The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAYOCTOBER 12 1947 GKISNIffill irst 4 1 Safety YESTERDAY'S RACE RESULTS AT LEADING TRACKS Rockingham Results uiySMan mu soliuror'nuo' 240 fe 3 IN0NE 1 5 340 980 14 7 400 830 2 JO 3 20 340 430 280 780 800 1780 430 530 380 830 380 320 mh Chide Topic 320 520 400 4 80 330 240 240 270 380 340 420 23 271 0 0 0 0 0 333000000 180 139 82 52 27 240 380 I 260 34 28 24 89 60 Ends Nest tackles Ro (new out cut cut 0 1 3 42 71 85 28 30 Every mile traveled The General Squeegee is safer because of extra factors of safety for blowout protection and extra mileage Safer too because Act ion Tract ion gives quick straight stops rain or shine 0 0 I Arabian Happy 300 360 340 Blue Lou Philadelphia Washington Pittsburgh Boston NewYork 410 1270 790 3 00 360 240 Ufht 260 380 300 War 280 380 500 Wind Prince 300 660 460 Nar 280 280 Sir Brennan Hogan Co Abby A Gohring Avenue Opp Wait Side Marfeal 280 3 20 320 Har Barber Motors Inc 2900 Mayfield Road Cleveland Heights Stewart Buick Co 1251ft Shaw Avenue 37th hole at River Crest Coun Club 220 260 2 SO Drill Shea Cenerai Tire Co 2025 Choitet Avenue 280 300 400 390 i 580 290 Semper 3 70 West Side Auto Sales Co 12100 Lorain Avenue Snyder Grieder Buick Co 1504 Stanford Avunue The Zahner Motor Co Lurain el Woof 20th 280 400 420 3 2 3 Bennett Yurick Buick Inc 10311 Lorain Avenue (new 11 40 320 240 Edgewater Chevrolet inc 5417 Detroll Avenvo ap 500 560 420 Dm DIVISION Pci 0 1000 1 4 800 0 400 0 000 7 PA 59 101 Render Boast King 15414 Kinsman Road Sanderson Motors Ina 11915 Detroit Avenue lakewead A 117 AUTO PAINT Inc 12222 Lorain Ave Cleveland Ohio time 780 460 580 Link Heights Motor Sales 4365 Mayfield Road South Euclid Hewitt Chevrolet Inc 144S1 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland Horton Chevrolet Co 566 Breadway Bedford The Marshall Motor Co Triumphs 21 14 STILLWATERsOkla Oct W) Southern Mustangs counted three touchdowns in the first half then desperately fought off a steadily improving Oklahoma A and football team to win 21 14 today before 18000 persons Brockets face ers SAN RANCISCO Oct 11 rW Rockets six time losers irst downs Total yards orward passes attempted orward pastes completed Total yards pasiing Total offense Passes Intercepted by Runback of kicks iyardsi Number of punts Average yardage Of punts umWw fumbles recovered fumbles recovered Yards test peniltlw Yards lost ruahlnr Cleveland Haight Metropolitan Buick Inc 1900 East 21 Street Oldsmobile Co 10642 St Clair Avenue Murray Oldsmobile Co l290Wyll7nileel lakewead Pierce Motor Safe Pearl Ruud Strongsville Pot 6677 250 58 209 161 252154 77 173 BJOWOUT PROTECTION Euclid ord Co 495 E'liSth Street Euclid 68 69 50 Betty Jameson Snares Texas Open ORT WORTH Tex Oct Jameson San Antonio pro fessional shook off the effects of a rally by Carol Dirmger Tiffin Ot to win the Texas women's open championship 1 up here tofiay on the try 340280 420 Ohio 7 133 12 66 68 199 i 60 7 33 3 1 1 40 orest City Motor Cor Co: 2950 Mayfield Road Cleveland Heights Geo A alke Inc: 17500 Delruit Avenue Lakeweed Gockel Oldsmobile Co 14307 Kinsman Read mllMi hurdles time 247 AUnw 380 2 80 4OV HARVARDYISITTO DIXIE IS MKE PJL 0 1U9U 0 500 9 1 1 400 280 4 240io 330 260 320 Brownlee Chevrolet Inc 12106 Avnua Lakewood DeMooy Motors Inc 14312 Detroit Avnua lakwaad 1 Klei Wlitktev tackles Briggs: i uaras centers Hampton: backs Yale: McQuade Adler Kilroy eski: tackle Devitt Plucevfch Ander Gorski Maddoca Paneglan PflCt Carlea Sewell Wiltgen arrarwhenbrenner Worthington Marekowski 7 0 track 2801 220 Lorge Stock of AUTO ENAMELS and LACQUERS SENDER WELT SPRAY OR SALE OR OR RENT AIR AIR GRINDERS Reliable Motor Sales 7029 Braadway 300 540480 Like 18 assnacht TUdfield Zetkov VoRmer Vetrano Kershaw McLoughlin Treiehler Marburger Muehlheuaer tanV evich 14 i 6 18 13 Batman Novakovich Senutal Azar Peach i GOOP: Merzweiler: Kester Grueella Scruen Kline im6 0 6 Economy Buick Co 12506 Eulld Avnoa Bail Oavaland Dlutnlwkl: tackin Devi rwrwi CHARLOTTESVILLE Va Oct Harvard ventured south of the Potomac today for the first time in its long