The Daily Constitutionalist and Republic from Augusta, Georgia (2024)

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The Daily Constitutionalist and Republici

Augusta, Georgia

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I 0 1 0----k- 1 di I I I I tf '''reet-adi I -4 A i --) rt- 4 ---4J- I -4' I f1 'f' 3 ft 'r- 'It -1 1 1 1 I i i 5 4 41' I i rr it kik 4 I 1 i PI I i AO i i- '7711 s-- 4 1 I I i 1 tittrav y- JA NIF3S GrA1113 INTER AU-G-TISTA G-A WE DN TES DAY MO IN-11NT G'r TITINTF 6-1 1858 4 I I 1 i AuckusTA 'GA 1)-talt the GI drink -Staeldard May 30 RATES FOR ADVERTISING 09Shaughnessy9e Speech fir The follosetes 'atm for advertising In the -s1 -N-1 -1 k- LA 1 i IINI jr 14 1 1 1 1 -a tS- j1' 2 (115 i Among other interesting matters tmoneetecl with cosserrtrtiosaLtar and etatnerche It taracrta-ex have biwn ----r---- WED MORNING Jiritz 2 1858 the late convention in Montgomery is the speech established by the Proprietors xrar AID SEED rrn- of Corneltus O'Shatighnee-sv delegate from the OZ1111AUT ADVILitillnMILICIII plibrahed 111 tea Daily live 4 4 1- ROAFNE AND ruttsm v-Nt' A RI A XI Pt 11(1 A'pe i TAT 4 Wlk: 1 i RE I If 4t-11015STA WEDNESDAY MORNING TUNE 2 MS thorn Ike a drink Stasalarci May SO 09Shaughnesses Speech Among no her interesting matters connected With the late convention in Montgomery is the speech of Cornelius O'Sbaughnessy delegate from the RATES FOR ADVERTISING rtr- The follow-Ins rates lot a dvertkohar ha Closertroviosavett and Camancleta Stamm-ea: have RATES YOIL ADYMITISING SW- The foliose-ins ratess for advertbdits ha the Cosserroviosstver and Castrortetx Simile-tuft have been established by the Proprietors ONDU S' I ANT AD INTIONNZAITAL published is the Daily five Ill'ottorloa kik the Aqw b00 -Eattents 77 GREENE ANWPULISKI LA? Cri s-4-)1it 11 I 7311 Ai BIGNON ef CO v)V NEW DRUG AID BEED FIORE MANUFACTURERS BY TELEGRAPH -r: ARRIVAL 7 01 THE STEAMERS nry 741 dons Bustin 'Say ht with sAL beea a the nein It Geer dtud test Mt 'the ellAt4 helhhat r1POIL pt amid ita yeses policy fAt cams us ett Nik endrAlt EiPtite 4 or-rime kiltaaair IPPUicor twists fg davit Buitth Ihey ht with Itk CO tr bee 1 the gbou tt) atais 4 )1 stein Km lime AND DEALERS IN INDIAN ANP NATIONIA EADYIIIADE CIAOTRING9 HATS CAPS TRUNKS CARPET BAGS VALISES'' SHIRTS CRAVATS GLOVES STOCKS att BOYS7 AND CHILDRENS7 CLOTHING Wnolesale and Retail No 215 Broad Street' mzeux th POSITE THE POST OFFICE CORNER AUGUSTA GEORGIA WE buy mu- Geodes Pan first hands Our AmIntleafor likauutacturing are uasurpwased therefore we are prepared to give bat os 4 Lda fond agoortment of heavy Settinet flip COATS PANTS VESTS FLANNELS and BLANKETS suitahie for egrueb Cat 1 4nd exavui lusted" ocla State of Tennessee It does not appear from the best of reasons that there was any such delegate in attendance or front the proceedingI that anY snob speech was delivered but in the Stimthera yt directed in part by John Mitchell the speech appears at length with exclamations notes of applause An from a delighted auditory and it IS but fair that our readers shall also have the benefit at least of a portion of his eloquence The debate was upon the subject of the foreign slave ride the constitutionality of which had been called in question and upon this branch of the argument the teamed gentleman bolds the follow- ing language: Adtint ohm that it was constitutionaf Adagt further that it was constitutional also to make a lawdetining a certain species of trade theretofore lawful to be the purchase of a certain species of merchandise in Africa and the shipment thereof to consignees in Charleston or Savannah 11218 robbery on the high seas At this point I would be inclined Mr Pi esident to make a stand and appeal to grammar the dictionary and the law of nations The trade In question was not piracv no more piracy than it was burglary and nowhere does the Constitution -grant to Congress authority to murder and mangle the English langnage This is one of the reserved rights It belongs to the people who often exercise it with much cruelty If Congress could call the slave trade piracy- they could also call it burglary or bigamy 04gal pub- advertise- be Ye stand renvittly occupied ity Mr HatileS ou turt0 stre1 two doors below the Post Othee corner Tbe Itrug and Muir Clue department will bet under the direction of hit ker au ex ptuntote and Chemist who will give meet attention the putting up of prescriptions la the Seed depeztreent Mr hopes that ea tea years will be a lidtleWilt gliarlintor Omni' customers int be supplied with non but genuine seed Information as to planting and cultivating will be at the command of customers For the present Mx wilt beklanated by blew It LaTaate Mr respectfully solicits the patronage of the public sub der Nil custfidersce of giving geatrat eatistaetiois in every pat' tattler 1 BniS departznents solli be well supplled-the wk the hem from the Seed from the same with the Mt ported from house of iltooria of teeth dee tt ARCHITECTS CIVIL ENOLWEEIV AND 1171- Et Wth 'Tam rnsculBritti ant prepared to execute irork tr 1 all breathes (4 their profusion Ail kinds of Survey: Plans LothaallAfalk TopegraMimi Mom and limpsto for 11 Mime Pastentur attention g(iven to Ssurveys of Plantotions ate Swamp Land SOS Designs sod Estimates tor brahmee at Water 'Works Peals and Specidemitiml tarnished for Bridger private and public Buildings 00Z- RWIO BNYCOOWA on Broad street sent door to the Bank ut AuOueta tac10 tt BUIL STONES 4 WILLIAM 1111hA Maumactucer of French But MILL anti Dealer to Lacpus and Cologne Stotes Broad Stre'et Augusta Georgia Ortiers Janette ant punctually attended to Iv Jaw SAMUEL $WALE CO OrrEltli Manama Bankers and Dealers tu Exchange nolo-rent Money and Specie in the Angus Butt Adding Broad street Augusta Georgia hours from a A to Itt DellY papers tie foten all thts princlpal citlee Telegraphic nworte too Wee tes Eteading Room tree to travellersatta the public A It a-J nal to eat rieknin in I net ieurgin Lenience irnin Si im suZ Three Days Later from Europe- New Yon June 1--The steamship Indian has arrived at Quebec and the steamship Hammonia at this port with news to May IS By these arrivak we learn that the sales of cotton in Liverpool for two days were 125oo bales speculattors and exporters took 1000 bales each leaving to the trade lo5o0 bales The market closed with quotations barely maintained LotitioN Maui Itarlat--Money was unchanged and consols quoted at 9714- Li-erponi Itreadstufs generally reported dull- General News Nothing of very general interest had transpired in Parliament The debate on the Indian bill bad been postponed for the present aa'a Later news from India bad been received Axingur had been relieved and the rebels defeated near Partingler Many were killed and five hundred were taken prisoners The British loss in these engagements was about seventy t--f-" We were shown to-day three nuggets of gold Rom the "Columbia Mine" on Litde River in that county weighing together four thousand one hundred and fifteen pennyweights and estimated to be worth three thousand seven hundred and three dollars and fifty cents They were the product of eighteen days' work Mon Paget FOR Sao iums--The Hernando Pre reports the sale qt ROMe of the negroes belonging to the estate of Mrs Daitasv of that eAninty last week at the follo-aing figures Amanda twenty years old field band with infant the weeks old two thousand four hundred and dollars boy 14se tmenty-one rears old field Land two thonsand dollars girl lanesee field band twenty years old one thousand seven hun dred and fifty dollars The sale waou SI months! time JONES Proprietor nu Oldeie SentieL JAME'S GARDNER Proprietor Constitutional's NOTICE LL oertiOna indebted to the und-ralirned for the last year ZS will pleape cow forward and oetth the mune or their se countlwia be placed hi the hands of an officer for colic-tion city ISAAC MAYER STOP THR RUNAWAY VNAWAI from tho subscriber abut the 5th of March illb last a man named AT He is about doe feet bit iirttes in height copper compl ibis' with very bright betwen St anti 49 years old and weighs about lItu pounds He is a RI tektosilth by trate I think he is either in liarnweN Itiotriet or in Itarieston Any inMenmtion respt eting Mu can ne COTIlllitibleThili 10 me sit Hall burr JOHN TWIGGS Tbe Charleston Courier will please copy six times and semi hilt 10 nte daset tu-e27 a- cow PEAS 3 1 0 I ir10 COW re EAS In sto and for sale nn der the Newton House corner of Wastdhetou ano Edis streets by Bk1DoEtt tuy27 6 for Clanton BATH (SO CA) PAPER MILLS NATiLL keep on hand in this city and tor sale at ir-sesi mdi prices CORSIInt supplies of Boos News and Wrap ping PAPER or best qualitica Orders promptly tilled emote per line tor the first insertion and two and a half cerats per line for ach subsequent Insertion Advertisem*nts Ihthed Td-Weekly twenttle per cent advance on these odes A ILI dvertisem*nte to he counted as making Eve lines I or more Ten 1nes Daily I month live 1 Ines Dully I month 3 00 SPNOTALT NOTIONAL fIlld CAWS per line solid Nonpareil for the first and three cents for each subsequent inserting' in Daily It TT's-Weekly alone twentiArIse per cent advance All tdvertisem*ntscounted as making lye lines or more Ten Lines Daily I month $7 00 Five Lines D-ily 1 month 4 00 Detetarso Atoreeriataaers five cents per Use or solid Nonpareil for eAril insertion In Daily TrbWeekly Inuits percent more An advertisem*nts I sounted AS live lines or more Ten Lines Dailv 1 month OM Five Lines Daily 1 month it do Advertisem*nts continued Monthly in either Hasa will be charged hen the monthly rates for each subsequent saotak tor the first six months and one-fourth for each succeeding month RATES FOR WEEKLI ADVERTIsem*nTS ONDISANT advertisem*nts published on a week ha Daily rri-Weekly ot Weekly seven land a that orate per Itite low each insertion sexcw Nor less tem cents pet Hoe for the a 1111 hIMINLIC and elf hi cents per line for each subsequent inserdess DUIPLAIND ADVENTAILIKANTO tel ITISIS per line Oar sack be sertion Maenaems DKATHS and Ftreemet JON seamy each Derreastat ten cents per line genottimra mid Breese' Mom whose adveriasemeant swe changed will be allowed a discount of twerstythre per cesw from these rates when their bills amount to litty dollars II' Os mouths if paid In ten days after presentation JONES Ploprietor Chronicle Sentios moNumENTLoTTERIE I IIII Jt000lled Drawn abed Prizes Puld by at well kn awl reponsibk firm of GREG-ORY Sr- MATIR moNDAy Class $9341! Tisitets TuEsDAAr aim ise43apita3 8800! WEDNESDATClass131--Capital $5000! Tickets goLTRA tmAtts to Will be drswn on WEDNESDAY June I SPLEN DID SCHEME 935000 $12500: 7500 $5000 035o0 $3000 0 Vivo') 01750 $1312 10 Prizes ot $10110 dirc Ticket 62 50 ''alves 5 Qu'uters THU RSDAYClass 9 900o Tickeb FRIDATtios 133-Capital gli000! Tickets I hATURDAYCias L34--Caplud $5000 Tickets EXTRA CLAPii 21 Will bedrawn on sAT UEDA June 5 GRAND SCHEME naue sikeoe csoto alossi 44400 01000: 50 PI ties or aura) Wife-Ate Ticket HAMA $3 quarters 2 44 fir" Payment of Prizes in the ahove Lotteries IS nds seeur a hood et Seventy Thoumand bottom Its the ha ro or thke coeimsso ohers appniated by the St ocarina Notesel all raven( banks taken In payment for Ticket carders ptly attended to awl Sch mit and Dra AWAY to JOHN A MILLEN Vender for Gregory Maur wawa Breastt three doors below Post Office con A- FORTUNE OF 87001 1 Z1 HE 11 A FOR TEN DOI 1 ARM SWAN CO'S LOTTERIES! AUTHORISED nY THE ST AI Ok GEORGL1 rft 1111 keno" si- WI II ha Arm arn PkIr bivm MONUMENT IE Ss Xulwtgect Drawn abed Prizes Patti by the welt known aHd re-punsibk Jinn of GREG-0 RX7 MATIRIC MONDAY cuss $1343! rbeitite Ark TUESDAY elms ISA-43apits3 etIAse! Tickets st so WEDNESDAY Class 113006! Tickets Si 00 "MYRA CLAOS 20 WM be Armen on WEDNESDAY June 1- SPLENDID SCHEME $35000 1612600: 75001 $5000 3suo $3000 sumo $1750 $1312 10 rrizes CAW Am Tickets $10 Halves SO Quarters 82 Capitol el 9000 Tickeb lialved 15 Quarters 12 55 Capital 9000 Tickets $2 00 183--Capital $11400! Tickets $1 50 SATURDAYCias L21--Capilt1 15005 Tickets 01 uo EXTRA CLAPS 21 will bedrswu on sATuliDAL June 5 GRAND SCHEME 1137500 $15000 075(10 0400 $A000 $3000 13uq ao Imes of $10H0 Ac ate TicketI $10 ibbicA $3 quarters 02 mi Parment of Prizes in the above Lotteries it secured by a hoed ot Seventy Thouland Dollars in the hands of the Irrennuirer et like Conannasionera appalatect by the State of tsesarirat N43betr all solvent banks taken In p2ytuent for itorstyrs ptly attended to and Heir and Drawings APPLY se JOHN A MILLEN Yeader for Oregury it Maury RixtaollAAL thrive doors below k'eat Ottioe corner A FORTUNE OF 870000 10 BE flAD FOR TEN DOLLARS PY THE STATE OF GEORGIA ftv roiscrortnit Stay- will by drawn by tirrAn vt t-wftheSprt Academy Lottery In eayb ve Number 'utterly fur Jun 1858 at A MI Georgra public under the enperintendene or I lonnninsioners etAss To be drawn th the Ity or IapAu4- vrona to public- en SATURDAY JUntS Mu ISNO CLAY I ro bY drawn in the 714 of A Itititbtit Georgia In public at SAT 1J WAY JuIJ4 Isha PPs 2 0: ro be drawn in the Cityt A thttiot Georgla pv enc et lad eliD A Jane 19tis 1113-ASA 2 TG be drawn in the Cite DI A lig 114:1 Getoula In pub baf Milt Ir Julie 261b Alti THE I' IAP1 81501k iv Li JALA thousand four bundryd Bed eighty-the 41C4BLr UNE PRIZE To EVERY lb IN TrOKET? MAGNLFICENT To be Draia earo nonordav In June a Prithot S'uttou I 4 prizes of pot 1 30utk I 4 hot 4 8Ut ON CONSIGNMENT Gitorgo Kuglish MUSTARD aol 10 Kentucky 15 kegs Cayesua PEPPER IA grotio t1riamt6 16 (ANNA MCN IA UTM ECts Also Washing BLUE MACE SPICE ae fresh from the Washington Mills Philadiphut aod warnuded to give mdlstactiouEur mile at l'hilaileiphia prima' by deelk dA GRIFFIN CRACKERS AC 3i1 HALF IRAs Mower CRACKERS 11 At halt hbis Sugar aird Milk CRACKERS aOjars Lorrii Wu's hiatvoioy EFF 40 oozes STARCH 23 6 PICKLEs