Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (1)


Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the acidophilic green alga

Chlamydomonas acidophila

Fernando Puente-Sáncheza, Silvia Díazb, Vanessa Penachoc, Angeles Aguilerad and Sanna Olssone,f*

Running title: Genetic adaptation of extremophilic C. acidophila

aSystems Biology Program, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Calle Darwin 3, 28049, Madrid, Spain

bDept. Physiology, genetics and microbiology, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Calle José Antonio

Novais 12, 28040 Madrid, Spain

cBioarray, S.L. Parque Científico y Empresarial de la UMH. Edificio Quorum III. Avenida de la Universidad s/n,

03202 Elche, Alicante, Spain

dCentro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA), Carretera de Ajalvir Km 4, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain

eINIA Forest Research Centre (INIA-CIFOR), Dept. Forest Ecology and Genetics, Carretera de la Coruña km 7.5,

28040 Madrid, Spain

fDept. Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

*corresponding author : Sanna Olsson, INIA Forest Research Centre (INIA-CIFOR), Dept. Forest Ecology and

Genetics, Carretera de A Coruña km 7.5, E-28040 Madrid, Spain, tel. +34 913476773, fax: +34 913476767,

e-mail: [emailprotected]

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (2)



To better understand heavy metal tolerance in Chlamydomonas acidophila, an extremophilic green alga, we 2

assembled its transcriptome and measured transcriptomic expression before and after Cd exposure in this and 3

the neutrophilic model microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genes possibly related to heavy metal tolerance 4

and detoxification were identified and analyzed as potential key innovations that enable this species to live in 5

an extremely acid habitat with high levels of heavy metals. In addition we provide a data set of single 6

orthologous genes from eight green algal species as a valuable resource for comparative studies including 7

eukaryotic extremophiles. 8


Our results based on differential gene expression, detection of unique genes and analyses of codon usage all 10

indicate that there are important genetic differences in C. acidophila compared to C. reinhardtii. Several efflux 11

family proteins were identified as candidate key genes for adaptation to acid environments. This study suggests 12

for the first time that exposure to cadmium strongly increases transposon expression in green algae, and that 13

oil biosynthesis genes are induced in Chlamydomonas under heavy metal stress. Finally, the comparison of the 14

transcriptomes of several acidophilic and non-acidophilic algae showed that the Chlamydomonas genus is 15

polyphyletic and that acidophilic algae have distinctive aminoacid usage patterns. 16


Key words: heavy metals, transcriptomics, green algae, Río Tinto, extremophiles, transposons 18



Cd is a widespread environmental pollutant which is even at low concentrations extremely toxic to aquatic 21

microorganisms, in particular microalgae (Brayner et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2013). In spite of its harmfulness 22

there exist very few studies on transcriptomic alterations caused by increased levels of this or other heavy 23

metals in green algae, (Hutchins et al., 2010; Jamers et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2014). Cd binds to organic 24

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (3)


molecules by forming bonds with sulfur and nitrogen, thereby inactivating proteins causing a broad range of 25

adverse effects. It is easily absorbed and bio-accumulated by lower organisms and transferred to higher trophic 26

levels in food chain. It has been shown to inhibit growth (Okamoto et al., 1996), chlorophyll and chloroplast 27

synthesis (Lamai et al., 2005), cause disintegration of the cell wall as well as induce a large increase in 28

superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, indicative of oxidative stress (Okamoto et al., 1996). Additionally, Cd 29

replaces zinc and selenium at the active sites of enzymes, competes with other ions in membrane transport, 30

andecreases RNA and DNA synthesis as well as photosynthetic pigments and proteins (Prasad et al., 1999; 31

Wang et al., 2013). 32


The extremophilic green alga Chlamydomonas acidophila grows in very acidic environments (pH 2.3-3.4). Metal 34

sequestration in vacuoles seems to be an important mechanism in cadmium tolerance and detoxification in C. 35

acidophila (Aguilera and Amils, 2005) but there is evidence that also unique genetic features in C. acidophila 36

contribute to its high heavy metal tolerance (Olsson et al., 2015; Olsson et al., 2017). The strain analyzed in this 37

work was isolated from Río Tinto (SW Spain), one of the most extensive examples of natural extreme acidic 38

environments (Fernández-Remolar et al., 2003). The river has a low pH (ranging from 0.8 to 2.5) buffered by 39

ferric iron and with high concentrations of heavy metals (Aguilera et al., 2006). These extreme conditions are 40

produced by the metabolic activity of chemolithotrophic prokaryotes that are found in high numbers in its 41

waters (González-Toril et al., 2003). Despite these extreme environmental conditions, Río Tinto shows an 42

unexpected degree of eukaryotic diversity (Amaral-Zettler et al., 2011). Cd was chosen for this study due to its 43

toxicity and also because it is found in very high concentrations in Río Tinto, with local average amounts that 44

can reach ca. 40 mg/L (Aguilera et al., 2007). 45


Research on extremophilic organisms significantly contribute to our understanding of the evolution of heavy 47

metal tolerance in plants and algae. The results enable detection of novel genes potentially useful for 48

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biotechnology and phytoremediation of contaminated water resources. In spite of this, there is very limited 49

genetic data available for C. acidophila while the genome of C. reinhardtii has been sequenced and annotated 50

(Merchant et al., 2007; Manichaikul et al., 2009). For C. reinhardtii, there also exist several physiological, 51

molecular, and genetic studies including experimental verification of the functionality of the predicted ORFs 52

(Ghamsari et al., 2011). To increase genomic resources in C. acidophila we assembled an improved 53

transcriptome for this non-model species. We compared it to the transcriptomes of the model microalga 54

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii from the same genus and other publicly available green algal transcriptomes. To 55

explain how C. acidophila is able to survive extreme environments we used transcriptomic sequencing and qRT-56

PCR to detect transcriptional changes caused by high Cd concentrations in C. reinhardtii and C. acidophila and 57

identified possible adaptive key genes. The high level of genes with unknown function as well as lack of an 58

annotated genome assembly makes the identification of important genes involved in heavy metal detoxification 59

in C. acidophila challenging. In spite of these difficulties we provide new information on heavy metal tolerance 60

in this organism, extremophiles and green algae in general. 61




2.1 Sample collection, cultivation and exposure to Cadmium 65

Chlamydomonas acidophila strain RT46 was collected from water samples taken in 2010 at the CEM sampling 66

station of Río Tinto (SW Spain) (Aguilera et al., 2006), and isolated to grow in the presence of antibiotics, 67

vancomycin 50 µg/mL, cefotaxime 100 µg/mL and chloramphenicol 15 µg/mL (Sigma), on agar plates made with 68

