriy hKiK priv rdi phone 79TH Very drairahD 2 rootn ttle bath nice porch io TifflL ST 3 room suite bath" Al condition Line 3698 1021 rms and bath lnj Lerv Crest 236 ros jrr Jent 8K0 SfiTH 167 6 room suite steam heat 3 bod rms conv loc Payne car See janitor 87 2368 cor Quincy 4 rooms bath elec tririty $28 janitor 1'11 8 2937 off Euclid fl rms hath municipal heat Inq Suite fl dart 9087 88 2052 6 rms porth desTTconv loc pffirieit jan serv Main 3042 9HTH Choice rrn adults ga rage best jan serv Inq Garf 3193 Ei IS 5 nn apt modem steam heated Inquire janitor 97TH 1859 nr Euclid Elegant 3 rm suite A with 5 rm accom: fl portal beds ctl refrig incinerator open parch airmount 07TH ST large roems 2 baths and maid PMun heated garage finest apartment 4n 1 i 2 rfia'1 1 lOOTil 1795 6 nrs bath all modern improvements Rmte 7 KiOTU nnbt large liv rm with in a dor bed din rm hedmi kitriv tile bath priv porch: munic ht ideal loc jan Mrv $65 Inq ste 2 Garf 493 iniST 1834 6 rms and bMh: steam heat: garage $90 Se janitor 1f2D Six roem and bath: two car Enes Inquire No 1 112TH ST 1311 nr Superior 5 rms in eluding sun porch in a dor bed janitor service rteam heat Inquire jauiti IlflTir 4C1 5 room suite: newly decc raed: $4750 open for infection HAYDEN AU Oay 5 rm suite comb farm $50 air 133? HARTSHORN AX' 1723 Modern 5 room a part menu Call Prine 17 17 or Pros 2232 IIasTIN'GS AV 1838 Durable 5 rms in A cond: open porch $55: 2 rm basem*nt $13: incgas and elec open in HERMAN 7631 Supencr Suite fl nns and bath 8m hat het bust of fent educed $43 HOUGH AV cor 87th rt Erooktieid Apart nent our rooms and bath steam heated out ride suite: rent $45 Inquire custodian or call Main 7050 HOUGH AV SH8 5 rms and bath sttn ht Inq Daris 8415 Houh av Garf 5580 HOUGH A cor 4 rrm modern stm nt: rfuitable tor doctor or dentist $75 1653 K78th at HOUGH and 90th Scotia Apts Modem 5 and irnmm Puit es Inquire janitor HOUGH and 7 lo''ms bath phon I 1 a rry Main 1733 6 rms and bath heated newly decc rated Inq janitor KENILWORTH RD 2519 7 rms 2 baths film ht very des off Euclid blvd: rent Gall JanTair 167 or owner Eddy r22 1 138'1 3 mod up $425u i $5 Inq Mrs Daugherty air 2596 OKEXiEW RD 1455 The best rrn suite in city fir npon nrtav 3 in Prow 13 1 LAKEWOOD Hake av 11871 6 rooms Clifton bird 12907 6 rooms all mwSm The Sylvan Realty Go Lkwd 2327 Call Ettinger or see janitor LEXINGTON av 5 mis bath: elec hot water Inq Suite 1 or Princeton 606 LINWOOD 74A9 2d floor 5 ronrrw and bath $65 adults only Inquire fim floor cr Gall A Hammond Cherrv 2R) TOE inn ON TRUST CO Rental 1 )ept XfORAJN 27X 4 rooms and bath new building vapor heat fum: $45 Line 1491 CAilain Av? 5 rooms ana bath 1ZRA IN AV Suite of 5 rooms $45 See janitor MADISON AV Stiff 5 rooms and bath all modern down $35 Lincoln 172 MAYIELD RD 2c65 cor Belmar ffteam heated apts 4 and 5 ms: tile bath Murphy bed See janitor or call Pro 2246 or Cen tral 2520 AV for occupancy Julv 1 3 rms $35 and $37: 4 rms $40 $45 ami $50 st heat: jan serv in a dor stove and refrigerator 5gl3 Central 461 I mechanical mrneenng course able 2267 f'3d '33ns INVALID chemical eanitary sick chairs for rt nt A Kelly Pros 1796 Garf Iu31 IxlNGERY popcorn and peanut machinecnm bined almost new aLo fl aet table and chairs for soda grill good cond Lkwd 540 KEY nrade while you ait tor 25 cents incnth iflos Prospect nr PUMPS and water svstems tor suburban homes hand or power operated The AV 31 Pattison Supply Co 777 Rockwell av home inc new air brash good cond