t)tda Soda itibt El IT 2 plpe ole(t'31wperal GIN three years old For awe very low by A WILLIAMS at sOZ1 town dit IV LIQUORS Lpurri bbis G1040146 Lagt WitisKY 25 btu M000neauels A KISKA tho Kyr 541 uoios Nrotsr sad Eagle Pure old ilottrufff 011Cogrus BRANDY Wu t4jl Rtifie4 111 IS r'or sale by sepO A ST ON CONSIGNMENT 7 LitOKE4 kttaina tioe Not11's to 45 owe Rectified WHISK old NIpoomotheit Utz KT1849 20 fitlatteT BRANDT a wt ilolland GIN l'orl sud Surrey WIN ftii W14i assoned be sow Iw rates by decia W- 4RIFF111i A Ls ON CONSIGNCENT 14 6 It APOLLAVIk t011a AJ If If 47110 5U0d Dolce ItAirdera 66 10t11CA 1400 Upbalut Tutrea The above lot is tine and will be sold very tow ow dre13 dI8 GRIFFIN at Co RAISINS AND FIGS 1-! BOILEs Layur RA ININs ftJP miff ioxers Lax RAISINS PROPOSALS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES Neel DePstritaNNT Bureau of Conetruction Equipment etc- Me 13 1 LED PROPOSAL" to furnish naval supplies for the 0 llama year meting Jane labit wilt be received at this bureau tietti 3 eciuK of tite leth Jube next These Proposals must be entioraed Proporests for Napo( Sum lice Bo Pea of Cohotruction tke" that they may Ins distinguished from other buettithe ietten The materials and erttelea oinbraced in the classes named are particularly tie cribed in printed schedules any el which will be terhished to such as desilie to offer on application to the Otithntatietants Of the epectIe yenta or to tee navy agent nearest thereto and thoee of ali the yams upon applicatioe this bureau This division into wastes beteg or the con venienth of dealers In each such portiotut wit he furnisheo as aim actuatty required for bids The commandant amid avy ageot of each statism will imve copy ot the -win delfts of toe mher yards for eximenation ouly frau winch IL may be judged woollier It will be to make application for them trees must be niade for the whole of a cleat at any yard upn tithe of ta priatd echttotte ot in strict cOutOrnitty therewith or they will not Is ounatilered foe contract will awArtleo Wine lowest bontlfide hkur who 11re proper security tor Ito fiat fitment he 1 ailed -aisles re-Jere the ftht to reject all the tads rut auy Liam" it deemest exerealint Ail articles must be of tee very iet quality to he delivered in good owe' atel lo suttee-le vesseis pacinutes as the cuse may be at the expenee wad ritik or the CAtirwar mid le reapects suoje the iIptCtit 'Immurement count iseigist Me- of the yard where received anti to the entire satiate uon of the conituainasit tiserrof Bidden are refereed to the commandaille of the reapective yards tor steeples Mei ructams or articular deecription elthe articles sant a I Other Whet being tqual pretereece will be ivet to articles of Antenesn easeutwmure Leery otter a reau red by the lew of loth August tate 013161 be aecompaeled by a writieu ituaneutee the form which tp 04-v en 1-110 on) weesentient maybe accepted will be notes att theearmlet wilt tot forwarded ea thou their-ate Livable wilich they will be required to execoe wiiLu Leif days alt iLs reeipt at (tie post diae or uavy agehey by them bum-0es in the full mount Will be -equtred alga the co trath and their responsienity certified to by la United States District Judge United castes Distnet Attothey Celoecter or navy agerft As additional security enty er ccuthin will be withheld from the aniouta of the bilis until thew' trate stunt have been coieineted ad eighty IfiOr eehluus each old an proved in triplicate by the 0(1111WaildADLII of the respective y-ard will be paid hy the navy went st the points ot delivery within trilby fiathafter its preteutatien to hint It it in the contract that if default be made by the moth ot the tint part ia leittnering ail or any of the articles meetioimil in any clime led tor in tee centract of the quality IIPANY rteavuer theaptt It northern ur protho southern they knee Et he given ALL 1 a a Nc-z Insatiate 'lotuses of unoulst up 1700te ntooto 51400 looms Ittloove 4otsst ly suet te t-Thett kief celebrated rums tbe 4 etablea aill )rtiggiStS 'rites the at rell-geleeted it (CB WAIL resoottable preparation by leoette Col lege of ARTY MEDI 'all kind the itmetiv cute I odato ze Storaucht 'repels At tad st zdt cher and eo the up A freea His Fe- ermitruge rills tout 8- Prophizt remedy sou of Patna tz othtd 'dud hzindu Acute hurtle of time dbelt on England usto aad urabliortment moron and rs ia oil or ow A zehrok rrtm 'SE FUR mietor OD letor Cook iron beiLe 11ng been Tbe rov gs-a at whole-II Ion OM 21111011 with 13 the 14 A I 'Jul late ler obi erg Poikreeni Val 6001-Ws tabligewet 121 IVO deer-friends shni Analog ws to make Se-ma be fecool Lolopteltsoe sell low to Li Pvirese1 terms wita Ga ALAI guys 'so 11' vs Irststrr e4SIP Jrs owl iT met re sfgroata est Kalkold VrIBT all td ia Lb Nail octA EI) for Ito" i ROC EMT orpird IP' J54 keerang time trod IF mock his artrus sad os of interest '0 ND ritabothi 41 the fa Dr 1ln the CbrIA VA Of :112 Sallie F' Eff PlgsloiceeiA in prose 418 amees lis14 aelishis AR the ticers bl est lima 1116- Fr I' RI uss aa's by Jaw' I Text Wel' Wocs011 lads Cents- etablen all )ruggiste rites the rellnelened ti Cil EMI- reaeoeable preparation by Mocter College of ()ARTY MEDI 'all kind the 11111nin cute Indent le Stoessen as ran 1 i a Elite anti eat the pr d11 lt9 A pack- ftle freea lie Nis Fe Plla and 8-Prophet remedy noa of Pains lz 1 oebte elude indre Acute a beetle of it lean Ca time totaita deal en England usta and en ablinhmean hington and IS ia ea or out Ayahro- trim 'SE FUR- nietor Ott Ictor Cook I iron beteg laVing bees rgliers''''The l'OVES--of diem el at whole ow a with r0 NOtil the 'nen Iran a neta late en- inners Veal 0001-st tablienruert tat Analog se to make Se- aa be Maud sell low to I newel Lerma ICH meat Ga eILA Mew wen es Inaritor i in Calk ii oey s' owl nY met re ammo et ethereal rEI ll id FANCRYa ie Ow Rail' octh cga titertneesh'a -tele for tett iktot 'pied Ise 54 keeping the Meta ir stock het erten' sod se of faint- Intereat '0 Itift i-liniand I id the fel Dr Her- en Oen' 1 Inihe '''tt Chlitt tent 111- Iinee na Faille Frs" gra letnrnan saraisuree ay valocsei in prose os Wet" u- eziee-lish-h4 nO-10 iiiel Plus la thy 31111t5 neer bl the hod blei- tern Fg dein ligt)13 awe- by Joiat FAA' i Teat tiVertnen math Cull t-- I I It WA to refine upon this topic which may be censidered mere pedantry it may be admitted for the purpose of our present argument that Congress bad all the power it claimed Moreover nu der the same clousee it-has now th power to pre Wing the ungration of men ot ion color trout auy country and to enact that the Captain ot every emigrant stiip trent Europe cennona we crime of me But further Cougreas iota power to regulate commerce Out only with loreign countries but amoug the tStates--power turrelore to prouibit the purchase of negroes in Vrginio I) be carried to Alabama And turtber stilt centmerce between the states is not coutthett Lu ttegroes Every tall Mr President cerium flue orov-tv of hogs carefully feared hy us tu Lard Teunemsee awe driveu ono Creorgto aud obubdoet bate graces the hospitabe tobles tot SaVauluall and Augusta Now Crorgreas has I admit the power Up torbid this trade stud to put every tittg drover tin hut trial for bigainv- et in inc tOteircrit my industrious rteelon of couatry atrounalug in corn beech-urast and acorns I would respeettully deprecate such legislatien it might be cousuitiWend but it would be clearly unjust and even tusane Loud cheers Now the King ot Yoruba the King of Ashen-tee of Dahomey the cluets of the Elates the Cut-lotto the Soiosoos and many other enterprising poteutates on the itiutneo coast hare multitudes uI hue negro Wye tor sale tu Itaube BUIL1111 ROUE nter firletildd WaeAmwstne eitreeiss (7t Claullitiblitii 4L lit' IA? hulamt cisisrell LU ioxiitutiliAthIc 'KILL lIwerI lit tt i -JAMERZ ill atii good a at 'It tt I flit tioutor I i acdoki lin tiarg airy -itcb with eligibi tivtirratIttii i mitweriter tA that with his it ellittlit I bVt I thatkv it ettrititTlawtt mit roir Muoinem -ten "Aid LrAveilens It SPICES tiROUND AhD UNGEMLND A 114)Xr NirbT A 1 rcrvrloe IF iu PEPPER ry 111e 4yrouirt 10 1rwiliti fif ft lo NU CAlEleb and eLtiii Sts mil a Iti411Mg1141 WZED CASSIKERZ COaTS Aka PAbilb ib 41114trtql tvvidv-tkt 4 168 smirs l'ANIALICUSdlit el 60 tiatirrerits a7C olutaolv for servaua wmr i00tt awl well it1atiC6 e11 i Illt euta A PIG HAMS liVE Casks Choice NIttlicti PIG A Itri pug rutin D'ANTRINAC Az 11UElliAttLeb ON CONSIGN1E11 a toorvo As to helth an 28 tot Benten work nam 8 he would wit Quarters i oat au quarter noses Layer StAtrillt parts has no worg 141 be acme umeertriun tbe moue 1 room ti2 Renen-o-Ids street or Cit 1 now 4 ne ity awl et the time and leeee above provided then atid lu Met nixri- barre iswieRIAftstilry A we licrs 4 yen nt it gels 0 1 75 leans timid" Pensacola ot Georgia Railroad Corn pal- et- work hes slaves are a drug las him Ile eau- Bank GEO Ven WINTER I 4-uter Ni iL ea- he coterector end hie sure tita will torleti aria pey to the ern drums FIGS Jnet received ey 3 J-n14 PLI-all2do Sly- ton eat noire than a certain number it them some Augusta APril613-58 it an atom Lti 3io United states a sum of money not exc ediegt wale the Inn' nine dect 2 tollintenti eleiNNEle i A contract has been made by tis Company Po- to he sure can be rendered usteul and eveu orna- BATH PAPER itITYLS WRAPPING PAPER 1 I 4 prizes of eto I too nee of mon Mites wiaeh ma be recovered tem to time at- Itroo lin trie wiling t-0 the art of Congress in that case provided ap roved EXPRESS NOTICE I the construction of the Suwatinee bridge and lior weutal by cuhiaing them to tfratti awl adorning a ee a I a REA lia assorted exes and gentiles jun I- MAT ION r'ILIZhb Merch lene a int Gq tee WiinakiY te gretlitig the enure road through the county of the cornice of hoe utud house with their polnaned 841 4 ceveti in I the Mills mei for sale tow force-I Prin et 11440 apProailluillua to telte "len1 Venn or het the nen May One-wort') pert cal or before the glitit 1 caritiloded 441teaNv mive meet 4 '1 eine 1 1 4 01 7 to be delivered one to part en ADASIS "anunra4n" 111'1 "Aft 1 aa-1oOto -v 7a) JUSt MeloVett at Columbia to Alligator at which point this rioted akttlia tastetnity at rartge1 teeth outwards sits LI "tietden Per to ten reams nt 4 eon July one-fourth part ht the 2oth Septette arid the iewein 1 ratigenteute to extend their Exprete Liter over the Mt e17 D'AN TION At ils if L'131SARies connects with the Celitral road' to Jacksonville woment find eulploynient in greasing tout tau- othre room on Reynolds street in rear of teity Bank 4 100 Reece 0 niiitiand Charleeton ithilread arid will receive and enamel -e If GEO WINTk 4 1:16 to ben0 ameuger Trainee in charge of special messengers REIG1 MOLASSES SUGAR- SALT- IC forty-five miles from crossing the Florida road" at Baldwin about Ding him keeping oil tue thes and picking eater- ae7 4 100 4040 nen: tube: bathtrime laseyleg-e9mit lteV65 9 31Cuilligeeseis se3 anI tn 400 PACKAGES dm- i one fiturtb part on or before the Istsentember next otre-fourtli et HIROO ebolo: India MOLASSEet ernandina llior tis for his aupper Hut stilt he has a hage FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD 0 a 4 15 800 Particular ttentiou menu to PKILSOfe AL enter to blide prime usOoL ado UG AILS 1 parties important contract have stirplus which tiugly part witheit La aN nen Al from i he 4 imbeitiber on the Imhof Octobet ann fel Int et denthleneere-dbr part ou or before the rid December next out-Worth part on or warded BAGOA0k Len resets SAL eew mid freaks The in thi la are nefore the let April add the remaitider on or before the With an ty thrPrenni which frill be delivered as addrearast 'tktIllit June 1859 utiles') ear Mr required 'kith a tit flee of mete ire 2 en inene 40 bags litto CoretilE i commenced work with an effieletit force recently tie birer a them on (tie coast at pritae rangiug 1-16 last my boy HUMPHREY thout twenty year of we e--" days gOmpriaing at each detivery a due proportion of each ar- leaner dai" vul Tuniumbta and mtermediateatatite nib be landed from steamer Talouneo on eolleigurrient and arrived from Georgia Acetwffing to the terms of trom thirty to eighty doilate tiy all meatus let bve feet ten or eleven heieht copper thew bush n--ee time Class lo and all following if Won Weed queinteties of 'Y P' 4-korils Railroad) at death-ewve Apply to JOHN tiASH this contract the road is to be laid by the cod ot us go and buy But-no-it magmata the law the zoom head of hair CarrNa hie head a little nown mid alight '485 Prbee' gide Ile is supposed to be lurking In or about Decatur Ile Wbole Tickets $10 i Halves 5 2d of te w-6 any hntente en th erein are emandi they ar to te ap14 I flat in Oeuerel comatiosion Merchant No 4 Warren block ished on like terms and couditions preview to the ex- lowing December 16510 Lew ays I way buy a liegro from a Uttrisuau plan- once belonged to Chaniberlayne of Decatur liavine relatives treur Mattia0O and some in Augusta he rhe NunthererfroinLA-141tOorenTu001111tone btrafonriEdnic with be furn be tho*r Nun NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS The entire line from Tallahassee to Alligator ter but not treat a pagan chief I may take a emote the Ticketo printed on separate elite of paper are et dpairayatiltriteoluofulthesollutemetauyearth tooneumlom recadau'ivitegoteutneot)lardce or ret'natetny SUPEItIOR BLACK CLOTH FROCKS one hundred and bve miles is graded or under field hand trout hoeiug tobacco but not trOill pick- tnici whilleilrhoievreutlf the abounevUeinrenrewartiwnfndelUlieveereeld Pannto me In Attarte ereted with email tin tube and placed la one wheel agent 1-1 lea tie traced In the writhe's of Altemider ibunaton ate Irk: have fuil lined and lull trimmed leiterneirse ebeape 1 contract to be graded as fast as the iron can be tog caterpillars in smart I may nave a negro et JAM ES LOYD The gnat 467 Prizestatudiarly primed anti eocirtgedare placed 1 titan ever Mimed batmen lieelgedin di LABAW deell the Wathintemi Hail- another when' Form of erer Et aninanon or the Deed Scott ewe by Thos inia4 ClmhirruE Hundred Half Boxes SA kW Eti -I laid The first twenty three miles are in actual tourteeu huudred (toilers hut not at tiny That dtt Proptietor of The wheels are then revolved and a num Der is drawn nem Id 0y--- In the Portraits My Married Friends or A Peep Into Hymen' operation and forty mites more wIll be graded by is to any the law the Gongrese of the United FOR SALE- the wheel of Numbers and at -the same time a Pelee te drawn hereby sines to Wrenn and deliver in the respective nave Kialyal by Uucie Ben lards all the articles muued In Inc name' hereunto annexed Hem aud Seek a novel by WillPon Collins 'aut hor of th coolwluGINIzalstmAt1orStened 11Uson 1lBMA Monday 10 SARDINES SARDINES the let December States takes one thOlinaltill three bemired fatHEuettersiened Offen! 