0.22 µm-filtered river water. Individual colonies were transferred into K medium (Keller et al., 1987), pH 2. A strain 69

of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CC-1374, SAG 77.81) was purchased from the Chlamydomonas Resource Center 70

(University of Minnesota) and grown in K medium, pH 7. The K medium was supplied with the same antibiotics 71

as the ones used for cell isolation (vancomycin 50 µg/mL, cefotaxime 100 µg/mL and chloramphenicol 15 µg/mL). 72

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The algae were grown under ca. 70 µE s−1 m−2 irradiance provided by day-light fluorescent tubes, 16:8 h LD cycle 73

and 22 °C of temperature. The cultivations were refreshed every two weeks in corresponding growth media and 74

cells undergoing exponential growth were grown to be treated with metalloid solutions. To reach exponential 75

growth 5 ml of Chlamydomonas cultivate was transferred into an 1 L Erlenmeyer bottle with 500 ml medium. After 10 76

days of growth 15 ml of cultivate was transferred into three 2 L Erlenmeyer bottles with 980 ml medium in each. 77


For the transcriptomic sequencing a Cd solution (CdCl2 X 2 ½ H2O) with a final concentration of 245 µM was used. 79

Earlier studies on Chlamydomonas showed a peak of gene expression between three and four hours in genes 80

involved in cadmium tolerance (Hanikenne et al., 2005; Olsson et al. 2017). Therefore time points for cell 81

collection were set before the treatment, at 3h and 6h after Cd exposure. The cells were collected in 50 ml Falcon 82

tubes, centrifuged for 10 min in 5000 rpm, the supernatant was discarded and the pellets frozen at -80 °C until 83

RNA extraction. For qRT-PCR cultures were treated with following solutions: 1 µM Cd solution (CdCl2 X 2 ½ H2O), 84

1mM Cu (CuSO4 X 5H2O), 10 mM Fe (FeSO4 X 7H2O), 1mM As (III) (AsNaO2) or 5 mM As(V) (Na2HAsO4) and cells 85

were collected at 1, 3 or 24 h after exposure. 86


2.2 RNA extraction and sequencing 88

Total RNA was extracted with TRI Reagent® Solution (Ambion, Life Technologies, CA, USA) following 89

manufacturer’s protocol. RNA quality and quantity were estimated using an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer (Agilent 90

Technologies). RNA library preparation and high-throughput sequencing were carried out in the NGS sequencing 91

Unit (Scientific Park Foundation, Madrid, Spain) using Illumina GAiix sequencing platform. One full lane of 75 92

basepair long reads for each sample was sequenced to provide sufficient coverage for a representative overview 93

of the expression profile. The generated transcriptome library was non-normalized to allow detection of 94

differences on the gene expression level between the different treatments and untreated cultures. 95


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2.3 Data preprocessing de novo hybrid assembly 97

All raw transcriptomic reads were filtered and trimmed with PRINSEQ lite (version 0.18.3 (Schmieder and 98

Edwards, 2011) in order to remove duplicates and low quality reads (using default parameters except for the 99

following: -min qual mean 25 -derep 12, -ns max p 1 –derep 12 –lc method dust –lc threshold 7 –trim tail left 6 –100

trim tail right 6 –trim ns left 2 –trim ns right 2 –trim qual left 25 –trim qual right 25). 101


The single-end Illumina reads from C. acidophila obtained in this study were combined with the 454 reads 103

obtained in Olsson et al., (2015). Paired-end Illumina reads were simulated from 454 reads by using the 104 script included in the Trinity suite. The resulting reads were 105

subsequently normalized in silico with the included in Trinity. The paired-end 106

normalized reads coming from the 454 dataset were pooled together with the single-end Illumina reads obtained 107

in this study, and assembled with Trinity (release 2013_08_14) (Grabherr et al., 2011) using Jellyfish (Marcais and 108

Kingsford, 2011) for k-mer counting with a maximum memory of 40G, minimum contig length of 200, paired 109

fragment length of 350 and a maximum butterfly heap space of 20G. Contigs with a BLASTn identity of more than 110

90% to the E. coli, C. reinhardtii and human transcriptomes were discarded. 111


2.4 Abundance estimation and transcriptome coverage analysis 113

The RSEM software package (version 1.1.18.modified) (Li and Dewey, 2011) was used to estimate the gene and 114

isoform expression values. For C. acidophila, a reference transcriptome was generated from the Trinity assembly 115

by using the RSEM commands extract-transcript-to-gene-map-from-trinity and rsem-prepare-reference with 116

default parameters. For C. reinhardtii, the reference transcriptome v4.0 (Merchant et al., 2007) available from 117

Phytozome ( was used as a reference for estimating transcript expression. Reads 118

from the six samples were aligned separately to the reference transcriptomes by using Bowtie (version 0.12.7) 119

(Langmead et al., 2009) and expression values for each sample were obtained with RSEM. The resulting 120

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expression counts were normalized with the trimmed mean of M-values method, as implemented in the edgeR 121

package (version 2.15.0) (Robinson et al., 2010). The transcripts with a log2 fold change higher than 6 and FPKM 122

(Fragments Per Kilobase Million) of more than 20 in at least one sample were selected for further analysis. For C. 123

acidophila, only the longest transcript per Trinity subcomponent was reported. 124


In order to assess the coverage of each sequence in our C. acidophila assembly, reads from the three C. acidophila 126

samples were pooled and aligned against the reference transcriptome. We used the script included 127

in the Trinity package (release 2013_08_14), resorting to Bowtie (version 0.12.7) to perform the alignment. The 128

script also utilized Samtools (version 0.1.18) (Li et al., 2009) for SAM-format alignment manipulations. The output 129

file bowtie out.coordSorted.bam, which contains both properly mapped pairs and single unpaired fragment 130

reads, was used as input for Qualimap (version 0.6) (García-Alcalde et al., 2012) in order to estimate transcript 131

coverage. 132


2.5 Taxonomic and functional annotation 134

All transcripts were annotated via BLASTx searches (Altschul et al., 1997). For taxonomic annotation GenBank’s 135

non-redundant protein database (nr) was used. For functional annotation two other major databases, Uniprot’s 136

Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL protein databases were used in addition to the nr database to get more accurate 137

information on genetic functions. Taxonomic and functional information from the multiple databases for each 138

differentially expressed contig was collected into a table preferring the most accurate functional annotation 139

from Swiss-Prot when available using the methods and scripts modified from de Wit et al., (2012). 140


2.6 Protein prediction and orthology search with OrthoFinder across green algal transcriptomes 142

To identify orthologous gene groups among green algae, representative transcriptome files were downloaded 143

from Phytozome v.11 ( for six available species: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 144