gridiron history and took its worst patsing in years a 47 to 0 shellacking by a University oLVir gima club that produced a powerful running attack and sharp passing It was theworst defeat of a Har vard team since Dick Harlow be came coach in 1935 when Princeton whipped the Crimson 35 0 The victory was sweet for Virginia which had1 lost all of its eight pre vious games with Harvard begin ning in 1915 Harvard started Chester Pierce a Negro at 4ackle This probably was the first' time a Negro had played against a southern team cm a Dixie campus Pierce played well and was applauded when he left the game More than 24000 fans some of them waving Confederate flags watched with glee and surprise as Virginia started pouring it on for two touchdowns in the first period 0 lynn Houston Drennan 1 360 Palermo Cio 1 verslty of Illinois His hobby at the time 'was golf and his score was something he could have bragged about Not long after his arrival here he became a vice pi esiaent of the Reliance Electric Engineering Co One day Morley Hitchco*ck presi dentof Reliance invited him out to Ner Yoric Buffalo Baltimore Brooklyn CLEVELAND Loa Anel etzdluaa 3 Baltimore at Buftelq Brooklyn et New York Chicato at San rancisco Cornell Subdues Scrappy Colgate Eleven 27 to 18HAMILTON Oct 11 A scrappy Colgate football team rallied twice today but final ly succumbed to a fourth Cornell touchdown and bowed to the fa vored Big Red 27 to 13 The Red Raiders had the nood in first downs over Cornell 13 to 11 but husky Norman fourth quarter crack ovr from the 4 yard stripe put the game on ice Colgate rallied from a 7 to 0 deficit to within one point fin the third quarter then after Cornell ripped across two touchdowns in the third period Colgate flashed back with a pair of six pointers to ge back in the game 21 to 18 CorneU ST Bolder Westphal Quinn Paituck Buich Lout a Dtatasto Dean Choltet Krete WrUht Cornell Colgate will turn their aerial offensive weapons against the solid San rancisco 49ers in an AH America Conference game here tomorrow TL GR HR i it ITS and MATCHES ALL CARS ALL YEARS 4::: SA95 405 tJf Tr E' HR 460 320 940 Lad Never Alone CHAMPIONSHIP meet SEMI STOCK THIS ATERNOON 2:30 TWO 75 LAP EATURES AIRGROUNDS BEREA 0 JU NO CHANGE IN HlCtS SMC (Continued rom Pare 1 C) but then true to their name the Bishops came battling back to make a game of it before the final gun sounded They picked up some slack with a touchdown just be fore the half ended and matched the Jackets touchdown for touch down in the closing minutes In fact they were only one point be hind with nine minutes of the game remaining 7 Tressel Scores Twice Lee Tressel one of the finest if not the best of all running backs in history" scored two of1 the touchdowns as he per sonally accounted for 119 yards of the total on the ground One of his six pointrs came on a 1840 320 340 Sh Tick Lon Star Savltar vat unia star 8 fur time 1:1244: BOLO William S00 3 SO BULLDOG MISS Wallace T80 PINK CHANCE Knlsler ljrtne Jenny Kentucky Joe Pink nine Black Chicle Plleeta 8 fur Um 1:11: HUNCH Bamea 620 3 SO OVER AND OVER Conley 1200 MONANN Wallace Ray Sorcho Bonanza Lou Queen Tleer Kxpreae 1 mile time 1:30: iribvLAlJS WAIULC! BART WAR Btz NEW BLUE Wiinams Henry Georgt Proud Abrek 1 mile time record): THOR ROBERTO Wallace VTMC AlonifY Katy Spell Saihey Moon 2 mile time WAR RIPPLE Wrlrht 1020 560 SON HON Wailace 1300 Roman Scholar Kantar Aid Spanish Britt Aee of Spade Succes Story Paul Crystal i uampioim miss rcriiui kus 1 miles time BOSUNETTE Knisley 5:60 400 MAD ORB Morgan 1100 rnricv tasr waUapa Levena Lucky Trip Indian Sea Dora Miu Doolittle Chicony Spandelia Manhunt I I I I RY7IPPHW 1 MetedT Ujiaeij raser i7 yi Lil I LUU IL u4 0 1 0 TODAY 540 330 270 370 320 4 90 a itjur Gaelic Gift UlGlen Riddle Elliott Kirkland Thoinaa Glynn rkacll elnbert Baumann Pierce Barbour Hill Weir O'Donnell McCary Kenary Bailey Gannon ennel Moravec Jones Virginia 14 7 13 13 47 Bailey 2 Jones 2 Papit (for Jones) Grimes ilor Bailey) Oilman (for Jones) Points after Grimes 5 (placements) Brooklyn Chevrolet Co 4353 arl Raad I in the professional