1-07 gait his place- situated on the tom the other wheel The Number and Prise drawn out are ag tly to the provisions of the tened tiles therefor aud et Deem' Secret and After Dark IL southwestern Vann Rood four miles from the city eon- en exhieited to the audience and reelmered by the conformity with tbe advertisem*nt of the Bureau of (eon- Alen another supply of the let td and 3d of amend' The Central railroad will be graded and the and tiny dollars out of my pock giving me tenting lei a cres of LAND Innen one half under eultivation netteloners 1 he Fnee eing placed the Number AM quarter Boxes SA DIN Es ust received at erase ties furnished in the course of next womb nothing in exchange and puts is into Ine pocket the helatice well wooded and tbe whole well watered irawn This operation ia mpeeeed until all the Prizeeare draws "luvtuln Ilc-l't tha 1311 laav InCaa Should tuy offer be nermone fetal GEO A OATEM BRO Wi nit ATI AAR from Jacksonville to Allinator at which point the ot a Virgtina 'hauler I Cheers gust driest of burros I On tete premises hi a largo two etory Dwelling containing non aienpuel I requeet to be drilla-red at -11Eltiee it orks Othierti by VOW at the Ral and the 1-----telaw----y or- -time nine up-right rooms int plastered thmughent in the' beet man- APPROXIMATION PRIZES contract nent to the navy 'keenest or to led LkttI'ett 1 14h 1 ignature T2 handsome article They range thorn two to three gallons COVE LITERAr it 0171:7 Presidents of the two couipanies have lately con- 5kirrie ti for siguature and certitirnie 0 vier with a double piazza running the whole length of the The two peeceding mud the thro succeeding II umbeente xinow litchi" inanPeeld ui: frotn'uin 4 hided an arrangement or the junct ion of the Mr l' res ident I would niuch rather deal with a house Tbe beithee of the imp ovetnente are better thee rig th navn Unti Prizea will ne entititter A ppriaeria A "ee gettedtile all the bidder enekene mune be pastea to iiiehe-FFeaseslettrogiriff-ifyty- 0 xi itevriold 4 roads Iron for taelve miles of the Central road Virginia planter than with the King of Aelituitee on Moat Woes ind peewees more advanteges than eby other -toe Pelee tor example If Title-a 11150 see pried meet be see the autonue carried Marie Lowe or the Oppoeite Neighbor by Mee learien mike whirl Will compare with any front al that is uow Mane centred erne ad good water C0001 Prize those Tithes siumbered 11248 1114u eac 1 of em gne ny him oeie a I has arnved at Jacksonville and is now being laid he is a ettrisuau while the poor king Is a paneren or It is unompaseed ii25e will each be entitled to 400 If lleket No iireo ppot rill the down tin the track It is known that at 'Lillie hut a eltriglian ought to bettr a conscience anti on the place there are three large Orchards of the choicest ke altheto Prize those Tickets numbezed 649 551 561 ont the aggregate funned up for each clean turd the amount The Pale Lilly or the lng Britten Honey Moon frolt tree every va riety Also a Vineyard of isuper eir a nt emelt be entitled to FM) and on accentin bove likew to the auw writtu In we'rtilt by Fred Uranium or Masks and Faces Smith jeel haseee the Pensacola and Georgia road connects lie has the c-onscietice to aak twenty-three outitired Illsows- andek anenhoott to a ite ite be learn them at tinges I he growing crops will be told with the place or re- echeine l'be Pletorne of Margaret Catelipole with the Talitthassee ritad nt St Starks Tar tlis- per ceut more than the toreigu met-chit-fit Str I served as may suit the purchaser Everything is IU titOrotigh tele node Prizes of lido will be determintel by the last figure Form Of tiettrantee Regularorsot Arkatiena by Mies te are now in he Same time eorenom an duet et when it becomes 0 I butte ft inn SL Stwks on the Gulf of Mexico to have a greet respect and love tor old Virginia but I repair Poises-sem can be ben at stir tittle A plat of the if the umber tbat drawsthe eintesi Prize For extuniete li The undersigned Of In the State The Perin 4 certain English Prisoner by Chas Dickens I will ie Number drazingt enteld with No 1 then of and of in the Statte The rdo A ppreuti -es by 0tutAcs Dickeus JACittiotiville on the St John's river is one bun- callow afford to tesuly tu regar at tios rate Puh TT' be seen at the tooth: of13'LTZ edcr- the WOotilitaiers Rite end the Forest Maidet Lake tin 0 di the Fiero he the I 1 II le or hereb uareetee thet lu case the fore iiii dred and eighty-six milee tit' which irty-six miler: Aud now to-day wheu we teak to have those Ittell unlit lux BA RN ES ea If tbe umber ends win Nene Owen ail the Ticketa where bid-7 0 for any of tile cies-two therein named be ae Howe Just revolved and tor elle at the Book Store of nor-wary lee nee One they will not at a loos to do so It la operat ion earrylno th-e nited States anti that legial atiou which discr im inate so vioieute tie Number ends la will be emitted to en) so on the pted he 2 oe in' they will within ten after the reeipt of 1 ino be deen 1 NORRELL en of ehe accomplishments that will go el i with otters ate mail and including the twinve tillieS out from ty against the King of Astiautee aud agairree us CHEAP LIGHT Certilleatesof Packaires will be fold at the following rates contract at the post ollice named to navy agent deeignated ex- ouch sought after For gale next doer to nierhaillen Peek HE undersigned being Agent tu this cif for the North arbkli ia the risk mute the contract for the some with good arid sufficient sere GASI-ITEING AND PLUMBING I CHEW Jacksonville lifty-eight miles leaviug oue hen- lieu we ask to have all that reconSideted Mitt set $81 ties and et case said hett fell to enter Into con- IIAVINIle renewed the of an experienced GAt liar Georgia Railroad money taken ter anything and every tired and twenty-eight miles to be finished aside de we are met by hying irgi at ina anestuen I A meriten Kerosene Otut Light for the sale ot untiticateof Ft 10 Ralf tr kage of 10 hole Ticnette Keroseue Oil and Laurin bave now on hared and will keep a 40 aet as afOresaiti We gee' anty to wake meet the difference be- XI IITTER AND PLUMBER we are now prepared eine that I may have Ow sale oelb t1 tt 10 4narter 20 tneen the offer of the said and that which mey extente all orders entrusted to us with vainness tallI despeece ea which seventy niilea are gnarled and the rest se brandishing at us the name aud me mory and onnetant supply of 011 and Lamps of diffrent milterne 10 th Kighelt 16 be accepted treAlt bProrrikewerTrebn n'orrklem4d'isipilrfaceelgrash I The Oil la not explosive and hewing neen tested provnt tei feeling confident in our ability to do so in a superior manner cured to be graded as soon and as fast as die iron great deeds and motives and intentions of neati Signatures of two guarantors allot which shall be under a funeguarentee I' be the cheapest best and 'latest flight now in ww being almost In ordering Tickets or teenier-ate end the mmey to our can be laid Virginia statesmen So declared Jetteniou Thus ropoil to Gni Light eddrese ter the 'rickets ordered on receipt of wideb they will II MA HARRICY CO The above company bits received Diplomas end Medals forwarded by first mail Purchaserstath have ticketv-intlitqr Date nov27 No 8 DeKalb Range Broadet Augusta Ga i The dietance from St Marks lie Fernandina is diet aladison inter! Now the lire-bell ot Jefferson from did-event St inin ate Fat the United states a Di- any figure they may designate Wanton two huodred and eleven miles of tehieb nitwit- is rung into our ears awl we are listed to be I hereby certify that the above named are BOOKS BOOKS UTLERY and mealy at in the hardware line- tot an- iferotio to mention I I pionno and medal from the Attletiellt Illatiallet for the hest oil The list or Drawn I mutters and Prizes wilt be oeno pu Call and see for youreelvies as everythi 14-1nrr ERN years IMOUn the Mereureis beteg the narrethe nil' be nokt verY low for coot Dare for litelio Cat freemen u- 1 3 one miles are operauon and the rest eith-er trighieued at the terrible hordes of bleck aevages 1 manuractured masers iminedietely after the drawing kiLomn aii to me as melt of propertynend able to make good their beeu pereonaily antuainted with most of the Mormon Leaden 2 or Mrs Mary Ettie Smith tete of tireat exit LAI CHEW ready or secured to be ready for the tron am above that 'would be sun to overrun the land ti we once will be glad to shell the Lamps and prove that the Oil le Or Pincherere will please write theireignaturen plain and getkae signature II City a seder of one of the Mormon High-Priest she havini tu disturb the arrangements tor the gradual aboilu-n not eriP4r ye' by cal ling at my More opposite the Postoftice eve their Post Ottlee County auti state tom A ill ER'r Agent gar- Remember that i eery Prize bo trawn and bli payaen ull he sleetey the nees istricuge nie il state Uited Stt District Judge Utd THE MON wrrat STOVE enhobt deduction States District Attorney colleiaor or navy agent -From the progress made in securing sub scrip- ot slavery witicli were at that dey couceived to be The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper Including a M- end long twine ofinfidenee of the Prophet Brigham Yonne 111IE best STOVE now in use suitable to all Miens of IMPORTANT TO ALL lir- All Prizes of Loon and under paid immediately after Nelson Wehch Green lintitt in the multity of Gadsden there is little room ratioual and philanthropic Shades of illustrious 11 lleooke experienced and inexperienced with comptete ''t fer doebt that an amount endielent to continue the Virgintans I do ye not cost us too deur? Forty I OFFER for side tine Ineent Right tor erecting cents en ee drawing-other prizes at the usuid time of thirty days I The followleg are the classes required at the respective navy urniture attached eent to airy part of the city put up AIM euletod 1 IGH TN let 0 CON DUC'ITORee in the State ot Ail communieettions strietlyeanddentuo yards scription of the prhicipal Copper Mines of the Uniten State lied If they dose prov eatiefecto ry In every reetteet our Peuaticola rt Georgia road to goner day twenty years istog has your phtleuthropy niuleited us in neorgia A man be purchasing the sime Right and belling Address orders for Tickets or tiertincated of Packages of sett A Ir CO A unman tia NITTERY MAINE and other countries the art in Mitene mippd preparing Oren fif "rIeY will reel-lilted south 1-nnonna and Georgia molter 1 i i five miles West trom Talieleissee will be secured many hundreria per cent Rest rest perturbed it mit III Getter can retain the wholesele Rod businem Class No10 White pine Claaa It Ash plank No le market and the verieue preenees of noer temeeting er-- to except CHEW Wild Cate at par WI further notion I during the summe stories NVe know you did this thing from a sin in his eau bands th reby meking a ftmanna timeline and rickm3etee30 AN dac sSVeAN CO Oa with i SW einternuery la Black walnet anti cher No 21 Iron No le Spiams and A Suowden Pigeon llustrations For 041le at tildia No int Lead zinc and tin No 227 Paints Min anti felini Gline A OA'rES lent es no sman profit by the trennotion here these Rode bave The difficulties under which the Florida Railroad cere hallucination that slavery is An evil a curse been introduced they have superseded all others Their 3 lather MARYLAND STATE LOTTERrES z0 2 at lione No File 27 ter rettin 38 Tallow teem and oil DISSOLurioN Company taboret-I or were supposed to labor have a foul bloL We repreach you not it was the de- scientific advantages an attested by tiny Alston of South BOOKS BOOKS rtHE dmi of Ceramzee )(name heretofore existing in I been removed and that the people of Simi lion- lusion td your time but let it sleep with you oh Brutnhy Duprte Loomis and Horaczr 41s-- A merlon''' and a host of others all of FRANCE A CO Managers of the Maryland OtMe Lot le are ahout adopting measures to secure the earl! Shades of the latigtey Deed I Surfer us to venter- a bleb can be eeen and only reference gieete I have other fence resent the following railroad to Tampa Ray us gir ate you atilt and frce us not oe say ye State It 'gh's "'ern 'llatLA DID SCIIEAIRIS FOR JUNE I 5S Al Amity here must ba short so call on me at the minting SI 4711A I ES TOW MA SS A CHUS EMS Cents No I White-oak 'twee -No 3 White-oak plOMISell- OW timber 'Pi mce'Lrleelmr' No Wilite'pine No 11 Ash and cypress author lea or hil'akoling Pretender by Smith No 14 Hickory butts elm tenter and white wood No1 5 Chesterfield art ot inner Wrineg eilmplifted ii this city between the undeseigued has been Una day dia- tieved by Illtnnal 0Ontletit EDWAlata MLLIIM la authorised construction of a railr eil use the name of the Inn in settlement A LBLItT CLEMENCY Stows No 16 Bleck serum No 21 Iron No22 Spikes 4 eturtuann Dictionery of Three Thouseud Abbreviations EDWARD MILLIER Ing a