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Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, Micromonas pusilla, Micromonas sp. RCC299, Osterococcus lucimarinus and Volvox 145

carteri. The de novo assemblies of C. acidophila and D. acidophila (Puente-Sánchez et al., 2016) were translated 146

to amino acids with TransDecoder (v. 3.0.0, The Broad Institute). Orthologous sequences from these eight 147

species were grouped with the clustering software OrthoFinder (Emms and Kelly, 2015). The resulting 148

alignments were filtered to contain only the longest isoform of C. acidophila and D. acidophila when several 149

isoforms of the same gene (belonging to same component and subcomponent in the de novo assembly built 150

with Trinity) were present in the same orthologous group. Orthologous groups related to heavy-metal tolerance 151

were subject to further analyses while orthologous groups representing putative single-copy nuclear genes (an 152

orthologous group with exactly one gene / species) present in all species were used to build a phylogeny. 153


2.7 Genes present in C. acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii 155

To find an explanation for the different responses to heavy metals in extremophiles and neutrophiles, two 156

approaches to identify genes that are present in C. acidophila but not C. reinhardtii were employed. First, 157

screening for genes related to heavy metal tolerance and detoxification was done based on keywords in the 158

annotation of the C. acidophila transcriptome. Only transcripts that had other organisms than C. reinhardtii as 159

first BLAST match were included. To verify that the identified candidate genes are not present in C. reinhardtii, a 160

local BLASTn search against C. reinhardtii transcripts was performed. Reciprocal BLAST was performed to 161

confirm the matches and confirmed isoforms were used in downstream analyses. 162


Secondly, to identify genes specific to acidophiles, orthologous groups containing both of the extremophiles (C. 164

acidophila and D. acidohila) but not C. reinhardtii were extracted. As a precaution to exclude contaminant 165

sequences, in the absence of reference genomes for the extremophiles, only the orthologous groups containing 166

at least one additional green algal species were kept. In addition transcripts with organellar annotations 167

(mitochondrial or chloroplast) were excluded. Phylogenetic analyses were made for the transcripts with an 168

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annotation related to heavy metal tolerance and detoxification after confirming their absence in C. reinhardtii 169

by a BLASTx against nr database with a cut-off E-value of ≤10−3. 170


2.8 Phylogenetic analyses 172

Sequences were aligned with Mafft (Katoh et al., 2002). For individual genes the alignments were manually 173

edited in PhyDE® v1.0 (Müller et al., 2005) by excluding ends of the alignments which could not be confidently 174

aligned due to length differences and ambiguities in hom*ology assessment. The concatenated data matrix of 175

488 single orthologous groups was trimmed with Trimal (Capella-Gutierrez et al., 2009) using the option -176

gappyout. Bayesian analyses were performed with MrBayes v3.2.1 (Ronquist et al., 2012), applying the 177

suggested search strategies for amino acids (Huelsenbeck et al., 2001; Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). For 178

the individual genes four runs with four chains (1 × 106 iterations each) were run simultaneously while for the 179

concatenated matrix of 488 single orthologous groups four runs with two chains (1 × 106 iterations each) were 180

run. Chains were sampled every 1000 generations and the respective trees written to a tree file. Calculations of 181

the consensus tree and of the posterior probability of clades were performed based upon the trees sampled 182

after the chains converged. The concatenated matrix was also analyzed using RAxML (Stamatakis, 2006; 183

Stamatakis et al., 2008) defining the used model automatically with the option -m PROTGAMMAAUTO. 184

Consensus topologies and support values from the different methodological approaches were compiled and 185

drawn using TreeGraph2 (Stöver and Müller, 2010). 186


2.9 Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) 188

For qRT-PCR protocols established by Díaz et al., (2007) were followed, applying the modifications detailed in 189

Olsson et al., (2017). Actin (ACT1) and 18S were used as endogenous control genes. All qRT-PCR reactions were 190

carried out in an iQTM5 multicolor Real-Time PCR detection System (Bio-Rad) apparatus with the following 191

cycling conditions: (i) 5 min at 95°C to denature reverse transcriptase, (ii) 40 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 55ºC for 30 192

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s and 72ºC after 20 s. Both NTC (no template control) and RT minus control were negative. The real-time 193

dissociation curve was used to check primer specificity and to confirm the presence of a unique PCR product. 194

Standard curves were obtained using 10-fold serial cDNA dilutions and determining the Ct (cycle threshold) 195

values. The standard line parameters (amplification efficiency, slope and correlation coefficient) are reported in 196

Table 1. Analysis of relative gene expression was carried out according to the Standard-curve quantification 197

method (Larinov et al., 2005) from, at least, four independent experiments (each performed in duplicates). 198

Primers for qRT-PCR were designed using the program Primer3 (

bin/primer3/primer3_www.cgi) with default settings. All primers used in this study are listed in Table 2. 200


2.10 Codon usage bias and GC content analyses 202

Complete CDSs (coding DNA sequences) were extracted from the eight algal transcriptomes (Chlamydomonas 203

acidophila, Dunaliella acidophila, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, Micromonas pusilla, 204

Micromonas sp. RCC299, Osterococcus lucimarinus and Volvox carteri) by using the Transdecoder software 205

included in the Trinity suite. GC content and codon and aminoacid usage for each CDS were calculated with 206

GCUA (General Codon Usage Analysis; McInerney, 1998). For each gene, only the longest transcript was 207

included in the analysis. 208


2.11 GO-terms enriched/depleted in particular aminoacids in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles 210

In order to detect Gene Ontology (GO) terms with a significant enrichment/depletion of particular aminoacids 211

in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles, the following procedure was followed. Firstly, we selected the proteins 212

with i) less than 2% of glutamate, ii) less than 2% of aspartate, iii) more than 4% of cysteine, iv) more than 15% 213

of serine. These proteins will henceforth be referred to as “extreme” proteins. The particular aminoacids and 214

the percentage cutoff values were selected after inspection of the aminoacid utilization profiles shown in the 215

figure obtained in the previous section and shown in Additional File 6. For each of the four aminoacids, we then 216

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counted the number of appearances of each GO-term in the “extreme” proteomes and in the “non-extreme” 217

proteomes of the two acidophilic species and the six non-acidophilic species, respectively. This was information 218

used to build the following contingency table for each GO-term, which was subjected to the Fisher’s Exact test 219

in order to assess whether that particular GO-term was significantly enriched (p<0.05) in the extreme fraction 220

of the proteome in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles, that is, was significantly enriched/depleted in that 221

particular aminoacid in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles. 222


# GO-term appearances in the extreme proteome of


# GO-term appearances in the non-extreme proteome

of acidophiles

# GO-term appearances in the extreme proteome of


# GO-term appearances in the non-extreme proteome

of non-acidophiles




3.1 High-throughput sequencing, assembly and taxonomic annotation of C. acidophila transcripts 227

Six single-end Illumina Hi-Seq libraries were sequenced in order to monitor the transcriptomic response of 228