foothall wars ft Reserve Statistics Reserve 13 3SS 0 mnawg GAMES New York at Waahlntton Plttsburth at Boston Philadelphia at Chlcaso Bears Chics 0 Cardinals at Green BayLos An teles at Detroit Mentor Harbor for: a eail aboard his auxiliary sloop Shagbark That day Ghost made a decision A boat would give him more opportunity to be with his family It was a sport they could all enjoy together He bought a 28 foot Richardson and named itRolyat It proved to be a fortunate de cision His wife Helen and his two sons Gregg took to the water like ducks Now wherever the Rolyat II (a'38 foot Matthews cruiser) goes there goes also the Rhodes Bobcat and outboard dinghies that keep the boys busy throughout each day Last summer Rolyat II carried them on a 1200 mile cruise through the upper reaches of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron A quiet but enthusiastic worker Taylor delights in tackling baffling problems: and obstacles which he does without 'fanfare His aim for Mentor Harbor isra sound financial future Lust year he served as the club's vice commo dore and chairmans of its financial committee Ghost still belongs to Canterbury Country Club He also is a mem ber of the Union and Hermit Clubs and the Cleveland 'Power' Squad ron which he served as chairman of the junior navigator course and first lieutenant 640 440 280 J3U 330 Red Cats Score 3 Times Within 5 Minutes A (Continued rom Page 1 C) werd wall to block Brady's punt John Mannino fell on the ball in the end zone for a touchdown It was the fourth straight tri umph for Reserve over the Athens eleven add seventh in 11 engage ments between the two schools Ohio was previously unbeaten this season while the Red Cats had bowed to Duquesne and Rutgers I But the Cats were completely ouf okorffaH in thss firef half ThpV WfiM I ableto advance as far as the enemy 148 on a pass from Jim Mahon to Cass sisier nut a is yara cupping penalty set them back to their 37 where Castilla punted After an exchange of kicks Brady who spearheaded the Ohio first half attack snagged a pass from Lahr intended for Sisier on thei Ohio 45 On the next play he shot through left tackle and was Jn the clear until Sisier brought him down from behind on the Reserve 30 After two failures io penetrate the Red Cat line Bo' Mills'red an aerial to Pete Riss'er who" was hailed on 3 yard line On the next play Brady sliced through the line to score standing up Ed placement was accurate Coach Tom charges ad vanced as far as the Ohio 29 in the second period after a stunning gal lop by John ranco on a fake kick a playw on vhich he dashed 40 yards but there the huge Bobcat line held for downs first tally in the third period came as a result of an Ohio fumble shortly after the second half kickoff Brady dropped the ball on the Reserve 48 and Bob Nolf re covered Lahr Bill Lonjak nd then began a sustained ground drive that advanced the ball to the 16 on eight plays A 15 yard penalty set the Cats back to the 30 where Lahr took short pass and pranced through the bewildered Ohio tacklers placement was blocked rnnd the visitors led 7 6 One play 'after Reserve had kicked to the enemy oster recov ered a fumble on the Ohio 34 Lahr and Corbin alternated charging the Bobcat line until the ball rested on the 20 Corbin dashed the remaining distance virtually without being touched conversion made it 13 7 Ralph Sayre of Ohio took the next kickoff and was downed by a swarm of Reserve tacklers on his 20 On three plays in which the inspired Redcat line cut its opposi on to shreds the Eiotcats were thrown back t6 their 8 punt was then blocked1 Mannino getting credit for the tally Mahon again split the uprights with a placement that brought the count to 20 7 The victors threatened again late in the fourth quarter when sensational 48 yard broken field run brought the ball to the Ohio 32 Corbin moved it to the 27 but then fumbled in an attempt to lateral 350 390nn A1ADL W8U44IIBU Dartio Awishonks (tiCharmlnr Hero Wild (alMHIer a Qrr entry 340 500 360 Tee UTO RACES 1 ri 111 1 i6y Al Mastic Blackwell Taylor who proved his ability as a leader