good hope" that in a few years all the divi- ghosts who rise from tour graves to bin us ItY of oom the Coureitutionl itise ike where ley enodel a en -Thee' caution pnrchneeers of Tickets to beware of ordering and nails Nt 2 in Mi No 4 Pi 2 iron No How be Healhy 25 Hardware No27 Paints oils isc No tn Flax can How to Detect Adulteration in our Daily Food and D'Hek Anginta oeo Jan17 1858 febl shins ot the State wilt be bound together by hands tor one sieve the price of twents! Applause und he mete 3 Lend zc and of iron --FIri14 eirtirtei some murmurs' in Lotteeet wnere extraordinary arge Cittiltaiti are ROSE COTTAGE I My friend Mr Tharp will ertet Rods and give Tickets- van No 29 00atOn canvas No 30 erns anti cotton twine ion- 0E0 A OATES BRO I them all the ariveotage (1r a setetelfic eenstmetion upon th 'tiered Ter a swell coot of Tirtels-all nub arwindit The spirit 01 the age bad been invoked but in builititie to be proteeted mail 1 twit the Stele Right APO) rite Marylanti Lotterit-li have bee in exietence for ferty no 31 tilaa8 No 32 Leother No tel Iliteee No Si 34 (LAMB eontanil GOSEEN BUTTER ILIVM IP ISSTITH antieunce to the public that he tepee- Five Gitowtso Wzoinea---If the season con my2-2 it the optima ot Ibis eloquent gentlemen the spirit as above Amen entre They are drawn by a Se i' Oaken and can be retie Beuebten No 35 Bunting and dry Innuds Inee 5 titan en If vlt draw a Prize you will ge your Hammy The tan rosin No 324 Tal low soap Mi No 89 Ship chandlery --1 a Dos choke tnonea nu -ter rec eived by nentriet pared to carnal 1 raft and Ornamental 1 REES Flower L'hues as propitious as it has began we shall nave ot the age bud tretai tateett ntitive by certalu Nei- whole Country id flooded with Bogus Lottery coucerus Be- -Not 40 Stetionerl- No- 41- I ItY dont DAWSON lb SKINNER trziiiittilis Kos ES lealbons ROOTS and a lardefriantitt a crop tlf everything dos year to make a note flab and iinscruptimus parties by Etig- MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP sate Or them BROOKLYN NEW YORK if well-rooted BOX WOOD of" and consign to the pages of history We are and the North who were torturiug it to utter- Corner ne Turiggs otort it Street Aufruetet tieorgia Ille- Order in She Mary! rd State Lotlery ALli Chase No I White-oak legs No 3 White-oa pmnileete TOBACCO AND SEGAL Also fin sale coestantly a choice lot of sweet singing CA- Inn ING porc Its Impediments YOIM am the re tenting we cho ents to Nzu MO i Grote inter Stock to nye 0 of TOBAC BIRDS sold at reduced and several other varieties of cr sow in the enjoyment of wea ther in 'et favorable tutees In favor of their mtereats and against the re idIE utidersigned le now prepared to Manueuenne or Ito- MAGNInICENT 84HEME ons tunnel No 6 eliow mine plan stock len 10 ONE bun rta ve nom brands el IR Len o'rEeM ENGLNES BOIL- MARYLAND tirr ATE LOVIERli CLASiS it- hue pine II Ante cypresa white-oak boards Nohi 12 500u0 SEGARS iiiiported mot dionestic e'or sale b' le ops of an i'inds--warin and ist i tritereetet tif every other people antt upon tints ewe- i Ellin SillAtnri NO MILL GEARING Also CAST- 1 pair in the best manner Black walnut eberry ece No 13 Locum No 14 Wte- adult notnin A STEVENS CLOTHING We believe the nonnimoitia verdict is that the rops To tie drawn in Baltimore IIity June 191838 ant rem bitkont bare and butte No la Whiteoak staves leen be Says: I 'NOS ami Er of all kinds furniehed to order at HAIR RICES TO SUIT TIE TIMS in thin Recto el spf Georgia neater held out a better Let the spirit of the age then' aud tel-e seem- I ahIrto tar-13 prawn Ballote out of nnena and liesoing No It Ma epruce No 18 Llewellyn re DYE AT Iron No 22 ikes and nails No re Lead zinc 111-1E remaining We peices prospeet---tt Icon 7 ley raph dune I lereml1071aonnieigvt47vmolu-perior second Waking the Prizes ati Monks rival Every letekage of ss NO 21- -II" 10111 A LON'S Batchelor's JaVnta Christadero's and tithe 'tient ot Christendom stand aside or rather I tetionie EMI I and BOLLER Tickets mute contain IS drawn uumhern so that there are 13 and tin No -4 Pig Iron No 25 It AO- 7t relies popular tIAIR DYES fee sale ty IL to matte room for our Spring ketoeint all of which will be power tit* No ne I lax omens no 9 notion carves No dna HAVILAND CilICITESTER A CO old at prices to defy competition at would sav to it Get luee bellied me! Aud what nnvnd ains What ettle is there to louder you of the dtr GEORGE SLATER to 13 Mentor RA se 000 fie Flax and COttOn twine No 31 (Ilan No 8-2 Leather MSEY LABAW'R I Prize of and Prize of 040000 I 10 Prizes of '25e0 nib4 Oppmete IT Batik NOTICE TO BRICK AND BRIDGE corritAo reit' FOR SALE Prize e477 Noel Maw No 34 Brushes No 35 Bunting and dry PLANTATION BROGANS wood No 3 Pitch Lan No 38 Tallow soup MI TOOS zeoutti to ueVelop and eiLend your system ill labor 60011 10 150 IFEN'S Naiied Russet' litto0ANs rein enterriher offers tor rale his RESIDENCE on the Prize or CHOICE HAMS rain kick orwk of the i unibighee and Black Warrior end Of society tole Guinea has a benne and an Nenle Ship thateitery No40 stationery No 41 Fire- 111 Ideres Nailed sole Iluatett ItILOGANS hy we are 701wresM II ()led elaeedittRoshocdt ittomti Ile: prroimA urine There are about Prime of wood Bieck e'INE Rewired Choice HAMS for small fe rnlike from th 1 Itenigea on the Northeme and ethith-weet Ali hawk Rail- acre of the -south remains untitled Prize of 14 Prizettur 200 50(41 65 Priztool Ile PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA -tate "WI be let tor theb to the towest reSPOnIOle bioder on acre Also his PLAN re TION In the 8th of Baker Coun- Prize of 5 bh 61 rine of 80 Brootiiersk BLitt beet quality ir eon Welt 1" Plantation of Rev Janet Harris iust receteed at cluaNI white-0th item No2 White-oak plank No gni day re' 11 1Y lane told that you are not strong enough-that no mate ty eentaining 1750 acres of land 600 of len has been eithreo Prize or 5100 I 65 Prize' et ee Wo7neinsLeat'lter thick sole tall DANTIGNA0 BUENA SDIA ter what your nghts may he the North will not 3 Wak pr ut olecu tie timber No 6 i ellewti lie lank peepreeels for thee work will be reccived at the Engineer's within the latt dve yearn the belance iti the woods The is Pize or 6(40 I 61 Pei on 40 hile-o No to 1e 4 bite inc r011tre 'n Eutuw Greene oeunty Alabama mail the day of let- reverent a lano en Prize or been 481 prune or 0 I yeeoye- Me awe node togs bi I or we by oc10 CLARKE ROYAL YEAST POWDERS bids for the been work of one or both bride3 win be toter you to assert them-that ttu it i 3 Id even the one of the best tatins iii outh weete ne l' 6000 27040 Inizes of 10 No11 Ah ey preen weiteenk boards No12 Black walnut org a erms eaey JOHN MeKiN NE Jr Prize of cher No 13 Locust No14 While-nth tare and hickory eon-nen-reit postoon etel now-enjoy by the sufference of the my4 tf l'rt of 6000 ST POWDER it Preston A YEA 7-1 here No 16 Black spruce No 18 Linnuinvitre No 21 CARPETS A nmt 21000000 bricks In wetly equal amounts at the two sortliiliat cerimoutioej is" ha tt396 Prizee tome-tieing trt rne JUL received at A ION AC ii ti BBA RD' ot sentiment 50: Eat' lithe i 2e iron No 22- soieus end hails No est Load zinc and tin lk 'Ave test recelved a new alld handsome arnortmerit nettle bridge will be required Tbe brieks are to be of the nest quite ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF FLINT RIVEB Ticket-611LO Ifalvee ill5 Quarinm $2 No ee II 7 1 28 El Three Ply and Ingrain CARPETe to -which we woult tmly but broadsides on the sea and legiou oil the on ardware No 2 Mu a ot a a te Flax Ply end their eultahility for the intended piirpose le to le de- LANDS FOR SALE Certificete of Package tel 2:6 Who' te come 149 50 caw No ao t-13 1 tnntn gail the intention of our friends atio the public generatly eirnee by the Engineer tf the Company Belden must state hind and that you fifteen sovereigu Suites ei6 Halves In 75 eanvite i NM SHIRTS DRAWERS Oa se 57 twine No el Glees No31 Leather No3-3 thee No su10 A PLATT at CO 4ke serwe et which they pregene to meke the To enalte ytto dare not stand upon your rights! This I 0 rlf ItilE undemignod belt detente1ot wiuditer up their hue A fleas Oder for rile on any tune ILO atilt pUrehaaarti a Yalu- 66 -26 Quarters en es 34 Bruithes No Bunting and dry Foods No 37 intch In etyle and quality of Slit RTS DRAW tee tontratior to work tionhe taw ow water 711till the Cene 26 le glebe NOTICE will offer every ERS GLOVES SOCKet and IIA NDKERCH I kIS inner wel noire at eseh bridge site 'event! hitudred barren of hat you dare do that alit tea argue le Hi can do aide tettlemetit ef One Tholosold A cres of LAND lying oil an tar rosin No ail Tallow soap oil an Ship chandlery teinent And whet in there we dare not do? Did not the West ode of Flint RI ten nines north of 0 letho ver it rpe our and ten 'Mee nouth of Re til itirni nib et at a IWO Ut No 40 Stationery AVM PRICE Itt Co oiler this Fall a very remit re all leleeted frorn the very beet emle3mirelin Outlets knowt RAM I LABAW ioid weli teen-tett owe ot tiOt DS in their one en the trade Penn and 1ecations Will be exhibited at the Eutaw of- HAVMCA PLAN wasioNOION DIATRICT OE COLUM PIA le IF oppente the Union Book 01 on and liner the tech day of Mey 'net hearts burn wit hut tie as a potent voice in this settlement 1 t--mine Lea 1 bala I I few pun ie nee It hun elite No lot White 0-toe No 11 Ath cypress white oak bra'-in '0ry I artieln fur the toilet of a geloh4nan '7(' ILfraww eei steme of the abliity of the contra tor to coin- etinventioti rung out like a morning bugle-call P- drefl iiere eithele wa The swamp amp land is lees think- THIS 13 THE tL le MODE OF DRAWING Mortis l'in irk Binek sprive- No 11 Iron No til spikes HANS HAMS plete hie entreet ale be required be niumiaeat by the river tha any laud on mid river In Marva Przes ia Are goar relay mg ccNatrymen I Elititusiimic up- comty Knit wilt doubtlene make leen stin 1 I iae II' he4 dad Tetwe in awither anti mein No tn bred sew anti tin no Ung iron lce TOBACCO AND SEGARS to ty Intsbe Hint' lust received a choice lot of email II4MS (mita The eupeentsweetre or thee- Midget ahmo ant feet at eseh NVIIIIT reign lit DRAWN OUT ta Hitniware No e7 Paints iid oise No 29 Ceiten can irk NE flume-ea oate tOBAOCO varioue breads olaume1 A' 1 i tot tn la tilattillint you ere Yes It is des- or -en per tt(Te and trout fifteen hundred to two thoueapc I me fer faintly tlYal inht4 HENRY SIBLEY bridge inclualuit the drew will In it' mit thie vein at a later vas No Set telex rind cotton twtie No 31 Glans No 32 It JP 50000 sEu ales ditue but proposititens evitring tont trick work anti superstrun litiOne It ill elmele the Iodide holiters and those powsis or Out There are bet wine two and three hutiOnee Prices Paid in full without any Deduction Leather No 37 Path tar root ii No 18 'fallow swam oil rot Ade ny eiern A itIEVEN ture will be consitiered al tar anere who want to be belitera 1-tn c4 tt land eater he-alth aud oniet terithd be our but lor II' own celled in smith-woe-ere lleorgia kpply to MAIRVIAAND S'IATE ENTH CLASS 7 re $9 ship cliand NO ltd rank a ti galley Iron No SPARKLING GELATINE 1 The Me-tires are at Jenten Bente on the Tombigbee and Igo 44 Chain iron 45- bigot copper No 47 Misceilaueoue BROOMS I ii) DoZ- PeekoeesCiut's Sterkling nL A TINE woke I en dor article tor table um HENRI JRISLEY triodes Ferry On the Black Warrior both Menthe Ineelities 'd en i part resi I von it peretp fling my elt) deett tb gilt 8 NP TOBT at tetet horn ro be orewn to Bateau( ne Mee naturdaY Julie 26th Inen GOSPORT VIIZGIN IA I decto mid aceemibie to steam toots tie stammer eete in tante claims until I can bold (Alice in the Southern Con- 20660 Prizes! 40000 Clam' No12 'White-oak lace No 6 Yellow itine plank 41)011ne DOifEN BROOMS common medium and arg CHOICE MACKEREL The euperstrueture of the unove breiges will le re not on lederac i am very sensible Li SPLIN In StennM en No wine size tor erne by ihe :44 pointed for letting out the brick workeret ofjuls WeVer a) the wry Krrei eboiee large No i AC KIIREL just received 1 Prize or ethenne A A pp linnets of teen etock loge No 10 Wiitte Ow No II Ash end oa InANTIONAt" A 1117BBAR11 CHOICE SEGMLS 1658 power of that opposition or submission Or Union 0 IN and for IPANTION AC HUBBARD'S 1 Prize of Pl OW 4 a50 11- Black veal nut- cher mithogany butte no 14 1 inteash cool leckeery ham NJ 16 Mark amnion No 18 Lignuatei Il NE CeihantaattEGARS Eng party Amongst the children of Israel also ttiere mymt CITEAP COOK STOVES I 4 0 lono Indusuhi let Divikoa dr 1 Prise of ne0 tan No I Doti No 2e tiptoe seri nail ta Lead-sine Weethesday March 10111 tele' inheo matt an Egyptian- or antt-Exodist party Mony VOTICE-All pereous having demands whim Patrick 1 Prize ot 40ee5 I tin Nit- '4 Piar Man No- t5- Hanivrere N) t7 Ponta A LARGE variety 4 CO STOV En Mr Sate eheap it- Ennio Cautetteene 1 Prize of nortet 8 leo et ne No Is Fla noon' Ne en I Ittin taanVati No 5n nn the Aegean Metre limpet Ammer which 1111) be found- 2000 en A Its different brawd and enaelnee venerable lealeting were there long and flow-in I I meow Lae of ittelimond county wilt please Narict were their beards and from their lips lioved the breeene theme drily authenocated within the time preserineel nt's neut 5 Flat end ee ten twloc ea 0 ei Gene no tin nether No -rhe Saill-(1tet rOVE with CormDeed Oven wore cod for rote In 17 RICH MOh In REED law pne or In 8 i 100 tel Hoee No 34 Brothen No 35 Buntirg and die' coeds Moaning Sint' Donb le I i mug eittrougb-hred Stallion il will make the and thoee ineeteed to reild dee-med will mate F- I tetavaina laaann at me Plantation in Cot audits ceruntynt words of fOgy wisdom And they said Men of I ment to aide ow BRIDGET aocilE I Prile 'D NO 17 Piteh ter ronii No ee Tallew mop Mad oil No Ocean PrentiriM Flueb GARDEN SEEDS i toned annat seven miles from atualtdatta ten-on to natimenee Israel follow not