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlamydomonas acidophila to cadmium stress right after cadmium exposure, 229

three hours after exposure and six hours after exposure. A total of 131,128,472 raw reads were generated, of 230

which 66,677,308 passed quality filtering, with the duplication level being consistent with that found in other 231

studies (Gómez-Álvarez et al., 2009). 232


In order to obtain a high quality draft transcriptome for C. acidophila, the reads obtained in this study were 234

pooled together and co-assembled with the reads obtained in Olsson et al., (2015). This yielded 151449 235

transcripts of unique isoforms corresponding to 47411 unique Trinity subcomponents (which can be interpreted 236

as distinct genes), with a N50 of 3212 nucleotides, and average isoform coverage of 54.62X. The pre-processing 237

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and assembly statistics are summarized in Tables 3A and 3B. The hybrid assembly significantly improved the 238

assembly results and genome fraction coverage over the existing assembly from the earlier study (GenBank 239

accession GBAH00000000) for which only 454 reads were used. 240


3.2 Differential expression analysis of transcripts 242

For both species, the gene expression after 3h and 6h of cadmium exposure was compared to the gene 243

expression right before cadmium exposure. H43 (Rubinelli et al., 2002) and Cds1 (Hanikenne et al., 2005) are 244

among the few genes that have been identified to be induced by cadmium in C. reinhardtii. In addition a novel 245

phytochelatin synthase CaPCS2 was recently showed to be strongly induced by Cd in C. acidophila (Olsson et al., 246

2017). Transcripts hom*ologous to these genes were not found to be differentially expressed in this study, 247

possibly due to the strict cutoff values applied. The time and concentration of the exposure might also greatly 248

affect the transcriptomic response of green algae to Cd. Hanikenne et al., (2005) observed a peak of expression 249

in the half-size ABC transporter gene Cds1 at 4 hours after 200-400 µM Cd exposure and argued that the 250

transcript levels of this gene were too low to be detected under the experimental conditions (2 h exposure to 251

25 µM cadmium) used earlier by Rubinelli et al. (2002). On the other hand, Olsson et al., (2017) reported a very 252

strong induction of the gene CaPCS2 in as low concentration as 1 µM. Furthermore, different isoforms might 253

result in different expression values. 254


In this study we focused on genes showing differential gene expression when exposed to very strong Cd 256

exposure. To complement the gene expression profile of selected candidate genes qRT-PCR was performed 257

using different concentrations and time points. 258


3.3 Differentially expressed genes in C. reinhardtii 260

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The low number of transcripts detected to be differentially expressed in C. reinhardtii (Additional File 1) is likely 261

due to the high amount of Cd used in the experiment, which was chosen to give a visible effect on the 262

transcriptomic expression in C. acidophila. 263


The transcripts with highest increase in expression after Cd exposure between control and one of the cadmium 265

treated samples include transcripts coding for an apoptosis-inducing factor, NSG6 protein, NifU-like protein 5, 266

and a vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein, in addition to transcripts with unknown function. Induction 267

of stress related genes, as well as genes operating in metal uptake and export as a response to cadmium has 268

been observed previously in C. reinhardtii (Jamers et al., 2013) as well as in cyanobacteria (Houot et al., 2007). 269

Other differentially expressed genes could not be directly linked to heavy metal detoxification but can 270

nonetheless be related to stress responses. For example, NSG6 is involved in gametogenesis and induced under 271

nitrogen starvation (Abe et al., 2004). Interestingly, gametogenesis in C. reinhardtii leads to an increased 272

production of lipids with use as biofuels (Miller et al., 2010). Here we show that, apart from nitrogen starvation, 273

this process can also be induced by heavy metal stress, opening the way for novel engineering strategies in the 274

search for high oil yields 275


3.4 Differentially expressed genes in C. acidophila 277

The top fifty up regulated higher transcripts are summarized in Additional File 2, and included several 278

transposable elements. Significant upregulation was observed in a transcript annotated as retrotransposon 279

copia (FPKM in 0h 0, 3h 240.83, 6h 840.66 in comp17295_c0_seq16), a transcript annotated as retrovirus-280

related Pol polyprotein from transposon TNT 1-94 (the annotation varies according to isoform, highest FPKM in 281

comp17071_c1_seq27: 0h 1.84, 3h 156.11, 6h 676.71), retrovirus-related Pol polyprotein from transposon 297 282

(comp18064_c0_seq15) and Transposon Ty3-I Gag-Pol polyprotein (comp16440_c0_seq16). Retrotransposons 283

are assumed to be a major driving force for genome evolution through genome organization and gene 284

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regulation in plants (Flavell et al. 1992), some being transferred horizontally (Cheng et al. 2009 and references 285

therein). There are indications that retrovirus and retrotransposons are involved in gene regulation and 286

detoxification of heavy metals. Retrovirus-related Pol polyprotein from transposon TNT 1-94 has been shown to 287

alter its methylation status in Populus alba when grown on heavy metal contaminated soil (Cicatelli et al., 288

2014). Castrillo et al., (2013) showed that heavy-metal stress induced transposon activity in plants. Exposure to 289

Cd strongly increased transposon expression in C. acidophila, which suggests for the first time that heavy-metal 290

stress induces transposon activity also in green algae. 291


There are several transcripts with the annotation arsenite resistance protein ArsB among the differentially 293

expressed genes (comp14907_c0 or comp15936_c0). The annotations are partly incongruent, comp14907_c0 294

getting annotated as arsenite resistance protein ArsB or ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7, while 295

the annotations for comp15936_c0 are arsenite resistance protein ArsB or arsenate reductase. The automated 296

annotation is complicated by the fact that the nomenclature of the ACR3 family ArsB protein overlaps with ArsB 297

of E.coli belonging to the ArsB family (Wu et al., 1992). It was verified from the alignments including all isoforms 298

(data not shown) that all isoforms of one component belong together, and the different annotations are due to 299

lack of highly similar sequences in GenBank of some sequence parts. To avoid confusions in this manuscript the 300

isoforms of comp14907_c0 are referred to arsenical-resistance protein ACR3 and isoforms of comp15936_c0 as 301

ACR3 family arsenite transporter based on the annotation of the consensus sequences of these isoforms. Most 302

differentially expressed transcripts of both comp15936_c0 and comp14907_c0 are strongly induced by Cd, with 303

the exception of comp15936_c0_seq52. However, according to qRT-PCR analyses the ACR3 family arsenite 304

transporter comp_15936_c0 is down-regulated by Cd (Table 4). The incongruent results between the measures 305

based on the gene expression data and the qRT-PCR are likely due to the differences in the used Cd 306

concentrations. 307


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An oil globule associated protein (comp13235_c0_seq1) was detected to be induced by copper by Olsson et al., 309