when he took over the affairs of the Parker Ap pliance Co as its president is the new commodore of Mentor Harbor Yacht Club for 1548 ij A 1 uuiuoi has been known to his friends as far back as he can re ra er came to Cleve land in 1925 after a boyhood spent at Madisonville Ky far from open waters He ha'd graduated from Purdue then completed ost graduate work in engmeer tayUr ing at the Uni fl time 640 340 HANDSOME BILL GrOM MtST Lemmon Pct PA 1099 1000500333000 340 260 370 Pemboy Vest Dabster Smmttt Not Mnh WirutawAftt t4Ian Borptra Is Star of London Net Matches It TwnnlJE rt4 Btttl MtlltOT IlrtKll JCS LONDON Oct 11 Biiti ichtriw Ju64 Rnmtrn 49vear o1l former Wim ichunolonthlo nd Gilman trophr IT Poulson) WMU HUMI bledon champion displayed tlasnes of his old time skill today to lead the international club of rance to en 8 4 victory over the interna tional club of Britain in the two day covered tennis meet at Queens Club The Bounding Basque won two singles matches and shared in two doubles victories Olli 0 0 1 2 9' 2 XABT 2 Rational ootball League WEST 1 GOPHERS SET BACK ERRATIC WILDCATS (Continued rom P4ge 1 C) Northwestern got in the running early in the second period when Jim arrar of Cleveland passed 4 yards to Ken Wiltgen in the end zone to a 72 yard drive but the Gophers got that one' back when Bill Elliott bulled over from the Northwestern i in the same pe riod i fet 37 i 41 Hein UK Jaaewikl Hendtlcluon SHlanoU Oleonoskl Mealev Haienutnp Thiele 4 Bye Daugherty Elliott Minnesota 1 6 Northwestern Bye Kuzma Wlltien El liott aunce Murakowakl 2 Pullins Safety Worthlnston Points after Bailey 5 Burson arrar 2 Minnesota: Ends Stuhlmsn Soltau Bierman Grant: tackles Wldseth Carroll McGovern ritz Roctman: fuarps neltazo Olsonoskl center Tonnemaker: backs Elliott Malosky aunce Johnwn Kuzma Hau ken Anonwn Pullens McAlister Zuprth Entebrctson Northwestern: Enda Zuravleff Stonesiter Wlerman: tackles ord liarmann: guards Knauer Day Stolk centers Miller anyer backs User Burson: Day Per rlcone Holland Tunecllff Selgel Western Reserve eruk Ktttti vennriia apauu kckic tv man Madison Gaab Hughes Shaw guards Statsforth BrlsirJ Gauntner Poster eenters Goll Bamlde backs Castilla Corbin Lahr Longjau Salem Pollack Ohio Uni versity: Ends MUUpangh Marco Goslorow ski tackles Hall Hixon Koran Morris Boyer: guards Tartaflla Dlbartola Borgman Taylor: centers O'Dell Uterza: backs Sayre Schultz Spidel Sudnlck Zylowska Muis Brady Uhr Corbin Man nino' Points alter Mahon 2 iplaeemenu) or a Change Over on your new car or a step up to Generals on your old car see one of these selected car or tire dealers The Bailey Buick Co 14400 Detroit Avon laltawaud 4 DO Vim Jims Jeanie Colonel Harry Heights Sure Sleepy OURTH 1" miles time 400: BOY SOLDIER Ranum 380 300 SUN CLOCK Rodrtguez 80 DIATRIBE Sheroskl Qona Goody Gumdrop Edna awless Clcnn tur time 1:12: AMPLE REWARD Harris 640 3 40 GIRL Hettinger I 3 80 OXMASTER Luce Halomer Bras Teddy Port Chester SIXTH fur time (a) AGRARIAN amandez 3 60 20 PRINCE AVOR SChelh 380 GEORGE GAINS Rodrljucz laireddle's Pal Sunny Tarpan lag miles MULLINGAR Petcn SPIRSILLA Zehr VW WOO VaenarmAr Cactui oot Chance layer MwMVveuuwT 41 m1m 61m Ml rrt 6 A A 4i44 NERVESTA Keene 880 400 ALDRIDGE Root 3 GPEBN LOG R0driguez Ho Hum Dilphltn EnidBelmont Results 7 fur time (BIATHLETE Woddhouse 080 570 SEAWARD Jessop mv T4ltars4 QOtl AfaljS I'aiHypm Pcmarove ly yards and once for 24 partner in the rW of fensive show was Joe Scally who completed 11 of 18 forward passes one of them going to Bob Hecker for a touchdown that clinched the victory v' While was showing its best offensive of the season the Yellow Jacket pass defense lapsed three av Zeller: guards orr smitn' senriner cen times and that resulted in three ter Piper backs Wallace Zimmer Scally wesieyan scores The Bishops used a forward lateral play to good advantage LEARN TO LY At Brooklyn Airport Cleveland most con 1 venient Approved lying School 54 Smiles from Public Square Approved or Right Traiiitar Voder 1 8iU Chiof Pilot It a A A light Examiner HELICOPTER LIGHT TRAINING RIDES IDEAL LYING SERVICE ri