barg for quick sale Rand flS8SM Hough Suit? 22 SODA OUNTAINS lulliard tables restaurant fables chairs show cases i storo fixtu rs' net forr JHE NATIONAL IXTURE CO Main 3 04 81 7 Prospect ar Central 3209 £ET dowmnwn lease books up to date cheap 1ms 4111 Gent 2498 'ynTlr load JI: truck load $2 Girint 1 lair HDitINt PAINTS AT A BIG SAVING 1 rly 9(k: 2 ply si 'jo 3 pir $105 lions? paints per calbn $24 ROOMING PAINT CO Main (0 13 72t Superior ree Deliver) IH an i fri ll al! kinds of household furn Hall 10104 Cedar Cedar 2513 44 CONCRI BLOCKS 18x18x36 inches $1 ea hllg stone $1 ton 40 It overhead carrier chain hofct 5 Best Elec motor 100 ft new 16 in bvlt and complete belt conveyor Hem 3237 high grade mixed 2000 gal auto paint lffiX) gal varnish stains biO'X) ft garden hnse close out half Price AVestrupp flotl Ivorain av 25 JI BOILER stack gratfta and pump Gar 2280 or Gar 6113 HURON RD 1100 Apt 2 rms and bath nrwly furnahed Proypect 4779 HAKE AV 8 rm apt furn tor Rummer will rent for unfurth price Mam 2513 LKAVD bet Detroit and Clift on 3 irma and bath 3d fir $40 adulta 13u3 Warren rd ANDREWS AV 1365 LKwu fl sing moi 2 furn garden par email fam of adulU AVONDALE RD 2835 I'iettHml Hechts High class upper suite 5 large room sun room rath I tin on 3d Urge porch gentile adtura jnr 4139 BALDWIN III) 2482 north of lima Park fl rms and bath iiprtair all ennv BALDWIN 1 1113 3 rooms bath $55E6lv JbOI BEACH AV Lkwd 14 nf duplex 6 rm3 gar: suui inq ifluii niton ditu BELMAR Upper anite fl farn rma: garage $s5 1 min Euclid Hfra car BELMAR RD Ifijl Cl Nr car line 6 room upper suite modern garage 28 5th ar rent cr sale 6 rm Htucco house Stroud 1004 Rose Bldg LERKHIRE AV 11207 Su uriur through le nns gar up: adnlts Eddy 2777 ERIN MAWh AV 17i' north of Eu clid 6 rm suite in ir 2 fam rq en every day 2581 'EORa1? V' near 25th Store and 5 rooni flat twt Ircntion for tailoring good for any business will sell my long lease very rea sonable on account of leaving town Inquire 2034 426 st upstairs 1 978 i55Tir5T'TZ)Sl ECLI I 2d floor modern it 1 ew building vt day light large frontrup display: good fur hhv busi ness very low rent Louis 11 A ish 4 437 Soc for Sav Main 921 Cent 140 Alt BE lUSliOCAT I ON Noble i cor NoDview rd Euclid car no corn petition Eddy 7750: Prince HEAD nt 'A 1 ffERS RUS 99: yr loco Hon rtc The Stan lev McXfir I Orgnnnrion Realty Bldg 1 222 rc 4300 ElT'IID lClOriTjr STOitH ItnOM ITH IltCE AIRY HaSJt MENT W'lJ DIVII'E rEI A i 2S0v 0OD IOKCA IE 'h reins chairs and table 8017 ED'RM rug drapes piano Vic dishra cheap leavingjcity7619 Lexington Apt 4 Cl uMNG OUT 40 sample refrigerators and 3 second hand gas ranges COIVELAND STOVER REPAIR 5312 Enchd av COAL RANGE incl16 ton coal and load wood Hem 1517 11 7616 Colgate a DINING room set 8 piece $4u Simmon twin bed complete 5 15 pair other beds 516 up living room Victroh orch fnrnitnro swing lamps refrigerators $10 up: rug mattress's springs kitehen cabinets Hull Transfer 1 U4 Prospect Prospect 4 6 DARK dull finished English (Nik dining rm aef 6 pieces new cost $239 at $135: a bargain single brass bed and springs $10 mission rocker $5 wkktr frvttre $20 rocker $12 2 Uurirs $10 each cost $125: gw each clothes wringer $3 1916 105th st DINING room droser rockers other gntxis Garf 3516 2252 Grandriew Suite 4 DINING room set fumed 01k combination book case 4817 ranklin av Hem 4752 i.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5741

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.