(2015), and is now shown to be also induced by Cd (FPKM in 0h 0, 3h 10.058, 6 h 30.682). This again highlights 310

the role of heavy metals as inductors of oil production in Chlamydomonas (see previous section). Furthermore, 311

the ability of C. acidophila to tolerate extreme acidity and heavy metal concentrations might help it avoid the 312

contamination issues that commonly hamper microalgal biodiesel production (Siaut et al., 2011; Wang et al., 313

2016). While a detailed study of the oil production potential of C. acidophila is beyond the scope of this 314

manuscript, our findings warrant further investigation on its biotechnological applications. 315


3.5 Species phylogeny based on orthologous sequences 317

We identified 488 single orthologues present in all eight species (Additional File 3), which were used to build a 318

species phylogeny. According to the phylogenomic analyses the genus Chlamydomonas is not monophyletic 319

(Fig. 1). This is not so surprising since Chlamydomonas is known to be polyphyletic and in need for revision, first 320

shown by Buchheim et al., (1990) and confirmed by several later studies (e.g. Leliaert et al., 2012; Nakada et al., 321

2016). However, earlier phylogenies have been based on few molecular markers and now the polyphyly of 322

Chlamydomonas is shown for the first time on a phylogenomic level. Micromonas pusilla was resolved as best 323

root in the species tree. All clades got full support both with MrBayes and RAxML. 324


3.6 Identification of genes unique to C. acidophila 326

Some genes can be important in heavy metal tolerance and metal homeostasis even if their expression is not 327

altered in the presence of the metal. Most phytochelatin synthases, for example, are known to be constitutively 328

expressed but post-translationally activated by heavy metals in plants (Cobbett and Goldsborough, 2002; Rea et 329

al., 2004). To better understand the mechanisms that enable C. acidophila to live in its extremely acid 330

environment we therefore identified genes involved in heavy metal tolerance and detoxification that are 331

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present in C. acidophila but do not have an orthologue in C. reinhardtii, irrespective of their expression. Two 332

approaches were employed. 333


First we identified thirteen candidate genes based on annotations of the transcripts and verified by reciprocal 335

Blast searches as explained in material and methods (Table 5). Of these, in addition to the ACR3 family 336

members discussed above, transcripts with following annotations were up-regulated: several isoforms of 337

mitochondrial carrier protein MTM1 (comp10226_c0), which carries manganese for the mitochondrial 338

superoxide dismutase, and of the MATE efflux family protein DETOXIFICATION 44 (comp12911_c0). To test for 339

changes in gene expression caused by a low Cd exposure and metal specificity, qRT-PCR was performed on a 340

selection of these candidate genes unique to C. acidophila (Table 4). Cells were collected for qRT-PCR at 1, 3 or 341

24 h after exposure to Cd (1 µM), Cu (1mM), Fe (10 mM), As (III) (1mM) or As(V) (5 mM). Due to degraded 342

cDNA Cd and Fe are represented by only two time points each. 343


Cd was noted to somewhat affect the expression of 18S and therefore the relative mRNA expression levels of 345

target genes were normalized against the levels of actin. Surprisingly, none of the tested transcripts were 346

detected to be significantly induced by any of the added metals but significant down-regulation can be 347

observed in most of them (Pair Wise Fixed Reallocation Randomisation test, p<0.01). These incongruences 348

could be due to known methodological caveats in RNA-seq including different expression of the different 349

isoforms, gene duplications or artifacts in assembly and annotation (Conesa et al. 2016). They demonstrate the 350

importance of detailed functional studies of individual genes, although automated studies with massive input 351

can offer useful information about general trends and serve as first step for further studies. 352


Secondly, we employed OrthoFinder to cluster genes and detect those unique to acidophiles (C. acidophila and 354

Dunaliella acidophila). Eighteen genes present in both extremophilic species and at least one further algal 355

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species were extracted from the resulting orthologous groups (Table 6). Three of them (phytochelatin synthase 356

CaPCS2, Arsenical-resistance protein ACR3 and multidrug efflux transporter AcrB) were detected both by the 357

first method based on key word search for metal tolerance from the annotations and the second method based 358

on filtering of orthologous groups. 359


Some of the key candidate genes highlighted in this study have been shown to enhance heavy metal tolerance 361

in C. acidophila or other organisms. The phytochelatin synthase CaPCS2 was shown to be strongly induced by 362

Cd in C. acidophila and cloning and expression of the gene in Escherichia coli clearly improved its cadmium 363

resistance (Olsson et al. 2017). Cobalamin has been shown to protect against oxidative stress in the acidophilic 364

iron-oxidizing bacterium Leptospirillum (Ferrer et al., 2016). Arsenical-resistance protein ACR3 is suggested to 365

be a key trait to its arsenic tolerance in the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata (Indriolo et al., 2010) and it 366

might similarly enhance the tolerance to heavy metals in C. acidophila. Arsenite resistance efflux pump ArsB, 367

which pumps arsenite and antimonite, but not arsenate or cadmium, was first described in E. coli (Wu et al., 368

1992. Our results suggest that these genes could be key traits for heavy-metal hypertolerance in C. acidophila. It 369

has been proposed in other extremophiles as well that just a few key genes would be responsible for their 370

hypertolerance to heavy-metals, for example Fer1 in the acidophilic archaeon Ferroplasma acidarmanus (Baker-371

Austin et al., 2007). 372


3.7 Phylogenetic distribution of candidate key genes involved in heavy-metal hyper-tolerance in C. acidophila 374

Most of the transcripts not present in C. reinhardtii with an annotation related to heavy metal tolerance are 375

most closely related to genes in other green algae or vascular plants (Fig. 2A and Additional File 4). However, 376

some transcripts get a first Blast hit in other algae, fungi, prokaryotes and amoebozoa. The phylogenetic 377

distribution patterns in these genes can be explained by ancient gene duplications, loss in some lineages or 378

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horizontal gene transfer, and according to our results there are more than one explanation for the origin of 379

these genes. 380


The mitochondrial carrier MTM1 (comp_10226, Fig. 2B), DETOXIFICATION 44 protein (comp_12911, Additional 382

File 4) and arsenite-antimonite efflux family (comp_15332, Additional File 4) include both green algae and 383

Chromalveolata among the most closely related genes. The phytochelatin synthase CaPCS2 (comp 11852, 384