fiT7Q CII3C7R2 4580 RIDGE RD 31 1U OlOJ New Commodore at Mentor Yacht Club Is Taylor 1 A' 1 i1 Au 4 Ex Understudy Gets sc i Loosejor 2 Scores 4801 7 Art QUEEN ISLAM Chtnauer 420 Roman Scholar Kantar Aid Spanish Britt 320 t580 3 80 i Virginia Slaps 47 0 Beating on Invading Crimson i if I5VWMI IM' lUIWUUj inCKSIIC niuauuy mwzm Belair Stud entry (biKing Ranch A Ball IRST: 6 fur time V13: MA wttrr Bpr kirn MISS Kacna4 2180 980 780 try SUNTOS Hettinger AUNT RUTH Harr! Saints Mount Pat Muchas Ghost Bound Macfetchit Walkup lashy lash Gift Count I a i 4A mjIv (Iwro SECUND muc auu au HAGAR ZACA BILL Barber "Baling Green? Gray Victory Soulful Easy Blend weztwood Belle fur KENGAR Rogers Cleveland Yacht Club's class sailors are guests of Mentor Harbor today Galley Gossip Here is the summary of Cleve land Yacht' winners for the season: CLASS Gypsy (Peter Bath sir Thomas Lipton and Merchants trophies nlcht race South Shore and Mentor Harbor regattas and the race to Mentor Puffin i Alex and Char lotte Vinton) club championship Gardner trophy Interlace refatta and race to Lorain Robin (Al Ediertom Lorain regatta Wan derer (BUI William) Adelaide trophy: Cotton Blossom (Paul Gayman) Cleveland recatta and Deep Water race to Put In Bay Dores (Robert Williamson fall series YANKEE Iwanna (C deV Miller) club championship Interlace and South Shore regattas and ntfht race Garylin (Carl Poser) Lake Erie trophy Mademoiselle (Robert Albrecht) fall series STAR Twinkle (Richard Millen Lo rain and Cleveland regattas Young and Stouffer trophies and tall series Jet Job (Chaftes Voss) club championship: Luscious (Don Bever) Great Lakes elimination series Johnson and Exchange club trophies Inter lake Cleveland and Lorain regattas Southerly (Neville as ten Roberts and Elf trophies Lady Luck (R Carey) club championship: Kiltybawk (Robert Timken) Old Timers trophy Bata telle (W James) Cleveland Yacht Supply Co trophy: Victory (Joseoh Stin son) Klwanls trophr Hornpipe (Busch Bros) ipldsummer retatta: duch*eas (Charles Stew art) Deutsch trophy INTER No 69 (Tup Hate) club championship and fall series Uza Jane (Ted Ewnbtchi midsummer reyatta '30 SQUARE METERS Roure (Commodore James Van Dorn) club championship tell series midsummer and Cleveland regattas Aurora (C Simpson) club championship and fait Mriea: Trade Winds (R Koehb midsummer regatta Wee Lovett Too (John Lovett) club championship tail series BU Williams itropltf and national class championship Heather (Robert Ctebavlt) Saturday series naiuur iTgaua CiuO White iCloud rouisuni tiM 7 and Interteke reratta: Kylarx (Don Kyte) fall and special Mries Acwn (Ted Coma) club cham pionship: Hurricane (Art Bell) Dillon and Krause trophies and Saturday aeries A TM All America Conference WESTERN CLEVEIAND San rancisco 4 Los Angele 3 Chicata a 0 EASTERN DIVISION AUBURN SPILLS LORIDA I' MONTGOMERY Ala Oct (P) Travis Tidwell still 1ar 'hrnlrn in base vu a rf ball last spring sparked the Tigers to a 20 14 triumph over lorida in a hotly contested Southeastern Con ference game before 12000 fans today twice once gaining 40 yards to put the ball in position for 'their first score and clicking again in the third period for 56 yards and a touchdown The third marker came after a Jong aerial down the field had putthem on the Ip rank Jacobs Bob Mcarland and Tom Lottrechiano scored for the Bishops The Bereans had tjie ball only four times in the first half but scored two touchdowns and enjoyed a seven point margin at the in termission 14 7r They scored the first two times they got possession of the leather going down the field a distance of 65 yards on straight football the first time and traveling 61 yards the second On' Drive No 2 the Jackets mixed a few1 aerials into their attack' Scally qpmpletifig two of four tries foh 28 yards Bildwln 27 Ohl HUgn 19 i XllUUltU a a a a 4 oster St Gernuin Armstrong Zito ooo DeMtnrto Bang ooaoR razee Demruky Hecker oR Tressel Baldwfn WaUace 7 Ohio Wesleyan 0 Touchdown Degyaniky fXCCMcl IB4AjvD Wv ft SAiiu cuisftSMz Point after Pegyanzky 2 Booth Hecker 7 Baldwin Wallace: Ends Kelly Smith Blsllch Hecker: tackles WUson 7gnpp' rtinrrf Art Smith Rfhrlher: Cn Saunder Crawford WoiannL Sponagte Ohio Wesleyan: Ends Racine 3xum Kelly out tackles Booth Humphreys Madison Wright UftVftS V4VX Hi rtJtiU JWU VM( va Iw 40 Uaunr I jkrt rfviuitiy aww wv 1 miles time 1:47: MANADROrr Peabody 3240 1700 820 LUCKY COLONEL MseAndlw 1180 700 OBELISK Hauer 420 Seventeen Guns light Gal Etcin VtWina Infant Karakorum Rockwood Lou Air Cur rent Beulah Results Mil and 70 yds time CLARENDON Barnes 320 340 240SWIT SUE Lowe 32O 300 EVER WIN SheuMrd s4 30 Better Me Big Guy Strombus Sluy Bones Gold Trace Belt Silver Yvonnes Lady upperun nucey tur time MAIDEN QUEST Plnkitaff 14040 3040 CASH BASIS Conley 420 JEWELTONZ Dobsen wise Don luiaw aviation mechanics WA "srory 6 Vofarom roiMd roder I Bill of Bulitz CUSSES NOW ORMING OR CIVILIANS SCHOOL APROVEO RY CAA STATS of ohiu abmed! IIHMDTIVE CORPORATION rvBLAMP AUPOMT CLIVliLANP OHIO CLEAEWATEA 3S0B 1 7 Green Bay 2 Chicago Card 3 MW AUM3 Detroit Chicago Bears chlevoua Garden State Results' l1 i miles time (aiUGHT NURSE Scawthom 719 420 COUNTY CORK Stout 5 30 PAYABLE William Agent Curler Tiger Age Mnrers mnrinnm i tur time 1:125: WITS END Stout 750 480 SIR JINX Mora 780 ANTURBIE Devon Cream Bomb Sight Cee Tee Saralee Third Avenue Rifle Dolly yueen Donna tur time 1:11: ERTILE LANDS Marten 1440 BASIS Haiuman SILVER MONEY GlVeru Very Much windswept Helen unesi 8 tur time 1:1044: EVEN BREAK Stout 1420 S80 RED HERRING WlUlanu 1080 co*ck EATHER Polk Chance Nick Larkmead: Andy Avantl Nowadays Brawley rrrru vn tim roz 7 1 'S' ii iwr'iz nai(ne MISS JERSEY WUson 890 eorwirw uni rivAn Mr Manners' Bob Haltal Code Light Ma rine Band mllei time (aiCOSMICBOMB Scurlock 500 230 380 DOUBLE JAY Gilbert 2 30 240 lalKAR SHOT Hanunan 260 Bridal lower Appleknocker Bright Sword forger (aiwuuans neus einrx 1H miles time 1:5254: JELLICO Roberts 1570 740 COMPASSION Givens 790 vzvuwun Yf 17 1 1 Pegasus Bold Begird Bowery Hall Lasln lan Brasil Mlle and 70 yards time 1:42: TOURELAY Robert 730 490 ADELPHIA Mora 1180 830 MUSIC Martens 340 Incltelle Time Stitch Mescara Ballast Dirt Hawthorne Result! 8 tur time 1:13: OUDOR Burdy 3100 1420 1080 TIMGAD Posada 2100 1160 BELETINO eathenton 730 Chance Day Mia Marla Thate Hy Wick Black antasy Bagnell Inverette Gallant Hour Handy Lad 14 miles time 2:08: GAINER Brooks 500 320 260 MY GACE WUllams 800 460 AYERBANKE arrell 80 Rosemere Sis Ootem Maratimer Coo Case Tvrlzt Cant Sweep Miss Winks New Cale oom 16 miles time 4:47: REIGH MISS Peabody 2740 1100 SWEET REWARD Skoronskl 660 BALtnaLm ww SuribachL Antigone Stella Snyder Syntet steeple jzcz uims 6 tur time 1:19: MAY LY Brooks 640 400 ROSEBED Williams 460 POMPS GAL Baird ValAlno fraft IrtWCft vard Squirt Richwood Boy Thunder Hoof fur time MUSICAL LADY Brooke 780 480 300 GILA WATSR WilUum 1780 920 RUSH ACT Pannell 440 CM Play Indian Ruler Sir White Captain Joe Cheaty LegUlator Pad Lock Bull Wagon 1 mile time 1:45 (a)STUD POKER MacAndreW 1300 580 340 SOBS PICK Brooks 530 300 MIGHTY STORY Panne! 280 lalProud Ruler Tawny Lady Ovemiiht Say Blue Take wine DiderOd (a)Hutchlnt and Voynov entry SEV1NTR times ruMvisA avnrxiK Baird 2440 1330 DONNA BRAND Scheultt 1260 Official servlet statloe for all makes of car radios ro ORIVE IN SERVICE LAW RADIO SERVICE CO 1171 Prospect Av Afomobio Radio Specialists MA 2313 7831 (Continutd rom'Page 1 C) 29 yard broken field dashin the last quarter proved a one man Ak ron offensive An improved Case attack that still lacks a capable passer aground out 13 first 'downs 'to 3 for the Rubber City squad and piled up 190 yards rushing to the Zippers 86 Akron made only one first down during the second half in which hnth tnnrhrinviA iq wpfa srnrpri It was the third loss for Case short plunge and the other on a which had previously dropped road 10 yard run around end on which contests to Toledo and Lehigh The he Curdled the last defender on the Zippers were blanked by Baldwin 1 way to theend zone Wallace in their opener last week I In between this touchdown run ullbacll rank Geraca the 200 nmg Lee was helping the Jackets pound plunger from Canton and