that ralth and premature votang et- I Free of 1e40 8 80 Sitio tinted ry No 40 etimeuery ninth veiny re her keel or mile ew I'RESH onordy -e redelDE iN el': eirS from the ton of yeeneei and ether the let of July The -VallTect----All persons indebted to the estate of Peter I Prlzent 12 le WARRINCiTion Li tRIDA Bills oh all bauke in this city an Hamburg taken in ee Ilineburn in -ew ern we rawlett tire for ad at tb Moses For Moses hi voltam' and Aarten 18 Verdant i is lefieciair late of the ouuney of Ricienonii deeea rigd are I Prize of Loe 8 60 411) MPS NO 1 Whew-mot mg No 3 Whet oek erounseenns 11ilose at Par le Cent tint IC 1i tree este zeeed nine or LaTAsTE wet be ca to ea oases persons falling to get a colt a reettind -et Leto feel No3 tit-Kall Reeen Bend tennt Ini Boalstaece eueurea tiro I IA Ili ye sutler these tire-eaters with noir burning rennr-mi tntnalm inutl edlAte PaYmalt and thoaehaving 1 Per ze ore When No 4 White-oak keel pi cet eed nrehter etre No seemn giene grunt atu goo 40 0 gltst ege esteee will own or 10 Wite pin Ien tt litae wated anti eery 131e iligntier Ms la by Wegner dare Theta by Imp Priem bush to lead yOtt front the flesh-pole Of Egypt sti Prrnent du-I-7 nu in et 44 i HAVANA SECAR mettle enuot dem li smite drain 61milaa by old arrest into the wilderness where is no bread I 15 caned within the tone itreeedbett by lave 10 Pewee of 300 40 NO 14 Whitemeti earn bare ami butts Nn 8 di A A it IMO It NIPO set GARS 18 an MICII PA-MSCL I IR Eel tut) Prizca or eau 41 EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR LlenettiViler- No 21 Iron No '21 Lead zinc tin leo 26 imeored eniele: greet greet anti darn by Wilks onder tatt0111 bill EA ion a for sacks este hn -I 5 i toOoet'hincburretab'wfrt SEGA Re rue they 20boh Pr we or 83 each Hardwere No17 oils ltC- pure white LEWIS tt ALLFN Itilan El alisoto Chaeneler imp Sterlint awe imp Sliver Eve Jolly 1 'aid thie gite-tous neon winch our NEW FIRM The 10000 Petzies ot e8 romerinieed iv the dmwing of the 'Walla Homy: Partner imp Monkey tannin-urea the atted 01 liar- lathers matte with the Egyptian does in some ri 11-IE underelened bees to inform hes entrotrous enetomees Canine Prise whetner odd or even m518 onn't No I Marrett Bleck 1111100 011m1112 Conebas 4 rein of 'Mment bear hd us it i rue we are come th at he bas associated with ins usiness Mr 4 A Whole ft -m Wre stle Qtuerter el 50 6011u A athlete It Dieenerrente---naid Herm is a very rirla sorrel tinny ar upon Yeane snr111i i ea old Gann heed-Amid a hell high of great boot line inetInt to Make bricks without straw but on the A Managerei Geneteste of le Waoles-witere proems wish CIDER AND ALE READ? MADE marital) 'lanai lot of le ORGIAS and AITGEbTall I pobig good setiott ern tent-143ft diepontirin other hand do we not sit by the fiesh rim BOOT ai EITOR business will lie continued at the to pay the risk only-will he gent tor set no MILK ice Newerk IDER a Lt Vial Li I revelrho rt irkva 41 wy cc suer 1---shet tee Cherienen A LSO IN elIR ALL hot ts and old stand under the Ann arid emit of Belem ASA ear 14 naivete 49 a)() I 'r- a So Al en ALE AIL) LoTHING of I rid from their Menet-ate-ore it -tate trait kwt2 at Auguste he enek the fire pre 4 bred to the full 0 pine ea no awe -1 bletin -tenor a 2' Oee Cretin en et (A RS gkilun wnt'n 4't mei then unfortunately slipped elt Ott I for tweet's eake quit at A inn BURCH ee le elleartena eon nectiveu mid fer sale by New York ail of when are it-mint rot net Can during thee 12 Oon Venetians and dieplecol his Line omen neon er not the pleated flesh-pots! (Cheers and laughter Auguata May 18 O848 a dimance will re-i1 ow twill 16 Etglitita 11 00 my15 3 JO Ill NELOON- nowt together with complete monomers of UN Wyo erne wand townie liFAI ARIA PVOry caze at ru-ty a i IS an UK A ERS with an additional supply n' 4 iterelia Fati-rit i 1 I IV eiIe ta P'r Ad I ill not be res Mr President it is iii esy to make blacks without DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNIRSRIP tioditi Pr an Linen Ineents and SHIRTS -rei-ery quality peen tic i a The -Managers tore been compel' ed Irmo the numerous PIGtuRE FRAMES coon Et toot Pereee B-One Dollar U3 2 i Om grtem Its all eases straw as to make cotton with at negroes Th i oper -r Ctherthip ere oe rteutiler- Mimeo melee to them of immithreineot on the part ot A it or ohich are offered et tees pncee than CAE be afforded ti to yriatteraiienchoe nowt' Tine e- BEALLE fore sir I uhall vote for the Red Sea-that is fit i der signed in tine cite untie tem name and trie of ehm--- 4 i viva on amid a tern- eennotieue of Gilt and Roan city C0 it thi threw wbo have beenatteteitne I the 'nee of cetera re- one leorsele foe ev 0 ER day three-demi ey mutual convern wood Woultung I em prepared to minuractn re to enter Dirivo importer i ON MANHOOD AND rye pRrauvrtraz DE Mr prate report Mr aticey's report and for 1 In their own name Gannon is hereby fully esethoreed to settle up some the "arresimndellre an earnerder the Ilionagers only wait Picture end Looking Glase KA En tenter lett at BOOKS BOOKS mhos cid ti the resolution or my friend Mr Jones of Georgia baaill's al the All Peracms nairt4v41 will van Itu Nownetes lentil anti Meteic store trill he premptly at oitO-CIRIES 018C1311111 i Adurems all fetters to -1-1N-1' ptrumsnErt crane the Twmitieth Tholek-ind-A anti pey tip and those bowleg deurands will presert them tenned to (Wei FR Kee or the ennene sizes sheave oc GEO A RATIN elk BRO have a at received a Dew yol Int FRANCE 00 nalumere Md nei 0 NUGA te blels syarrp el yeas' a tiRtisoN THE RATIoNAL TREATMENT him for settlement WILEY Grill FIN 13 b-Alti Shop in CM Bank aLey A HARPER supply of the following ve Interesting Books en 0 etiett en ao Cute A loo bags pee eoi-yEE: -without Mdierire Of Staltliatatorrita or LoC-3 Veal! RUNAWAY Augusta May 1858 NEW BOOKS HUGH O'NEILL tirth 'Minestrone A frtm Spurgentes SermonelT an 1nd and lid aeries 75 able Stotert'a Refined DGa Rs Vernal Ernie-Wan Gen eat arid Nervous I hetility lintwe 1 aud pedim Itarellite eneral' be TT 1101 the sulateriber- on the th Ins teet- my Negro Man WriDIMI NG isory tirring oild l5r and Doman 00s Fu-RxrruRE wARA1mr at Guy Libi neeket er hrough ea New York Refinee Bo beir9 ndartientitte A It DLLS 1N1b01441110 Al' I B- lixtetway st IL' AutirIN who is how filly-four years old BM come NOTICE tic Atieelittirea by Gorge POLIC With loom florae Removes Cyclopedia of Alt and Rumor of America testae io ban me novernmee Java eelraL to AlrfrE bave nowon hand end are de teeter a arrive i i 1 it---and a1 and Scotland 10 helot Mectist te rY FEE too blea No 3 MACKtItEL The Important ft that the pine a aca alarming complaints urt Iiikioll ill blck A height Ave feet ten inane: weighsabout one Ins li ed or tdr Howl 'z hi Int erest in don wareroonis No ess 13 grew a ar et 0 vita or Crown and the Crete 10 lialf bias No 1 MACK kREL 4 in toe intortdrnee and witalete or peak may be hundred and uny twnsuali vita a front tooth cut uati on 11 the late Arne with the expectation of contnetiete the Ilittory of the Origin Fomietiou And Adoption of the Con- ntof FUNITURE mane by the best manufactur ann It rentenen WertioUT sit pica hi in this small wile" ieeniegt a tern eiiire1 bomhazine Coat petchee on the AUCTON and COM MrSION bonnet I win be thenkful atitittioa of the United Stain with note or 118 PrinetPal nanart rne ere and the Mete quality an ewe rt net cannot be summand The Practical Houtekeeper GEO A BRO 0 quarter hien No I wan eineelY deummunged: and the entirety new and highly eh-tileT end a knen crowned imt snd dnrit leenteloons 'will for a throe of pubtle patzonago WI' GRA FEIN framers by George ThAnor nurds inhtwo volumes: It 6 it den" tenon by any other Eurnitureletwe in or State se e1---------- in kits No I 4 CEEREL TO kits No 1 SA LMON temeneenotteetnent es adopted by the author rune ex plaineo Wive- Awn delivery to me on an" Plentailen in nYenen noun- tnY14 The kinPPY IlnalehY Kerwnu "I-Ce Let-le-11114 B--- i or us to enumerate ou? Mock as we shall keep on hand a to Rotten 00DF loll wheat Reverie SEGA RS ty me3i125 of WM abler to core it town per ty aw-ar roweitort Ten boilers or it neleed In any safe Jan I Hughes of every article in our Ina atol will sense low have 1 WENEr DRESS GOODS ee 1 of bv Exerees a 51 TOB Ant '0 Alec a large mock of lennrOR leen ii at rope from tie Fall of Naprneon In 1815 to full an 1e wee modidnie oust thereby avoiding ill the nbnee Inlay get bun and will litiVe FAY Dona' if mund in 1 NEW BCKIS Hietory revf Air "lit-El 11'' a'' la baLAIIii En anINES in store and for ele t'll' adinateredritestomea of the day ee honibt in the city the larquevatOtt Of ane white mat) who la attempting to make i TNDIt: the Pearl of Pearl Rhr 11 So th rth the Acceolon or Louis Napoiesse in 1841 by Archibaid All ILIWe Invite our and tbe public generallyto call and heentiful lot rd Ladies' DR ESO Gratt'S in alas le ertiy is vro nen Attire' Win em Sent to any addrees rade atel post one ta a sealed enreinpe te with him with tanicient proof to convict aey stick A 11i nertnt's Africa son Bart examine (ter stock end lodge for thentseiveg In AS1114 ER eete Valente Pl 4 epee nilnLinS SeLK 1u D----- ta'' trinnitive (poet paid teepee-age st rev al xast mut st li amps to Dr IL Dyie orpeeetto els of the same BENJAMIN ROGERS Thr Three nesetiewhYMrs'Nontherorth Diana De by Alex Peruse Ail kindsof F111131tere menufisetured to order all trout At Melt Will Drees Got a SITIDRIES New ore my oet note Oeo April y1Ard eyan ap-m ybe Belle of asitington a true wary of the affection by The YelloW or tbe TwO tintera iny 0a Jawing Re mar nod eeehotatenne slew watt neatness and green -tho other bandit 'styles 0 tow pen TEN dotes raderiwood a Cons indlon PleK11LS '1 matron at very airs Loosen Grant my-20 GEO A OATES A BRO inn'onintnn Mir stem gen Cotton Maitrewen alwaTt on hand i bee during the Cie Jam le baireanon i Eminent WARREN COUNTY Whereas (1111110 (oleos or Don sIt WARREN C)OUNTY-Whereaa George Phi" Jerrold's Wit together with melee- two BENJAMIN GOODRICH' Augusta Gm duel pa lir ar011ea LtatetV 44 le- Alden len conianon tents the eat Dien times chi ity' fr en hie eendeittutoote -I CIGARS CIGARS 1 kit ii BACON' le orcestershire i it 1 wi tate -1 IAd a ty 'le Atruntistrator de bOnia DOD On the ensue to Jonnia'ae Intended tO or Howel Hunt deceased applies to me for Letters Dia uluverde nu einninneeeeerneed by his sott' illanardlerrold CON' to trod) )MaTO1174t in quart A ca 'Mese ate usereeire-te toe saturriat end edm 1DIFTEIril thousand La Rachel MIGARS MOLASSES strGAIr AND MITER An Prime New BA elleRVES eentteane the neenned And ernen ot am na "nieht all and ntiamey from said ettate- fe Adele by Jellia Kavanaugh EntInInn Mt 10 assorted PRE in iiii24 appeoritt my ende neetnta the nm eenanned 10 le Theft are therefore to cite and adinontak a and ainerdar a ebt nd Create trout um 'Hermon a- 70e0 Esealapto 5000 Rio Hondo I 100 HI ID new Cuba MOLASSES e- le Fine el A eon for family nee 50 hied' New 0 leans erGAR all grades Clegg kilDLS le Owl le TOMATO KETCHUP mulcts Similmr case it any tlisig 404-a why wed bed by law and the kindred alai crIllittom of said deer-wed to be and appear mY19 GEO- A-OATES BRO stee Rrahschilds me Rio C't Rihhed 8 -1" iparacel should not be at my office within the Hine prescribed bv law and thew WO Flora de Carolina MO bags pri le Ee For side bv 0 god in hand a du ma annaton It esused lf anY libeY have why add letters should not he granted num mr1) HOCK wrirms lb000 WashiWton -11 SO Shisaiewark CIDER Jute vetteed and for 7-- Ana aHoULDKRB leltvris ALLEN Just reorient sad reale by' D'ANTIGNAO I HUBBARD is leth do 7 l'iarrffnrarn bate gen10 R- Be LODI- thy" under air hand at tater in Werrenton this at day of 0 Or DOXIIXt eery guilt tUr sae low bY e- Just received and foe wile b- I We kw bY PHLTIZT I CO No 2 arre INN Illia1Warrita biesitd- gal" Ordinary Hay IdNi naya Lasay dopy ordinary el i B- GRITYLN a Co apt? DANTIGNAZ I HUBBARD saki Bleck -4 Pensacola Georgia Railroad Corn pa my A contract has been made by this Company fnr the construction of the Suwattisee bridge iota lior grediug the entire road through the county of Columbia to Alligator at which point this read conuects with the Celitral road' to Jacksonville crossing the "Florida road" at Baldwin about forty-five miles from Fernandina The parties in this important contract have commenced work with an ellieletit force recently arrived from Georgia According to the terms of this contract the road is to be had by the end of December 16510 The entire line from Tallahassee to Alligator one hundred and live notes is graded or under contract to be graded as fast as the iron can be Laid The first twenty three miles are in actual operation and forty miles more will be graded by the tat December The Central railroad will be graded and the cross ties furnished in the course of next month from Jacksonville to Alligator at which point the Presidents of the two companies have lately concluded an arrangement for the junction of the Iron for twelve miles of the Central road has arnved at JacksonytIle and is now being laid down nu the track It is known that at Tallahassee the Pensacola and Georgia road connects with the Tallahassee road at St Starks Tar distancelitim St Marks tin the Gulf of Mexico to Jacksetiville on the St John's river is one hundred and eihiy-six mike If which forty-six milt Ire Don in operation carryiror tbe United Stito-s mail and lueluding the twelve Ililles out from Jacksonville filly-eight miles leaviug one hundred and twenty-eight antes to be finished of which seventy utiles are graded and the rest secured to be graded as anon and as fast as the iron can be laid The distance from St Marks tit Fernandina is two hundred and eleven miles of which niuetvone miles are in operauon and the rest either ready or secured to be ready for the 'iron as above