Additional File 4), which is located within a clade of prokaryotic genes, has been functionally characterized and 385

shown to likely originate from horizontal gene transfer from bacteria (Olsson et al., 2017). The cobalamin 386

biosynthesis protein CobW contains two gene copies in C. acidophila (comp15241_c0_seq3 and 387

comp15241_c0_seq6), of which one is similar to C. reinhardtii but the other is more similar to bacterial 388

hom*ologues (Fig. 2C). 389


Similarly, the genes not present in C. reinhardtii extracted with OrthoFinder have variable phylogenetic 391

distribution patterns (Fig. 3). Some of the genes are nested in a clade containing mainly bacteria (e.g. 392

dioxygenase) and could be horizontally transferred. But for others, like transmembrane protein 393

comp9629_c0_seq1 are closely related only to green algae and gene loss is a more likely explanation for their 394

presence in C. acidophila but absence in C. reinhardtii. 395


3.8 Codon code and aminoacid usage analysis 397

The transcripts belonging to each of the analyzed species (Chlamydomonas acidophila, Chlamydomonas 398

reinhardtii, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, Dunaliella acidophila, Micromonas pusilla, Micromonas sp. RC299, 399

Ostreococcus lucimarinus and Volvox carteri) clearly clustered together with regards to their Relative 400

Synonymous Codon Usage (Fig. 4a), showing the presence of distinct codon usage biases, even within 401

phylogenetically close species. For the most part, those differences did not result in different aminoacid usage 402

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(Fig. 4b). The majority of the transcripts clustered together regardless of their source organism, except for a 403

large set of transcripts from C. reinhardtii and the two Micromonas species, which clustered independently. 404

Both C. acidophila and D. acidophila showed similar utilization profiles for several aminoacids, particularly an 405

enrichment in serine and cysteine, and a depletion in glutamic and aspartic acids when compared to the non-406

acidophilic species (Fig. 5a, Additional File 5). This depletion in Glu and Asp in acidophiles was also observed by 407

Goodarzi et al. (2008), but their study only included bacterial and archaeal genomes. To the best of our 408

knowledge, this is the first study which proposes that the same can also be true in eukaryotes. We further 409

calculated which GO-terms were significantly depleted in Glu and Asp, or enriched in Cys and Ser, in the 410

acidophilic species when compared to the non-acidophilic species (Fig. 5b, Additional File 6). In the four cases, 411

the significant GO-terms chiefly belonged to the binding, catalytic activity, and transporter activity base 412

categories. These four modifications (lower Glu, lower Asp, higher Cys and higher Ser contents) are likely 413

related to optimizations for acidic environments. For example, Glu and Asp are negatively charged in neutral 414

conditions, but become neutral at lower pHs, which cancels their ability to stabilize proteins via salt bridges 415

(Anderson et al., 1990). On the other hand, the higher content of cystein could contribute to metal 416

detoxification and provide extra stability via disulfide bonds. 417


While the differences in total amino acid usage between organisms in acidophilic environments are usually 419

caused mostly by a limited number of amino acids (Goodarzi et al. 2008), the observed differences in codon 420

usage might be due to stronger selection pressure for codon optimization in extreme environments. Natural 421

selection acting through external environmental factors can shape the genomic pattern of synonymous codon 422

usage in extremophilic prokaryotes (Lynn et al. 2002; Zeldovic 2007), and our study is the first to suggest this to 423

be true also in eukaryotes. 424


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The GC contents of a large amount of transcripts in all codon positions are different (Fig. 6) and can’t be 426

explained by, for example, GC-content differences in a few horizontally transferred genes. Differences in the 427

first codon position affect the amino acid usage while differences in the third position are likely due to 428

preferences for different synonymous codons. Our results confirm that the overall genome-wide GC content is 429

the most significant parameter in explaining codon bias differences between organisms, suggested by 430

Hershberg and Petrov (2008). 431


3.9 Conclusions 433

The results of this study, including the most complete published transcriptome of C. acidophila and a set of 434

identified orthologous genes between eight green algae, increase the genomic information available on green 435

algae and extremophilic eukaryotes, highlight the adaptations mechanisms used by algae to thrive in acidic 436

environments, and provide a valuable resource for comparative studies on green algae from different habitats. 437

Further work should focus on detailed analyses of individual genes and applied exploitation of the results, 438

including engineering heavy metal tolerance in green algae for environmental and economic interests. 439




This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) [CGL2011-22540, 443

AYA2011-24803]; the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant [250350]. F. Puente-Sánchez was 444

supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER [CTM2013-48292-C3-2-R]. We acknowledge the Data Intensive 445

Academic Grid (DIAG) computing infrastructure (funded by National Science Foundation [0959894]) as well as 446

CSC – Finnish IT Center for Science and the Finnish grid infrastructure (FGI) for the allocation of computational 447

resources. Kimmo Mattila is acknowledged for help with setting up the OrthoFinder analysis pipeline. None of 448

the co-authors declare a conflict of interest. 449

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Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships based on 488 nuclear single orthologous genes clustered with OrthoFinder

and present in all eight species (Chlamydomonas acidophila, Dunaliella acidophila, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,

Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, Micromonas pusilla, Micromonas sp. RCC299, Osterococcus lucimarinus and Volvox

carteri). The trees represent the majority consensus of trees sampled after stationarity in the Bayesian analysis.

Posterior probability values from the Bayesian inference are indicated above, the corresponding bootstrap

values of the maximum likelihood analysis below the branches.

Figure 2. Simplified phylogenetic analyses of transcripts coding for genes with an annotation related to

heavy metal tolerance and present in C. acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii. The phylograms represent

the majority consensus of trees sampled after stationarity in the Bayesian analysis. PP values equal or

greater than 0.50 are shown above branches. The scale bar indicates relative distance between different

sequences based on mutation rate. A) peroxisome isogenesis protein comp_10128 B) mitochondrial

carrier comp 10226 C) cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobW comp_15241.

Figure 3. Simplified phylogenetic analyses of transcripts coding for genes that are involved in heavy metal

tolerance and are present in C. acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii extracted from the results from the

search for orthologous genes with OrthoFinder. The phylograms represent the majority consensus of

trees sampled after stationarity in the Bayesian analysis. PP values equal or greater than 0.50 are shown

above branches. The scale bar indicates relative distance between different sequences based on

mutation rate. A) 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase comp18202_c0_seq7 B) Dioxygenase comp13804_c0_seq4 C)

Transmembrane protein 230 comp9629_c0_seq1 D) Cocaine esterase comp3348_c0_seq1 E) SDR-family

protein with acetoacetyl-CoA reductase activity comp_14433_c0_seq1.

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Figure 4. a) Correspondence analysis showing the distribution of transcripts (points) according to their Relative

Synonymous Codon Usage distribution and b) Correspondence analysis showing the distribution of transcripts

(points) according to the aminoacid usage bias of their predicted ORFs. The percentage of inertia explained by

each axis is indicated in the axis caption. Transcripts are coloured by their source genome.