get into position for their other rank' Takacs' former Tech scores once breaking away for 20 star were me onensive siars jor Case while the entire Rider dine gave a good account of itself Sammy Pugh the sophom*ore trans fer from Rollins College handled the quarterbacking capably but his throwing left much to be de sired Case Ties Score The 'Case touchdown came mid way through the third quarter im mediately after Scruggs had inter cepted attempted aerial on the Akron 25 The five foot seven inch Scruggs pulled in the ball on the dead run and cut up the: east side line He sifted through the entire Case team before breaking frpe on the 20 Gerace caried the next kickoff back 20 yards to the Case 35 and the 65 yard touchdown drive was under way Gcrace Wayne Zahn and Takacs hammered to the Case 46 and an aerial from Pugh to End Bob Penovich was good for'14 yards and a first down on the 40 Neither team was able to move nvrioiclATvlhr Im Iha ire) Hal whiAh I WJ ata UAAV AMUV 41UM nMVllj consisted primarily of a kicking i duel between Quarterback Dick Kes lar of Akron and Bob Peno 1 vich The deepest Case i penetration came in the early minutes of (the first period when the Riders after taking the opening kickoff drove to pair of first Gerace and Takacs bore thp brunt of the ball carrying in the 33 yard' jnarch to the 37 6 Martin Neubecker German Hernn Conklin Milter Penovkk punh Zahn Takach Gerace Case 0 Akron 0 Case: End Dailey Enxlteh Kowalcbick tackle Donelly Terrano uani Revell center Krause Paridon: back Oath ort Debredn! Van Deusen Beeney Chrte i tlirsen Akron: End Salem Weteen: tackle i Rlnke guards Pbilho Schenx: center Me i Gaiu back Burk Evans McMillan Bulus 1 Hamm Wahl Stadvec Scruggs 2 Pugh I BARONS PREP OR (RESERVE STUNS TORRID CAMPAIGN? (ffly 20107 WVA9 IYVM TT lll lUIIIIII III I VI WithkOuffaloTuesday 1 5 1 vr The curtain will riss on the 1947 48 American League hockey season Tuesday nijht at the Arepa when the Cleveland J3aronsand the Buffalo Bisons inaugurate what promises to be the most bitterly contested ice campaign in many years As the Barons have been fortified at every position by rhe ac quisition of experienced National "League 1 stars and likely looking tnewcomers so each of the 11 other teams including the newest entry Washington have been overhauled in an effort to nail the crown won by Hershey in the play offs 'jest year When the Barons take the Arena ice tonight in an exhibition con test 'with the Detroit Red Wingsfirst show of the season here Coach Bun Cook will present the 11 vet erans and nine newcomers who will defegcl western division title The Barons lost four straight to Hershey in the 1947 play offs £Goalie Ar Back Babe PratC Joe Cooper and Ed die Wares all National League vet will share the defense posi tions with returnees Danny Sprout Gordy Davidson and Julian Saw chuk Goaltenders Johnny Bower and Roger Bessette are also back Returning forwards 'are Johnny Holota who fired 53 goals lastsea son little Pete Leswick Center red Thurier and the rench line of Roger Gagne Jack Lavoie and Lou Trudel irst year forwards in clude George (Wingy) Johnson an' 'all star selection with Kansas Citybf the United States Hbckey League last winter Tony Bukovich Ab De Marco George Allen and young sters Roy Kelly and Bob Sqlinger At Iceland rink last night the Barons dropped 4 2 decision to the Red Wings 2 4 4 Bessette LunUey Davidson Kelly sprout Dewsbury DeMarco Abel i Allen aveilch Leswick Hork Spare Cleveland Trud I Iw Lavoie i Gaene rw: Bukovich lw Thurier John I ston rw Sollnper rw: Holota Kelly lw i I Sawchuk Id: Wares rd rau Id Detroit: 3 Millar Id McCalt rd Relse id: Taylor i Lundy Conacher lw: Couture rw: i Bruneteu rw Mcidten iw Howe rw Jim Conicher lw McNab I IRST PERIOD 1 5 Johnston (unassisted) 3:32 Couture i Conaeher) 8l0 Taylor (unawteted) 11:21: Howe (J Conacher) 14:27 SoUoger (high sticking) Lundy (high sticking) SECOND PERIOD Ji Mcadden (J Conacher) 1MX Cputure (charging) i THIRt) PERIOD Thurier funasslited) 1500 enaiiy" Mceg I CLEVELAND 1 i Detroit 3 Tale 17 Setear Hansen rank Conway Prchlik Davison Jenkin