stated -Front the progress made in securing subscriptious In the county Of Gadsden there is little room fir doubt that an amount etillicient to ciontinue the Pensacola it Georgia road tit ()inner day twenty five miles Wet4t trom Tallahassee will be secured during the summer The difficulties under which the Florida Railroad Company labored or were supposed to labur have been removed and that the people of South Florida are about adopting measures to secure the early construction of a railroad to Tampa Hay thus giving a "good hope" ihat in a few years all the divisions ot the Slate will be bound together by hands of iron entingl Five GROWING the season non-- Ohne-a propilions as it has began we shalt have crop filf everything dos year to make a note and consign to the pages of history We are sow in the enjoyment 4f weather most favorable eropa of alt sutlicien I moist We beiieve the unanimous verdict is that the crops in this section Br Georgia nener beta out a better prospeol---Alicoa 74 legraph une I NOTICE TO BRICK AND BRIDGE corritAc1'011S fleliE brick work of the 4unbghe and Black Warrior itruidesi on the Northswed arid zsdithirest Al: Mune Rail be let tor cash to the lowest bitider on Arm day of July lr this work will be received x1 the Engineer's ottlee 'n Eutaw- Greene oolinty Alabama until the day of NALL bids for the beck work of one or both brides will be considered A rolt -2000000 bricks In nearly equal amounts at the two bridges will be required The bricks are to be attic best quality and tht ir suitability for the intended porpose is to Is tieei-hos by the Engineer xf the Company Bidden must stab-Lie lace 3t shich they progswe to make the bricks To eliabie tue tostractor to work duritg tn Ois water ACIL011 the Cont iamv watt have at each bridge site several hundred liarreis of Piahe and spoziecations will be exhibited at the Eutaw o1 on and anscr time 14h day of May neat eitisaiw or the atIlity of the contra ztor JO coinPite contrdet tritt be required TO- these bridges about firs) feet at each bridge inclualue the drw win be tit out thi year at a later Astir but toropositiims covering both brick work and superstructure will be mwesedered at lie aloer letting The tirkiges are at Joney's Mutt on the Tombigbee and Finch Ferry On the Black Warrior both imairhy locslities nt nocendbie to steam turdts tial 5IUUiicT it in lawny The superstructure of the above taidees will he lot out on the Aiy for letting out the brick ofJuly 1658 ROPES Eng 14 phon di A Wedoesday Iktorch TOOL 4tJcI tuh-10 NOTICE ging eywoutt-bred SjUlini it will make the eaclua season at my in emunibla county sit stated about seven miles from Augusta 14eason to C1111DMer the 1)a or retroary and chew the 14 of July The season win be ew to st eases persons falling to get ii colt a seeond sesan tires star-la it itither by Wagner darn Theta by Imp Priam grand dram Gamma st" by old Pacatle great grand dant by ilnionrcd ffrat erst film by Wilks' Chramder imp Sterling eat lin Sliver Eve Jolly Partncr imp Monkey of the AIM ni Darvisu of Brandon Dswitrenwr Rome is a very rtrit sacral three ronrr old aaeeti hand and a halt high of great bone IWO mlne pOta--- lost w-tion excel had disponition At the last state Pair tolo st Augusts he took the grit prewia'n ad ard then unfortunately slipped and diPlaced ldLbee loins Mites tem a distance will re- CYlVe were (nerd- crts Per day tod I Will not be tea ponsible for alcVItte pg Dollar t4 the grohm Its all eases erlt Titet BEALLE ON MANHOOD A1D ITS PIL-itATIIILE DEN -Ft iT PITDLISIIE gratis the Tmottietb si 1l tt GEbt4 IME Bans 'NAL TMEATMENT without M--dicioe of Stertsatorriwza or 1-orai ttunal Emissions Ciendal and liervons aud Impediments to Mareage selterall be liglsakv The Important fact that the ntany alarming enniniainta in the itehetidothe and tailitirrie of punt' mar be er4 rentowt4 WIT11017T LA)1C1NL ta in this small trics rieurly dinolotrated tad the entirely new and adopted by be author explained ty means of whiat every one is enabled to cure himself per- Ic ds'et sn ty 4 it at the a te possible cum thereby avoiding the aral tnrstrnma ot the day Sent any address mats and post free in a sealed envelope reasitint paiow twoyostage stani to Dr Etst Mut stnet14 yort ctly leonttt WARREN COUNTY Whereas Alden klit oppliel tor Letters of Dismisnon roan the qt mpsna tate of said county eeThese ate tasstetotr to cite sunown tat admonLs- athwd transtat tAe tad creditors of said deceit to to ati4 appear at raPr the Limy bed by how and 4411111r cAwie it any snot 40342 why ertk1 should not be pursed Ofelb cadet "iv band cam wartentott ths 14tb day Jeceminlft Lbata gocll von Ordinary parts lots no work to be done deberviug the name ot work his slaves tire a drug to biro De eau-not eat more than a certain' number Att totnne to be sure Carl be rendered ust-dul and eveu (anodic-mail by enlibing them to death aud adornitig the cernice of his mud house with their 'oilseed intuits tastettiliv wronged teeth outwords woment find eulploynient in grerksitig tout twining him keeping oil tue flies and picking LA ter-for his supper But stilt be has a loge surplus which lie would wittiegly part withal tie Wrens them on tee coast at prise ut rangoug (rum thirty to eighty dolate by all meatus let us go and buy Butuo tsagainat the law the low ays I way buy a begro trout a Christian plain-ter but not treut a pagan chief I may take a field hand trout hoeing tobacco but not limn picking caterpillars in snort I way tialre a negro at fourteeu hundred (loiters but not at tiny Tile ei to say the law the Congresti of the United Staters takes one thousaud taree buttered and gitty dollars out of my pock giving me nothing in exchange and puta it into the pocket tat a Virgiula 'touter Caters et-its of ainsita I 5rarne Air President I would much rather deal with a Vionitt planter than with the King ot Aahantee tie is a ettristaani while the poor king is a pagan but a Christian ought to bettr a conscience anti he has the conscience to ask twenty-tbree hundred per ecru more than the toreige met-client Sir have a greot respect and love tor old Virginia but cannot utfrd to testily toy regard at this rate And now to-day when we ask to have those Iowa and that legislation which discriminates so violentty against the King of Asitautee and against us when vie ask to have all that reconaldeted awl set aside we are met by hying Virgitnit sitatestuen brandishing at us the nauue and memory and great deeds and motives and intentions of nead Virginia statesmen So declared Jefferson! Thus did Aladison inier Now the lire-bell of Jefferson is rung into our ears and we are listed to be trigh wiled at the terrible hordes ot block savages that would be sure to overrun the tend if we once disturb the arraugements tor the gradual aboliti-n ot slavery wiricti were at that doy conceived to be ratioeal and philanthropic of Illustrious Virginians! to ye not cost us to deur? Forty years Ling has your philanthropy mulcted us in ninny hundreds per cent Kest rest perturbed stwits! We know you did this thing trom a sincere hallucination that shivery is An evil a curse a foul blot We repreach you not it was the delusion of your time but let it sleep with you oh Saides of the iniglity Dead I Sutler us to venerate you btill anti force us not to say ye ghosts who rise from 'our graves to bid us pay tor one sinve the price of twenty! Applause and some murmursi Tbe spirit 44 the age bad been invoked but in the lemon et this eloquent gentlemen the spirit id the age bud been taken captive by- certain eel-ash and iinscrupuitais parties particularly by and the Nortii who were tortunug it to utter-awes in favor of their intermits and against the Intel-yaw ttf every other people anti upon tins subject Lie says: Let the spirit of the age then aud the sentiment ot GliviNtendoin timed aside or rather I would say to it Get tuee behind me! Aud what remains 13 What eine is there to louder you of the South to develop and extend your system of labor and of society woile Guinea has as begrei and an acre of the south remains untitled? Why we are told that you are tint strong enough---that no matter what your nghts may be tbe North will not starer you to assert you hold even the posilon eoti noWlefijoy by the suretdince ot the Christendom also haft not sektiment only but broadsides on the sea and legion oil the land and that you fifteen sovereigu States of You dare not stand upon your rights! This I will inn argue what you dare do that you can do And what diere we dare not do? Did not our hearts burn within tot as a potent voice in tuts convention rung out like a morning bugle-call Are eoit relay mg ccNatrzemera 1" I EtititusiAmic uppiause I Aitints is disunion you er)? Yes it iS MOON It wit! shock the office twitters aud those who want to be Otbe ItOliters but lor my own part Mr President I think of wrap -fling my claims until I Cull hold (Alice in the Southern Confederacy I am very sensible however of the power of that opposition or submission or Union party Amongst the children of Israel also mere was an Egli) loan or ann-Exodist party Miny venerable Rabbi's were thtrt Inns nI Rain venerable Rabbi's were there long: an-d flowing- were their beards and from their lips flkoved the words of logy wisdony And the en so awl IPIlUW not that ntsn atm prentatute yonng Mtises For Moses Is yt tong and Aaron ts vcrdattl Witt ye sutf-r these tire-eaters with their burning bush to lead YOU from the flesh-pots of Egypt ono the wilderness where is no bread It is true they said this glorious Uuton which our lathers moue with the Egyptian does in some sort bear bard upon us it is true we are COWpelied to Make bricks without straw but on the other hand do we not it by the fiesh-pots and eat bread to the full Oh for iioci's Alike quit not the bleated flesh-pots! (Cheers and laughtenj Mr President it is as easy to make bricks without straw as to make COMM without negroes Therefore sir I stud! vote for the Red is for Mr Sprott'e report Mr l'aueey's report and for the resolution of my friend Mr Jones of Onirgio RUNAWAY Tv the soincriber on the Swath inst my Negro Maw AutirIN who is shoot arty-four years old tile ownplexion is black height See feet ten inches: weighs shout one hundred and uny lambda: with a irnid tooth cot Had on teaving a ditch adored homhatine effit Wal on the eh-older amt a trigh crowned hat and dark trmitaloons I will give hw nts delivery fe me on tor phonation in Warren etM11 Ill near isoweitoo -Ten boilars or it lodged in any sate Jait where I may get him and will Otos Fifty troika- if toutd the powirecsion of ant white man who to to make MI with hint with talk-lent proof to convict any sock Petro or scrams of the same BENJAMIN ROGERS Powcitott (Jon April liat aP'AP elPOTIGIt WARREN Heoree Adraihherstor de hoofs non on the estate of Howl Hunt deceased applies to we for Letters Die miseory from said estate-- Mlle are therefore to cite and admonish hit and idngular the kindred and creditors of said to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and ithow lotuses ir allY they have why told letters should not he granted theca under my hand at oftior In Wsrrenton this 3d day Of layS kiENIAT CODY Ordinary Nora room 042 Reynolds street immathattly in rear or Cit GEO Ve- WINTER Augusta April 61358 It arb BATH PAPER MILLS WRAPPING PAPER REA 'MN unsorted quAlities Just I jli) I teoied Innu the and for sale low for es-i keount of Ilfteen per Cent- to persons taking ten reams at a tIre room on Reynolds street to rear of City Bank ap7 If GEO WINT ETITY DOLLARS REWARD it-)11it A 1 from the subguiber on the 13th of Octobei 116 iftS11 my boy HUMPH REY calgult twenty year of age live fort len or eleven talents In height etipper color bush head of hair carries his head a little down aud Embry to oni side Ile is supposed to tie lurking in or about Decatur lit once belonged to 8 Chamberlayne of Decatur Ravin rehrdises near ALIIAlinOD and some in Augusta he marbe work big in either of those places with finiireil pass ia etiner ot piocen wan aornvo plum Will give the above reward If delivered to me in Attalla JA ES LOYD deell titt Proprietor of the WIWI' momi FOR BAWL umiemiestrd offers for istie hut place situated on the south-weatern Vault four tulles from the city containing trio acres of LAND aimut one half under eultivation the halauce well wooded and the whole well watered On the premises is a large two story Dwelling containing nine up-right rooms ail plastered thmughout In the best manner with a double piazza running the whole length of the house The balance of the ituptovettients are better that on most places And poasesses more advanNges than aby other that is now beine offered for sale As to health and good water IL is unaiirpassed to the place there are three large Orchards of the choice-it fruit trees oi every variety Also a inerard of aperitif Grapes The growing crops will be sold with the place or reserved as nay suit the purchaser Everything is in thorough repair Powcsakm can he had at ably time A plat of the property can be seen at the office of Barnes Jones I will take pleasure in showing it to any one wishing to purchase rut 18 mt BA itbi ES CHEAP LIGHT HE undersigned being Agent to this cif fee the North A merieen Kerosene (hut Light Comomy for the sale ot Kerosene Oil and Llyttps have now on han'd and will keep a ontistant supply of Oil and Lamps of different patterns The Oil le not explosive and having been tested protrt to be the cheapest best and 'latest light now ie tow being almost tuna' to (Jae Light The above company has received Diplomas and Medals from ettlesent State Fairs in the United statke Mao a Di Woes and Medal from the American Institute for the best Oil nianufact tired will be glad to show the Lamps and prove that the Oil is not explomve by milingat my More opposite the Fostottice nieli Otte A Ito BERT Agent IMPORTANT TO ALL IOFFER for sale Patent Right tor erecting Otis's Insuisted UGH TNI40 CONDUCTORS in the State ol treorgia A man be purctrAsing the StAle Right and selling It wit is Ctoiy Rigiit a can rtaiu the wholesale Rod business in his own bands threby making a petoanent businea and rio stusll profit by the trattsction here those Rods have been introduced they have superseded all others Their seiebtqle advantages are attested by tiny Alston of South Professors I-triunity Dupre Loomis and Horace Mann the Scientitic A rnerhaut and a boat of others all ut whieb can be seen and ally reference given I have gather State nigh I to sell say here must ba short so call on me at the Counting Room of the Cousatutionalist' office where my models ma) twett My friend Mr Tharp will ertct Rods and give them all the advantage or a scientific ennstruetion upon tin budding to tw protected omit I sell the State Right Appl) as above mytit it it MIJONC Agvut MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP tome? 