Figure 5. a) Distribution of Glu, Asp, Cys and Ser contents in the predicted ORFs from the eight species analyzed

in this study. The ORFs included in the green area (low Glu, low Asp, high Cys and high Ser) were subjected to a

GO-term enrichment analysis between the two acidophilic species and the rest. b) Summary of the Molecular

Function GO-terms found to be significantly enriched (p<0.05) in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles, when

focusing in the low Glu, low Asp, high Cys, and high Ser fractions of the proteomes. Full results are provided in

Additional File 6.

Figure 6. Scatterplots showing the GC content on each transcript (points) in the three different codon positions.

Transcripts are coloured by their source genome.

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Table 1. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR standard-curve parameters for selected transcripts present in C.

acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii and the expression control (housekeeping) genes 18S rNA and actin. S=

slope, R2= correlation coefficient, E= amplification efficiency.

Gene S R2 E

ACR3 -2.858 0.99 2.24 Arsenite transporter -2.885 0.97 2.22 AcrB -3.04 0.99 2.13 Glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux family

-2.823 1 2.26

MATE efflux protein -3.079 0.99 2.11 Arsenite-antimonite efflux family

-2.96 0.96 2.18

Table 2. Primers used for quantitative real-time RT-PCR used in this study. For each region, forward (F) and reverse

(R) primers are indicated, as well as product size.

Gene Primer name 5' Sequence 3' F/R Product size (bp) Multidrug efflux transporter AcrB comp_16471





Arsenite transporter comp_15936



MATE efflux protein comp_12911


comp12911_MATE-R CACTCCTGCCAGTCCTAACC R Arsenite-antimonite efflux family comp_15332



Glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux family comp_16013

comp16013_K-efflux-F CGCTAGAAATTCCCAACCAG F 87


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Table 3. Sequence statistics on A) Illumina sequencing and for comparison, statistics on 454 reads from Olsson

et al., (2015) are also shown. B) transcriptome assembly with Trinity using a hybrid assembly strategy

combining 454 reads with Illumina reads.

Illumina sequencing

Library Condition Raw reads Input bases (Gb) Trimmed reads Discarded sequences (including duplicates)

J1 Reinhardtii-0h 21243002 1.61 451530 9504620

J2 Reinhadtii-3h 21819884 1.66 459756 10645037

J3 Reinhadtii-6h 19474228 1.48 438115 9709139

J4 Acidophila-0h 23656624 1.80 477750 11356978

J5 Acidophila-3h 22928585 1.74 503621 11287054

J6 Acidophila-6h 22006149 1.67 466332 11948336

454 data from Olsson et al., (2015)

Input 454 reads Simulated Illumina reads Normalized simulated pairs

1021062 458306001 7717263


Hybrid assembly Input pairs 7717263 Input SE reads 33998990 Bases in assembly (Mb) 293 Trinity genes 47411 Trinity isoforms 151449 Isoform median length 1398 Isoform mean length 1936.66 Range of isoform lengths 201-19360 Isoform N50 3212 Isoform mean coverage 54.62X Isoform std coverage 107.15X Isoforms after filtering 129188 Isoforms after filtering with nr BLAST matches 87676

Table 4. Results of gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR of selected genes present in C. acidophila but not in C.

reinhardtii. The cells were collected at 1, 3 or 24 hours after exposure to 1 µM Cd solution (CdCl2 X 2 ½ H2O),

1mM Cu (CuSO4 X 5H2O), 10 mM Fe (FeSO4 X 7H2O), 1mM As (III) (AsNaO2) or 5 mM As(V) (Na2HAsO4). The relative

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (32)

mRNA expression levels of target genes were normalized against the levels of actin and 18S. The fold induction

and SD for each target gene is shown. ACR3 comp14907 = arsenical-resistance protein ACR3, ACR3 comp15936 =

ACR3 family arsenite transporter, MATE comp12911 = MATE efflux protein, Arsenite-antimonite comp15332 =

Arsenite-antimonite efflux family, AcrB comp16471 = Multidrug efflux transporter AcrB, MATE comp12911 =

MATE efflux protein. Nd = Not defined.

ACR3 comp14907

ACR3 comp15936

MATE comp12911

Arsenite-antimonite comp15332

AcrB comp16471

MATE comp12911

Cd 1h -12,98 ± 1,97 -513 ± 126,1 -675,6 ± 79,1 -2327 ± 574 -761 ± 112 -8,1 ± 2,5

Cd 24h -6,36 ± 0,8 -14,3 ± 3,6 -20,62 ± 3,0 -2862 ± 599 -609 ± 113 -12,5± 3,3

As(III) 1h 0,52 ± 0,06 -1,19 ± 0,09 -1,04 ± 0,3 -10,2 ± 1,4 -13,5 ± 2 -0,7 ± 0,1

As(III) 3h -293,79 ± 36,59 -1824 ± 138 -731,7 ± 135,4 -15158 ± 1135 -3142 ± 378 -4,2 ± 1,2

As(III) 24h -11,7 ± 1,45 -3445 ± 261 -314,9 ± 46,1 -3531 ± 864 -476 ± 70 -18 ± 5,4

Cu 1h 4,15 ± 0,52 -3687 ± 1012 3,38 ± 1,1 -3,8 ± 1,2 -6639 ± 786 -55 ± 11,7

Cu 3h 4,65 ± 0,5 -6358 ± 2424 5,6 ± 0,4 -11,48 ± 3,3 -690 ± 81 -1,5 ± 0,4

Cu 24h 1,04 ± 0,12 -170,2 ± 35,7 -26,02 ± 3,9 -554,9 ± 89 -207 ± 30 -47 ± 12

Fe 3h Nd Nd 1,31 ± 0,2 -819,8 ± 94,7 Nd Nd

Fe 24h 0,36 ± 0,05 1,18 ± 0,2 0,8 ± 0,1 -2,2 ± 0,3 Nd Nd

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Table 5. Transcripts coding for genes that are involved in heavy metal tolerance present in C. acidophila but not

in C. reinhardtii based on transcript annotations.