Purse KirkNadherny uchs 7 7 E946 RG QH LH rr 7 4 0 9 8 fur time (a)ELLENDALB Corcoran KEYNOTE Woodhouse rufptcn fnmhP4t Halsgal a Merry Us Sylvia uear arm entry 1ft track record): ijRXY day SNOW KING 2D ife REPEATER Schweiier AlbatroM 1 mite time 1 36ftt iiui(fnuc vnnHff Kirkland 12 70 ESCADRU Adam 890 DPAtrrcT 4r1Yl Olio (a (Ready Jack Ace Admiral Gansway Inseparable araway ()C Whitney etW7 6 fur time 1: llj: MANGOHICK 740 350 WIDE WING Guerin 3 20 PIPETTE May Uirnplpe I Will 214 mUes time 1 3 48 (a)RICO MONTE Arcaro 4 70 370 (a)ATALON Adams 3 70 PHALANX Guerin Calvados Stymie Jackamlne (a)A Haneer an! Ryan entry wn mrr 4 1 II 04 VW a 1 UUtCfte umuv Art EQUANIMOVS Atkinson 810 380 290 BLACK SWAN Kenney oeri 670 390 PRESERVE Arcaro Windfields Boas Pujante Stage Bond EIGHTH mile time 1:38: (a)RINALDO Write 540 310 320 RECKON Atkinson JBO TRILBY CombeSt 370 Romancer (a)Vaeince ebateng World Trade laring Home (a)G Schlrier Mte SchHter entry Laurel Results 6 fur time 1:14: ONE SUN Padjett 500 REELANDS LAD Holland KNIGHTS ARMOR Breen Rlnzalonz Have on Red Topper Toonervllle Wiltonn Merry EUln Happy Moose 1'4 miles time 2:07: DON O'SULLIVAN Martin 1480 780 GREMLIN Buttler 860 RED WRACK I Rock Time Sun Tarket Caffeine Rose (Grand World Star Back Bell Clapper I 6 tur time EE CEE Snider 540 Saunder TICKER Padkett My Butterfly Mlnadnto LU April Auscultation Laddie Aldrich Hopewell Copy Bell 6 fun time 1:13: ORIOLE Hanford 560 RIAR TUCK Gonzalez Vk tfJt CTTW Drast Bpvard Sunday Beau Dee Gee 8 riglnsett Tenabob River Boyne Gate No Bull Royal Scot 1A miles time SERVICE PILOT GtmZateS ratoate 760 420 i MISS WAR Hanford 360 EAST LIGHT Dodson Amanecer Prelect 1ft mile time LUxAL ukujn smaer OCEAN RONT Padgett wnw Tsrun fcnotif Golden Bull Khyber Paia Pilaster 1ft milet time 1:53 1 anwtM tc e(4 ft Aft fl 9A 9 flA LOAl A OAiauca oo ww MASON DIXVN Giinen WATERPROO Battler Beau Wynn Astral Corned Player Harford MU and 70 yards Ume 1:44: RUSTY GATE Buttler 940 540 360 SNOW PHANTOM Padkett 640 460 IOANNA LIKE Dodson 680 yds lime 1760 900 520 2440 1080 440 300 320 400 Park Wenzlau Heisler Long eeaese DiimOIid Leecha Humphreys Rooinson riesner Wade Woodward 1a LotrocctuancT 7 7 6 Trttipl 2 Mcarland Lottrechiano GENERAL YALE UPSETS COLUMBIA TEAM 17 7 (Continued rom Psge 1 C) ursc started tilings off when he intercepted a pass by Lou Kusserow i left halfback late in thesecond period on 14 yard 'line Thisr set the stage for a Yale drive to three yard stripe where Billy Booe of Shelton Conn kicked a field goal Early in the third period Tcrd 1 Nadherny Intercepted another Kus serow pass placing the ball on' 42 stripeYale drove to the 1 Columbia two yard line from where Wandy Kirk cracked through right tackle for a touchdown Late in the third period Columbia i took the 'ball on 'downs on 22 stripe and marched 'to 32 from where Ventan 'jYablonski fullback skirted his ownleft end for a touchdown Yablonski the outstanding performer' on the Columbia team kicked the extrapoint In theu fodrth quarter Kirk in i' terceptea pass and put the cn 13 A line smash Bill Connelly and a pass from urse to Setear gained the Columbia two yard line Here an off side i penalty moved it to the one stripe from where urse went over for a touchdown on a Quarterback sneak fa 7 Swiach Kars shekita i Kleniovich Haasritpaa 5 I Gehrke Kachadunan I KuMerow Olaon VaKIrtrtClri 4 Columbia 9 9 Vl 0 4 Kirk yaoiomm rrK rvu liter Booe 2 Yablonski ield Columbia: Ends woizrtraMi naT i Bacauskaa Chakv centers Hamnion: backs Resides Van Belllnkhajn Nork Rjs Mil iTniesftt LftLftivA au'in ion Kemp: naro rasiano lorentine centers Larson: backs Wagster zL Barksdale itagerald Booe Connelly Barnett Ltechty Raines Lon I I wMCK'XK Ako ft 1 I fn II i i a 1 4 A' s' I 'I I KM zt ftdSa ssk Wk I i I Artk?" 'r 4 i 3 1 'A ill i i xs 7 1 i vuiJaH Wjn Wfik I i iHi 'te i hunting? fcjMi wHaiM Ij li 1 20 Okla 7 Mannino Mitchell Homan Rnsrkowskl Lewis Loushrtdie Nolf Welw Karaon Gauntner Hall Sisier Rlsser Mahon ranco fetuckert Stefan Lonjak H4ona Reserve 2 2 Ohio 7 0 0.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.