'If risiggs dor Watkins Street Aufrustatienrgia In undersigned Is now prepared to Manulttertwe or Repairon the hest manner tTEAM ENGEIN ES SG A NO MILL GEARING tIte Also CASTINGS anti PATT Er or all kinds forniahed so order at rt sho notice and on oomodatine 44 ons On hand an ror Ile low one to-re superior oecond-hand ii-nortte power ENGINE and BoLLEa novO dtr GEORGE SLATER FOR SALE sreterriber offers tor sale his RESIDENCE on the iiledgevitle Road mi les from A twists' There sire about 70 acres of land attached to the Also his PLAN l'A TION In the dth District of Raker County eontaining I750 acres of land MO of len has been (lemma within the hist dve years the balance in the woods This is regarded iet one of the best Plantations iti t-stuth western Georgia l'erms easy JOHN McKINNE Jr my4 tf ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF FLINT RIVEN LANDs Fog sALS itiE undersignod being desirous of winding up their hum ness offer for sale on any time IrAl snit purehasers a vaio aide sAtlentetit et One Thontand Acres of LANG lying ot the West de of Flint River ten miles north of Oglethorpe told ten South of Iteyaolds Two hundred Hair settlement I hather one pine Laud the balance eight hun dretl acres entirety swamp The swamp land is less liahle itturst1titd1 by the river that any laud on river In Mum' comtv mtat will doubt Imo make frooi rilirty to eighty husheit of' ortt per mime ars1 trout fifteen hundred to two thougaer pesects 01 oot tot- There are bet ween two and tiiret- huncinet 1610 of open land Water health and society cannot be ez cettd In south-western Georg-la Apply to dire strit moNTFARTat telethon CHOICE MACKEREL 5 0 myM nem-ma having demanas avant Patrick I 11 Methic Lie of kticiimond county tiecenned will ni-nm iniond county idecenned pleme gyrernt them duly authenticated within the time preseithed aW and rid mlake PaY- I McCoy late of Wei meat to lipid Ow KUM LT Moe(' loom persona Indebted to the estatt ot Alter I toisciatr bits of the county of Ricionond deceased are rettat to make hornediate paynond and those-baying demnob aindust the caia estate win present them duiv au thentleated within the time prescribed by taw ap15 miCti PA)isel I IR Eel NEW FIRM-IE undersigned beg to infdriu Lim rommeous emdomsa that Le hassuslochund with bins lit bustacua Mr A A Ron tar fiie BOOT SHOE business will 1 continued at the old stand Ander the AMA and sty! of Brll SIO 'mar JAMitai Augwitn ity ilk 1848 rim nirti DISSOLUTION OF COPLETNIESELP Coputneship Lerch)" es existing bet seen the rimier signed in this eitr untie the name and tile of Gatmu Co is this day Iimolscd tr mutual consent Gamma is hereby fully sosthorised to settle up business cot the flrm All persons indented lid I 1 and pay up and those having deursnds wilt present them him tor settlerneuL- WILIEY Goilt FEW HUGH 0141EILL Augusta May 131858 NOTICE llA'ING pewits ed ot Mr ituett O'Nzur his Interest in the late tre with the expectatkat or contiuiste the AUCTON and COM ktPSION etteinew I wilt be thsokful for a Aare of public patronage WI' titt I myt4 erector' NEW BOOKS TNDI the Prat! of etteri River by tirs Southworth nmeon's fries The Thore neanties by Mrs'Nonthworth The Kelle Wahington a true wary of the affection by Mrs Lomeli hoecrusets of Dourless Jerrold's Wit together with selections chi My fr In his eAmtributions to Jonroas Intended to illustrwe Irks opinionswroned by his 10114 Sisnard Jerrold AdclebvJdlIaKivanaui Dela and trout toe German GEO A 0- ATRS lb BRO CLARET AND HOCX Or BOXIki veer fine for sele low by m): dm olurrni a co I 10tidd Ti po 1 bokal 4 64 Ciao hd but iou 50 sr 3 1 11516 I WO zes 1-15 4 pri of 1ts14) IV Itt -11'llit)4 IMATLOP L'ILIZACb Priv it 4441 appontiuudiug to 47udu1 I' rtze rea Las 4 eon 301rU0 4 2tre 100o0 to 4 1:16 huu 4 100 4040 aid 4 75 5000 5s 4 tar 1feli) 2e WOO la are Unit -485 amountinc to Ctittout ni-bole Tickets $10 117 Quartellh O2-60 FLAN Or THE LOTTERY the Number from I to 50uuttooneependind with those Nun win on the Tickets printed on separate Wipe of paper are et tireled with enutli tin turret and plotted in line wheel The drat 467 Priseammilarly printed and encircled are placed another whtwl Tbe wheels are then revolved and a num Der te drawn nroa the wheel of Numbers and at the same time a Prise et drawn torn the other wheel The Number and rise drswei out art pereed and ethitrited to the audience and reghdered by the lonaniadoners 1 he frize being placed against the Number irawn This operation ta repeated until aU the Prissesare drawn tut 1 AritoilMATION PRIZES The two pteceding mud 11 At WO suoossalinglit umbneiste thost ravring the dna I Prizes will entith to the 23 1ppraxittim ion Pules For example-? If Ticket No 11260 fliathe 70000 Prize those 'fiekets aumbered 1120 1114a 11211 ti252 will each be entitled to 6400 If Ticket No 5o rirawr he 00600 l'rize those Tickets numbered 548 649 551 WI srpi each be entitled to 63e0 and no on according to the above hetne rho kuou Pri2e8 of 1620 will be determined by the last figure the umber bat draws the ti 0issi Prize For example If lie Number drawing the 1704itio Prize enils with No Is them di the Tickets where the number ends In 1 will be entitled te tithe umber ends with 2 then ail the Ticket where he Number ends in 2 will be entitled to ind soon tom Oetilicatesof Packages will be sold at the following ratea srhkii its the risk lertiticate of acikage of 10 bole Tickets ddif 10 Ralf 40 10 Quartet 10 Eighth -In ordertng Ticketa or Certilicatee enclose the money to our sitirems tor the Tickets ordered or receipt of Widen they will forwarded by first mail Purchasersiain have tickets -outing any figure they may designate The list of Drawn Isoaubers sue Prtzes will be istm0 pu matters immediately after the drawing Or Purchasers will please write their-signatures plain and ove their Post office County aud State 33- Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full finlhont deduction lir All Prizes of SLOW and under mid Immediately alter se prizes at the usual time of thirty days All communications strictly tenddent Address Orders for Tickets or Certincateo of Packages of ficketseither to AN At A figura a tia 351" A CO Atlanta Oa my30 dac 8 SWAN Montgomerv Ala MARYLAND STATE LOTTERrES FRANCE A CO Managers of the Maryland StMe Lot teries present the following SCILIElotkie6 FOIL JUNE 15S-- They caution purchasers of Tickets to beware of ordering rickets Ia Lotte-tea wnere extrtordinary arge Capilms are 'tiered for a small coat of fact sr swilidit file Maryland Lotteries have bee in existence tor forty They are drawn by a St Officer and can be relic -a Er -nu draw a Prize you will ge your looney The whole country is flooded with Bogiut Lottery concerns Beldam of them Ile- Order in the Mary! cd State Lone-PT al MAONIrICENT F34711EME MARYLAND STATE LOTTER CLAk8 To he drawn In Baltimore Ilty June 191353 prawn Ballobi out of 73 Making the Prizes txri espial Every -Package of 26 Tickets must contain IS drawn it unilierii so that there are 13 to 13 Blanks rand Prize of 40110o I Prize of 63 600 Prize of 10 Prizes Prize or bIl io 1130 Prime of 5000 14 Prizesif 200 Prize of 500 65 rizes Prize of 5i 50 6 Prizes 1 80 Prize of 511001 65 Prize' of Do ice of was- 61 Prizaof 40 Prize of Note 48h: prize' or Prize of 500 27040 PI izes of 10 l'ri of 14000 e2396 Prtre anniatiting to ISZ-78177 Tickets gib I falves 61- Quarters 62 50 Eighths al 2h 1 Certificate of rackage id Who' coots died ro Ilalves 74 75 GO 26 Quarters 87 87 2tU4uiths 18 68 HAVANA PLAN THIS 13 THE if MODE or DRAWING Prizes ia oae trhe4 tied Tet-iie ie alther PNIZICIA DRAWN OUT Prizes Paid in full without any Deduction MARYLAND S'IATE ENTit CLASpi 2 ro be Arnwo tu kinAtignore -Oki- zsaturdaY Joh 2fith 18L8 20660 Prizes! 40000 SPLI-N DI SCil e34 ii 1 Prize or ViA0(4) 4 A pprozlina'n 1 Prize of It 000 4 1 Prize of 4000 4 1 Prtze ot 40041 1 Prize of 4000 8 I 1 Prize of 2vooS I P-ize of 11414 8 1 Prize 100 woo 1 Przo of 1240 8 1 Prizeof 1210 1 Prize of Lets 8 I Pr ze or moo in Prize of 400 40 10 Prime of 300 40 44 100 Prima of 200 0 20000 of 83 each The 10000 Ptzes ot ortertowed Its the drawin-e-of th44e Canitei Prarw whetner Kild or even whor* 11- km CO Liaises 415 Qmarters el AO A Manageee Certiikatte of le perwms wish to pay the risk he gent tor vet Ho 14 Halves ot' 49 00 le triers 24 OH The -Managers trave been compered from the noroemus complicate made 10 theta uf tomithetine-a no the part Lica who have beenettending I the eilioe of orders to resume the eorteAtiondetice busine and In their own name gar-order Ticket from the Managers only Adureas all fetters to znyeA Ito FRANCE CO Baltimrwe NEW BOOKS WYpmiN10 its story otirriag Incident and Roman- tic Adventures by ti -urge Peck with illustration tligory of the Uteri' Form-dion Anti Adoption of the Constitution of the United iNt4t-1 with notes or ila prinelpd framers by George nag nor curds in two volumes The Happy Rome by lierweu author of Letters to Bishop 11 netted Hiatory of Eurnpe from th Fall of Naprleon in 1815w to the Arce-alon Or Louis Napoleon in by Archibaid Re't Diana De Poictiera by Alex Ptrmas The Yellow Frirtte or the Two Slaters by caps liones Grant my-20 GEO A OATES A BRO CIGAtES CIGAEL- ILINFTERN UMOSSIld La Rachel MIGARR 70o0 Emulate 50lat Rio Hondo Rothschilds flno0 Flora de Carolina lb000 Wash*trin um received sod tOr sale 11 oPSS I HUBBARD awl at the time and 13ce above provided thee aud to that he cobtrActr and hit sore tita WII torten tout pey to the United a sum of money not exc edingtsocie theism end of atoll class which may be recovered from thee 10 tithe ace Tiling to the act of emigre in that caw provided ap roved March 3 1643 411414 Nor 1 I 11 6 7 to be delivered one-foarth part on or heithe the lath May Ofic40111-113 bart on or before the littb ely one-fourth part the toth Septettes tent the thiamin uts be thetas December 1659 Cheeses 3 and a the wheite the IlLth May 189 The rentainiug easses to delivered one fourth part on Or before the 1st september next One-fourth part on or before the Let December next one-Werth part on or hefore the 1st Aprtt add the remaitider on or before the Seth June 1859 eldest ear ler required with a tit of mete daya comprising at each deiivery a due proportion of each article Class le and all following if add tonal quantities of 'my of the articlee named therein are demanded they are to be furnished on like terms and couditions previous to the expiTatiou of the lima year upon receiviug a notice of afteen days trine the bureau the oommandant of the yard or navy agent Form of Offer of In the State of hereby agree to furelati and deliver in tee reepectiee nary yards all the articles named In the classee hereunto annexed agreeably to the provisions of the echedeles therefor cud in conformity with the advertisem*nt of the Bureau of Construction sc of the 1311 03 Mat' 113Ar Should toy offer be athepted I requeet to be addrialed at and the contract mem to the navy agent at Or to for aiguature and certificate (Date Signature A Tbe schedule which the bitislT encitieee must be patted to hi offer lead each of them signed ey him opposite eath article in the ectiednie the priee must be set the 0100101i carried nt the aggregate footed up for cacti Um amount Ilkewlee writtee in words Form of tioarantee The undertkignett of In the State of and of in the Stem of hereby guarautee thst le ease the foregoing bid of for maw of the ctimeat therein named be accepted he or they will within ten days after the receipt of be contract at the post office named or navy ant dertignated execute the contract for the saute with good and sufficient sore-ties and In cime said shall fail to enter Intro contrazt as afortmaid we guaanty to wake good the difference between the oiler of the said and that which may be acceptedSignaturtil of two guarantors Date knees I hereby certify that the above named are knowit to me a3 inett of propertyand able to make good their guanantee Signature II Date To be signed by the United States District Judge United States District Attorney Colic lor or navy agent The foliovriog are the classes required at the respective navy yards kITT EBY MAIN Class No III White pine Claaa it Ash plank No 12 Black walnut and cher No '21 Imo No Spike' and Oalla- No Lead sine sold tin No 27 Paints olio olcc No 32 la tither No 33 lione No 37 Pitah Lir and robin No 38 Tallow violin and oil CHARLESTOWN MA SS ACTI USETTS ('Lis No 1 White-oak 'own No 3 White-oak promiscuOild timber No 10 Willie'ploe No 11 Ash and cypress 0 14 hickory buns elm timber and white wood 1o15 maws No 16 Black si-ruce No 21 Iron No22 Spikes mod nails No23 Lend zinc and tin No24 Pig 11-Oil No 25 Hardware No27 Panda coda No118 Flax caravan No29 Cotton canvas No30 Flag and cotton twine No 31 tilaaa No 82 Leather No 113 110se No 34 Brustitai No 35 Bunting and dry goods No 37 