Contig name Putative function BLAST top match organism BLAST match



comp10128_c0_seq1 Peroxisome isogenesis Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005647114 3.01E-39

comp10226_c0_seq5 Mitochondrial carrier Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005652123 3.95E-27

comp11852_c0_seq1 Phytochelatin synthase Calothrix sp. YP_007140091 6.44E-30

comp12911_c0_seq40 Protein DETOXIFICATION 44 Chlorella variabilis EFN56963 6.62E-22

comp13602_c0_seq11 NRAMP family protein Volvox carteri XP_002947173 5.89E-153

comp14042_c0_seq2 ABC-ATPase Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005643834 1.62E-92

comp14907_c0_seq53 Arsenical-resistance protein ACR3 Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005649016 1.99E-29

comp15241_c0_seq3 Cobalamin biosynthesis CobW Chlamydomonas reinhardtii XP_001699037 7.26E-60

comp15241_c0_seq6 Cobalamin biosynthesis CobW Burkholderia vietnamiensis YP_001117931 1.28E-80

comp15332_c0_seq3 Arsenite-antimonite efflux family Guillardia theta EKX52062 3.20E-66

comp15936_c0_seq52 ACR3 family arsenite transporter ArsB Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005649501 6.10E-54

comp16013_c0_seq1 Glutathione-regulated potassium-

efflux system

Volvox carteri XP_002953483 8.63E-37

comp16471_c0_seq3 Multidrug efflux transporter AcrB Zea mays AFW59203 4.15E-58

comp17557_c1_seq9 Multidrug resistance-associated


Coccomyxa subellipsoidea XP_005651467 1.59E-144

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Table 6. Transcripts coding for genes that are involved in heavy metal tolerance present in C. acidophila but not

in C. reinhardtii filtered from orthologous groups defined with OrthoFinder. Orthologous groups with

annotations related to heavy metal tolerance and detoxification are marked with *. In the case of groups

including several transcripts, the Blast hit organism and accession refers to the first one.



Contig name Putative function BLAST top match


BLAST match



OG0001276 comp13064_c0_seq2, comp15004_c0_seq1 Tripeptidyl-peptidase 1 Polysphondylium


EFA84081 1.38e-17

OG0001752 comp12567_c0_seq1 Amino acid permease 2 Capsella rubella EOA20485 3.33e-60

OG0001782 comp15790_c0_seq1 Alpha-1,3-




XP_005651392 9.52e-92

OG0003420 comp16380_c0_seq1 Metal-nicotianamine


Amborella trichopoda ERN09450 5.88e-32

OG0003495 comp18202_c0_seq7 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase Galdieria sulphuraria XP_005708092 0.0

OG0004374 comp18062_c0_seq1 Abhydrolase domain-

containing protein



XP_002957250 2.33e-05

OG0004475* comp11852_c0_seq1 Phytochelatin synthase Calothrix sp. YP_007140091 6.44E-30

OG0005070 comp16077_c0_seq9 G-box-binding factor 1 Brassica napus CAA58774 1.33e-10

OG0005487* comp14907_c0_seq15 Arsenical-resistance

protein ACR3



XP_005649016 1.45e-85

OG0005928* comp13804_c0_seq4 dioxygenase Volvox carteri XP_002957190 2.32e-53

OG0006489 comp13735_c0_seq3 Snurportin-1 Physcomitrella patens XP_001763666 5.34e-49

OG0006590* comp16471_c0_seq1 multidrug efflux

transporter AcrB

Arabidopsis thaliana OAP00250 5.35e-63

OG0007003 comp14473_c0_seq1 Ankyrin-1 Aegilops tauschii EMT31987 3.47e-56

OG0007890* comp9629_c0_seq1 Transmembrane protein


Physcomitrella patens XP_001772694 2.89e-17

OG0008459* comp3348_c0_seq1 Cocaine esterase Achromobacter


WP_006387564 1.35e-80

OG0009876* comp14433_c0_seq1 SDR-family protein with


reductase activity

Sphingobium japonicum YP_003545425 9.92e-41

OG0010052 comp17871_c0_seq9 Hisitidine kinase Synechocystis sp. WP_009631601 1.298e-39

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (35)


Additional File 1. C. reinhardtii transcripts with a log2 fold change higher than 6 and FPKM of more than 20 in

at least one sample. Normalized expression of the transcripts in each condition (0h, 3h and 6h after exposure to

cadmium), their putative annotation and sequence length are shown. Transcripts are ordered by FPKM values

at 6h.

Additional File 2. C. acidophila RT46 transcripts with a log2 fold change higher than 6 and FPKM of more than

20 in at least one sample. Normalized expression of the transcripts in each condition (0h, 3h and 6h after

exposure to cadmium) and their putative annotation are shown. Transcripts are ordered by FPKM values at 6h.

Additional File 3. Data matrix used for the phylogenomic analysis, containing 488 single orthologous groups of

proteins clustered with OrthoFinder present in all species (Chlamydomonas acidophila, Chlamydomonas

reinhardtii, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, Dunaliella acidophila, Micromonas pusilla, Micromonas sp. RC299,

Osterosoccus lucimarinus and Volvox carteri).

Additional File 4. Simplified phylogenetic analyses of transcripts coding for genes with an annotation related to

heavy metal tolerance and present in C. acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii. The trees represent the majority

consensus of trees sampled after stationarity in the Bayesian analysis. PP values equal or greater than 0.50 are

shown above branches. A) ACR3 comp_14907 and comp_15936 B) DETOXIFICATION 44 protein comp_12911 C)

NRAMP family comp_13602 D) ABC-ATPase comp_14042 E) Arsenite-antimonite efflux family comp_15332 F)

Glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux comp_16013 G) Multidrug efflux transporter AcrB comp_16471 H)

Multidrug resistance-associated protein comp_17557.

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Additional File 5. Aminoacid utilization profiles for the different species. There is one cumulative frequency plot

for each aminoacid.

Additional File 6. GO terms enriched in acidophiles versus non-acidophiles in the low-Glu, low-Asp, high-Cys,

and high-Ser fractions of the proteome.

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A) OG0003495: 2-hydroxyacyl-CoA lyase comp18202_c0_seq7

B) OG0005928: Dioxygenase comp13804_c0_seq4

C) OG0007890: Transmembrane protein 230 comp9629_c0_seq1

Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (40)

D) OG0008459: Cocaine esterase comp3348_c0_seq1

E) OG0009876: SDR-family protein with acetoacetyl-CoA reductase activity comp_14433_c0_seq1

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Additional File 4. Simplified phylogenetic analyses of additional transcripts coding for

genes with an annotation related to heavy metal tolerance and present in C.

acidophila but not in C. reinhardtii. The phylograms represent the majority consensus

of trees sampled after stationarity in the Bayesian analysis. PP values equal or greater

than 0.50 are shown above branches. The scale bar indicates relative distance

between different sequences based on mutation rate. A) ACR3 comp_14907 and

comp_15936 B) MATE efflux protein comp_12911 C) NRAMP family comp_13602 D)

ABC-ATPase comp_14042 E) arsenite-antimonite efflux family comp_15332 F)

glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux comp_16013 G) multidrug efflux transporter

AcrB comp_16471 H) multidrug resistance-associated protein comp_17557.

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Basis of genetic adaptation to heavy metal stress in the ... - [PDF Document] (2024)
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