titek tar rosin No 38 Tal low soap oil No 39 Ship chandlery No40 Stationery No 41 Fire-wood BROOKLYN NEW YORE CISaaa No 1 White-oak loga No 3 White-oa pmniloeunue Bonner No6 Yellow-pine plank stock logs No 14 bite pine Ath cypress white-oak hoards No12 Black walnut cherry kn No13 Locust No 14 White-ash onus bithurv bars mod bums No15 White-oak staves and la-suing No16 Boa No 18 Liguumvitie No 21 Iron No 22 Spikes and nails No 23 Lead zinc and tin No 24 Pig iron No25 Hardware No 27 Palo is oils ike No Flax canvas No29 Cotton car vas No 30 Flax and coition twine No 31 Olms No 32 Leather No 33 mew No 34 Brushes No35 Bunting and dry good No 37 Pitch tar rosin Noy 38 Tallow soap oil 39 Ship chandlery No40 Stationery No 41 Firewood PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA ClaetNI White-oak jags No2 White-oak plank No 3 While-oak firoluineu us timber No6 Yellow-plow plank stock No 7 Yeiow-pine aula No tu bite pine No 11 Ash cyprei wulte-raik boards No Black walnut cher No 13 Locust No It While-ash oars and hickory tiara No 16 Black spruce No 18 Lignuonvitte No 21 Iron No ir2 Spikes and nails No 23 Lead zinc and No25 Hardware No 27 Paints oils Ac No 28 Flax CaliVad No tni 001011 canvas No 30 Flax anti cotton twine No211 Glans No32 Leather No Bone No 34 Brushes No at' Bunting and tiry Foods No 37 Pitch tar rosin No 3in Tallow soap 011 39 Ship chandlery No 40 Stationery WAcilINGION MATBICT OF COLUMBIA Class No loi White tIt Aoh cypress white oak boards No 141 Black storm e- No 21 Iron No 22 spikes and nails No 23 bead sine and tin No 24 Pig iron flithiware No 27 Paints tool oiss No 29 Coi4h canvas No30 Flax and cotton mkt No 31 Glam No 32 Leather No 37 l'itdr tar roe a No 88 Tallow soap oil No39 Ship No 43 rank a ti galley Iron No No44 Chain iron 43 Ingot copper No 47 Minceilaneous GnSPCBT No 1 White-oak logs No 6 Yellow pine plabk Mock logs No 10 White pine No 11 Ash and eyprtacot No 12- Black walnut diens mahogany butts ito14 White-ash feral 11chory barn No 16 Sim mortice lc 18 Lignumoi tie No 1 Iron No 22 Spikes and nail Lead sine and tin No24 Pis hon No25 Hardware No 27 Paints toi a 41e No 18 Fla emu at Nj tv ottoo canvas No 34i Flat and twice era 31 32 rather No At lone No34 Broethen Not aa cloy goods No37 Fitch tar TOiit No 38- Talhow soap and oil No Shiu ehadi ry No 40 statioutry ARKINtiTioN LooRIDA clans Na 4 Itlit4 No 3 oi'lioe oak iiromiscoirons honer No 4 White-oak keel cea aoci ronioner am kit No It) White pin No Boaek walnut and chowcy No cast No 14 White-ash cars hieitory tants No Lienimvilre No 21 Imo No 23 Lead zinc tin No 25 Hardware No17 oatata oils itC- 1113 18 CIDER AND ALE 0)d IL flflL chotec Newark CIDER swit thi- John 'Fspcw it Son's Aloany ALE susi received acid for gale by flyI 3 JOG NELkON PIGtultE FRAMES cc viva OD hubud meui of Gilt and Rose- JI wood tsoulduig I -sm prep ired to morocco re to order Portrait Picture sod Looking Glass FitA NI Ka uniens lot at It Noatuitt's Ftrittit anti Mtnite grill he pi-oniony attended to coves FR 3 Si Ea of the vast us Want oo hand shop In Cit Bank aley A HARPER FURNITURE WAREROONS -wE bave now on hand and arc daily receivirz at our new wareroonis No tisn Broad direct a larde and Medan assortmentof FURNITURE mans hy the best manufactur a the style quality and Assortment cannot be an by tiny other 4Furniturchouse in this city or State ItrtalAiLd- less or us to enunienue Out stock as we shall keep on hand a er and full tsviortnwnt of every article in our ans 'Ltd will sense low can lw nought in or city We invite our friends and the public IceneraDyt0eaii anti onr stock and lodge for themselves All kitlitig F111111tUre manufactured to order Repoirinz and trobointerinir done with n4witnese and dspatch Hair Mess and Cotton Mans'sewe always on hand esmie BENJA MIN GOODRICH Augusta Ga MOLASSES SITGAIr AND COFFEE 10 0 SO Obloberwarit CIDER Jugt 'reeved and for We low by PILLTIZY CO 15o 2 Worm Mork 50 quarter oozes Layer KAIsiNta 75 Iaes WU drums FIGS Jost rreels eel 11 deci 2 IPA WzoN A EXPRESS NOTICE a pc E-11ml trt timat ratigenieuts to extend their Express Line the phisand Charleston itailmad and will reawive mAti torwarn Paseenger Traine in charge of special meiteengens PACKAGES dreParticular atte11UOICWtWPERJ4fllAL BAGOAJk I warded by Express which krill be delivered as addreseed inty point on the line Express for Nashville Tuacumbta and uttertnediatedatiolt leaves daily (jemtieorgia Itailroad) at o'cloek atilt PLANT Supet NEW BOOKS NEW BOOKS ISTOR of the Republic of the United States of Awe lea as traced in the writinaa Alexatider liamaton au ot ids cotempormrlea by John itauditon Et anination of the Dred Scott Now by Thos Benton Portraits My Married Friends or A Peep Into Hymen Kingd um by Uncle Ben 'Due aud Seek a novel' by Wjlllq Collins author of th Dead Scent and After Dark Lien another supply of the let ed and Ad of negeon- Sermon inoll GEO A OATES BRO YELLOW COVERED LITERATITER BEFAA Trelawney or Time Works by Smith flawhi Troky or Putsseitor Y7 'ottani 4 pope 1 mu! or the Female Pontiff by 0 Itevnolde Marie Lortiae or the Opposite Neighbor by Mho ChicleI The Pale Lilly or the i oung Bride'a Honey Moon Fred Gratnum or Masks and Eileen by 1 Smith The PletortaL Adveritortar of Margaret ie Regulamirs ot Arkatimias The Perils of certain Englih Prisonert by Chas Dickens The to A ppreuti -ea by Charts Dicheue i ie Woodittati'i Kite and the Forest Maiden by Miss ha Rowe Just received and tor wile at the Book Store of der31 GASI-ITIING AND PLUIESING- Haecered the services of an expa-kneed GAt FITTER AN PLUMBER we are now prepared execute all orders entrusted to us with mildness ami despaxei feeling confident In our ability to do so in a superior 'num allot which shall be under a fud guarantee IL MA HARKEY CO nov27 No 8 DeKalb Ratige Broad-st Augusta BOOKS BOOKS wurrEEN years among the Mormons being the narrativ of lira Mary Ettie Smith late of tireat Salt Lak City a btster or one of the Mormon Rich-Priest she "mem twee personidly sanuainted with most of the Mormon Leader and long tate he confidence ot the Prophet Brigham Youtig Nelson Wettch Orem The Chemistry and Melaiturgy of Copper Including a de scription of the principal Copper Mines of the Unitoo State and other eollorriog the art ot Mining and preparing Ore market and the various prooineen Af Copper Smelting to A buowden riggot with illustrations For wile at fetdli GEO A OA if ES moes BOOKS! BOOKS! I'll IlI Magician's Owl) Book Prince Charles or The Young Pretender by SF Smith author of Harold Tracy Chesterfield Art ot Letter Writing Simplified 4 74turta1ays Didionary of Three Thousand Abbreviations How to be Healthy now to Detect Adulteration in Our Daily Food and DHrk hp6 DEO A OATES BRO BUTTER I choke tkadren BU fT En received by Mesmer 11 4kvid DA SON lit SKINNER TOBACCO AND SEGABA 0 NH hundred ova a or TUBACCO vat" Jew branch: 50010 luportAal aud durneatic Fur sale h) adult One in A STEVENS HAIR DYE pti A LON'S Ratchcier's Jaime's Citriatatierd'a and DYES Am stle by drerlar RA ALAN etliCITESTER CO PLANTATION BROGANS IllEreteN zie tuiRVIiANS Mack bezt quality it Iscir Welt Thick BOOTS SYMMS'S Leather BOOTS Win and thick sale For sale by ocid CLARKE ROYAL CARPETS Three 1 a rged krstdo storte utiix rt iwemwertt out cail the Attention of our friends alio the public ei-nerai I au30 A PLATT CO NOTICE WNI l'ILICK IL CAP oiler ate Fall a very eboic aiid well eekviell 6tOCK 0 GOODS in their atie bran a every itrtivie for the toilet of a ErtliTeMan TOBACCO AND SEGARA ONE bubdrrAitmNes 10BAOCO ratio's bramds 50000 EU ARS For malt by nep8 A IEVEN: BROOMS ') DOZE DOZEN liFoOMS common medium and tarot size tor AAA by D'ANTIONAO HUBBARD CEEAP Coos STOVES LARGP variety CO TOV for sate LI the Augtiaat more loepot Among wince trat) be found-- rile STOVE with Corrusatect Oven Maraing Star Dorib le Oura Prentiom Flush Wart malty her Iclut tor sede Hills oh all bauko ita this city so Hamburg udor In iuiniet per 0-m H)FLICII oc11 No Wauge Brtatti sorrel EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR plum pure white WI! EAT in 101 sack for 40e by LEWIS ALIA ttert I arrrtt Pipet READ? MADE CLOTHING 4 ett LI tt ate ti I tick wevi ko (barrLING of every kind from their NI iv Y(rk ail otwhfli are ti-ught rot net during thee Walqocut thhed together With complete uniortment of trN IS own UK A ENS- with an additional supply o' Linen Itolionis and Svf IR TS -V e-ery q4ality At) ot which are offered at prices than CAE be afforded ti le city BOOKS BOOKS (1111741 A 0 TIN de BRO have jute voetived a Dee 4uppl of he following very interesting Books Livinestores trtm Spurgen 's Sertuone let 2nd and Bid aeries Guy Livinestrut or Through Brutmes Cyclopedia of At and Rumor of Americafrotand aLud Scotland Violet or the Crown and the CM'S c5) The Practical Boutekeeper de GEO A DEO- WEV7 DRESS GOODS grill AM Str Trit LE 13ye e4 txtrirE-qa ILA neentiful lot nf Ladies' I di ESS Got IS 1:7 f3 ASH ER KS if letw a'ft PI la ftritrl Pin all wool I reLkiN ES PoP117 wirk erre other handl' -e style of Drew toNotioirs during the Chi am wwww at very low doe new BACON-01FM Vla Prime Neo BACON Vino if A M4 for family me Clear fithherl And 8HOULDKRS For ode by fob LEWIS ALLIN tWanes MTV barrels LARD A N) I 4 Sfl ri A isA ICJ i 3 1 FLEMLNu dt Cu WHISKY WHISKY "It 10 Just ta7 111713r1A 1119N MOLASSES SUGAR SALT AO A cbolixe We India MOLASSEb Ur to bud prime m00latto bUGAILS 10008acts SAb bew mud treat 40 bui Ittio coretiE Vtli be tatutzki from ittamer ralOulle on consignment And asitato arrive Apply to JOHN CASI111N OueralConuttinsion Merchant No 4 Wortwo Mockuovt'S SUPERIOR BLACK CLOTH FROCKS tub have full lined And full la-Unwed ItitoCkn cheaper lir than ever uffezeil bfu LABANS inia4 SARDINES SARDINES irrE Hundred Half Boxes ES SOO quarter Beast SA RHIN Es Just received at mh12 A2116NA 4 HUBBARD'S WATLR COOLERS at the Railroad avid will be opened on Monday tGi 111 inspection he these that may desire to osmium a trvue ad handsome article They range from two to three gallons iich and are or beautiful patterns Also wont of tne on oak which will compare with any from abroad and will be lowInez Woof to Mectiatilits Bank leVi CHEW TOY STOVES BEAUTIFUL pia) hilig for Lime Mime on a itaterde afternoon to outline themselves with and learn then at ht same time economy and industry so that whin it becomt teaetwary it use 41114 they will not ty at a loos to do PO It is he of the accomplishments that will go well with Mb rn me ouch sought after For sale neat door to 161ft-hankie Pall CHEW Ira' Georgia Railroad money Wren tor anything and every hing that I may have for aide oeI orrovEs COP every kind fashion and else with or Irithoult PIPE with a very large supply of furnitute to suit should any et broken or misplaced 1 have shin a large supply of hlreit UTLERI arid mislay articles in the hardware line too anderotre to mention Call and see for yourselves as everything Ali betook) very iow for cook (AO? for Cat mover oci5 cHrvir THE IRON WITCH STOVE 1ME best STOVE uow hi use suitable to all kinds of IL Cooks experienced and inexperienced with complete "future attached ent to airy part of the city put up and Hod If they dos pmve satisfactory In every respect our doney will tie returued South Cbrolina and Georgia sootier xcelit Wild ('at)takeu par Liii further notice 0011 CHEW DISSOLUTION fflutE firm of CLaiserice as Maass heretofore existing in this city between the undersigned has hetet this day diesilved by mutnat cousent EDWAIW MILLZA is authorised use the name of the Inn in settlement A LBLKT CLEMENCY EDWARD MILLER Angtswts Jan 17 1S8 febl ROSE COTTAGE NURSERIES (LATI comma-) ilgei'tuanucrtttun the 4 ItS Wholes SZTS and a large- analltd7 kr well-rooted BOX WOOD A leo for sale constantly a choice lot of sweet singlrag CA Ian It BIRDS M4 bCKIIi0 and oeVerni other varieties of 3LRLAS CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES '111HE remaining Winter Stock to he sold at reduced prices IL to make room for mar Spring Moan aft of which will be 'old at prices to defy competition at RAMSEY LARAW'R tuba Opposkte Union Bahk CHOICE HAMS (1NE Hu Tired Choice HAMS for lirntli families from th kfr Plantation of Rev JLrbh Harris lust received st wbll IHURBAkffS YEAST POWDERS FIVE Preston AT Herr Pro YEAST POWDERS Jwst received at IVAN WI At RBA RD'ia NETT SHIRTS DRAWERS NVE: will offer evere odyle and quality of Sff ETS DR A W- GLOVES SOCKS and 11A iiDK MICR tc all wietted frond the very beet importitg houses knuart "the trade RAMSAY At LARAW vitS ottrewit the Enloe Rank HAMS HAMS ji 111S lmtt received a cimioe lot of gmail RAMS omit I family tiAc tiM14 II SI MAT rirTZwlicpwle ktnar park gE(isi ILTALIZtriezmultke SPARKLING GELATINE der) CHOICE MAILS SEC A 3 14)4 )() cputran Ks different brat-ds and qualifier enre nest for selte it int 17 RICH Rh-ED GARDEN SEEDS itE011 eopoiy iiI) EN 1 eIrS from Itio burn New jibe ogwvodi f4r at la wrie asirt seed sinrk LATAsTE 1441 alTeer storopm Geo HAVANA SEC AB -I 5 0 4 4 1 t4A11-t sEGAr itiofle) El 1(101111 Gootilas t- CON atillaa ASRiouniti: La 6n4 Vpredan Kil3 Fatvra coon go imp' 10000 i'vtAcUa a ha ---GSOCERIES 0118CMLIES t5 114 mwA-svs 10 COIPEE: bblo Mniertt Itetin4 UGA Rs NeW York ReAne4 1011 boirgi Adanbaolitte 41A PIA'S "AO herzes bare Old Governmere Java r)Fir EL to rrive io two Mvtst PY FEE A hlla Mo 3 'A built MIL I ACK ERKL 0 (Insult? hbis No 1 A- kits No 1 CK ERE" TO kits Mo 1 SALMON haze rOnF 111 150-140011svana FGA ES 51 TOR MA 11 Igo a large stock of LicirOR aroi WINES to tore and tor Ale 1T al)13 161BLET BOGGS On SVIDEMES TEN dotes roderwood a Co' 'ninon PlelE ELS 10 bait' tral tun 10 10 Worreaterrodre fl rc 10 treats 11 lat a l'IIr4 la quart eaa 10 0 assorted PKESIglt Sel le la glass le TOMATO Ir wino Pala- 8 lams Just Tereived sad toe bv side D'AIrTICLIA0 EVERAILD 1 1.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.